
时事   科技互联网   2024-08-18 07:05   美国  



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My walkaway experience: Our media acts as a cheerleader for the left rather than practicing journalism

I trusted the MSM media in 2016 and even cried when Trump won—a rare emotional response for me. My family decided to explore rural areas 'Trumpland' to see things firsthand. The trips surprised us.

If we can cure cancer, we can conquer Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) too—so long as the person values freedom and is passionate about seeking the truth.

The sooner someone realizes that our media is part of the Democratic campaign, the quicker they'll find the truth by balancing different sources of information. Our media isn't practicing journalism; it's cheerleading for the left. What's worse is that people know Trump is a candidate and don't expect him to be neutral, but many still view the media as neutral instead of recognizing it as a major ally of the left.

When did our media start waging a culture war?

I trusted the mainstream media(MSM) in 2016 and even cried when Trump won—a rare moment for me, as I'm not an emotional person. I still remember the next day when I went to a gas station and randomly saw a white person, I started to wonder if I was encountering a supremacist. The propaganda can truly create psychological fear in everyday life. My wake-up moment came when a Chinese liberal friend mentioned he used to visit Great Smoky Mountain National Park (GSMNP) every year but canceled future trips out of fear of white supremacy after Trump’s rise.

As a former North Carolina resident who had visited GSMNP multiple times without encountering any discrimination, I realized that I needed to break out of this pessimistic mindset. My family and I decided to explore rural areas, the so-called 'Trumpland,' to see things firsthand. We traveled to places we wouldn’t have considered before 2016, like West Virginia and Oklahoma. Instead of hostility, we were met with warmth and hospitality. A few years ago, my family has moved to a red state, and we live in a deep red area. I truly enjoy the culture and the people here. My views on family, children, and religion have changed significantly compared to eight years ago, and I'm fortunate to have had another child before it would have been completely impossible. All these changes are thanks to my transition from a liberal to a conservative woman.

I've been away from China for 20 more years, and this year marks the point where I've lived outside of China (including 3 years in Switzerland) longer than I lived there. In all that time, I've only encountered racist slurs twice in the U.S. The first was during a trip to California in 2008 when a seemingly drunk guy shouted, 'Chinese? F**k you!' at me. The second time was just yesterday when a Harris voter in X told me to go back to China. My response was that woke/BlueAnon racists don't own this country any more than I do. They have no right to tell any American to 'go back' to where they came from. In fact, they should consider self-deporting as anti-freedom radicals.

On the other hand, Trump's policies convinced me that he is a patriot who loves America, knows how to stand up to our adversaries, and encourages our allies to be more sincere in their friendship with us. I personally benefited from his China-U.S. policy, as both censorship of Chinese Americans and the *** activities significantly decreased during Trump’s time in office, only to rise again since Biden-Harris started the new administration. I eventually feel fortunate that we had him as our president, especially after witnessing his heroic actions during the assassination attempt. Only a leader with true courage could react that way without a script or rehearsal.

We cannot afford four years of the far-left Harris-Walz ticket. Yet, the media is backing Harris for election. The media and polling industry often oversample Democrats to skew results in her favor. For example, they surveyed 570 Democrats but only 397 Republicans.

Another recent example, the FT poll sampled 1,001 voters, including 38% Democrats, 27% Independents, 35% Republicans.
However, according to Gallup, the voter distribution is 28% Democrat, 41% Independent, 30% Republican. So, it's a biased poll that potentially favors Democrats.
Here’s an alternative way to confirm it. While 37% of Americans have a high school education or less(fig1), in FT’s poll, only 29% of voters fall into this category(fig2). We know that 59% of high school graduates or less support the GOP, compared to 39% who support Democrats(fig3). This is another attempt to downplay Trump’s support and inflate Harris’s poll numbers.
The media's support of Harris and their labeling of concerns about Biden's cognitive decline as far-right misinformation is essentially telling people not to trust their own eyes and ears. This is a dangerous echo of Soviet history, especially for someone like me who has lived through ****—it's a wake-up call.

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Another discussion regarding the accusation that "January 6th was a coup".

Why do you still think January 6th(J6) was a coup? TDS makes it counterproductive to discuss politics in a rational manner.

Thank you for tirelessly echoing King's Media's narratives. It's amusing that in a supposedly free country with so many tools at our hands, people with IQs of 140 or higher can still fall so hard for one side's propaganda. The proud side is truly making a new religion—MEDIAity—great again.

Regarding January 6th, based on mainstream media reports and Congressional hearings, it has been a mainstream movement (1), not one involving an assassination plot against VP Pence(2). There are also claims that some suspicious individuals, possibly antifa and even Feds, may have incited the riots(3). Pelosi declined to increase security. Trump called for a peaceful rally. Jacob Chansley, labeled by the media as the 'QAnon Shaman' and a prominent 'riot leader,' actually called for peaceful protest and urged people to go home. While hundreds of protesters were arrested, some were indicted simply for entering the Capitol. The only person who died on January 6th was a Trump supporter, and the only police officer Brian Sicknick who passed away the next day by natural causes, despite fake news suggesting he died from injuries caused by a fire extinguisher on J6(4). 

In summary, your proud side sees it as a coup, while my side views it as patriots exercising their First Amendment rights—some were set up to appear as rioters, some engaged in violent actions, but no one actually plotted for it. It was more peaceful than the so-called 'peaceful BLM protests' in the summer of 2020.

1. University of Chicago professor Richard Pape, who has been studying the January 6 for a year, tells "Face the Nation" that the people participating in it were "mainstream" and not on the fringe.  
2. The FBI Director disagreed with the assessment that "gallows" erected on January 6th were intended to assassinate Vice President Mike Pence. 
3. Rep. Massie Asks AG Garland If Feds Incited The 1/6 Riot 
4. Medical examiner finds USCP Officer Brian Sicknick died of natural causes 





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