南沙IFC,广州 | Aedas

百科   2024-11-10 09:05   福建  

在明珠湾商务办公区——灵山岛岛尖的门户区域,Aedas 打造了一座地标性高端办公商务综合体。设计以“灵山之翼“为概念,两座双子塔由空中连廊彼此连接,在精心调整的高度与比例之间,达成完美的金分割,以犹如双翼展翅之姿俯冲海面,形成极具张力与几何美的建筑轮廓,并通过弧线形连桥与南侧的双子塔联通,一同构建出昌盛腾飞的建筑姿态,寓意着城市的锐意进取。
Nansha IFC is located on the Eastern end of Lingshan Island, Nansha District of Guangzhou, China. The mixed-use development is comprised of two office towers and two residential towers. The design objective is to emphasise seaview as a main attraction, and draw in tenants with the supplement of commercial elements. The outline of the architecture is traced by multiple geometric shapes by way of echoing with its environment. The twin towers, fastened with the sky garden, mimic the sprawling wings of an eagle. The design takes the ocean waves as blueprint, appropriating the undulating streaks as the building’s facade. Celebrating the expansive view, the curtain wall is composed of slanted glass panels that serve to block out glare and prevent light reflection. The tilted roof structure dips in the center, which symbolises fortune flowing into the development.

建筑面积:217,257 平方米

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