
政务   2024-10-17 20:07   上海  





昆山是昆曲的发源地,昆曲融合了诗歌、音乐、复杂的服装和优美的表演。2001 年,这项拥有 600 年历史的中国传统表演艺术被联合国教科文组织列为人类口头和非物质遗产代表作之一。


The act is both a challenge and a passion





通过与该平台的合作,她和其他七位表演者每月至少直播 20 个小时的演出。他们的目标简单而又雄心勃勃:让新一代观众了解他们的表演,因为观众可能会对在歌剧院观看长达两三个小时的演出感到犹豫不决。

For performers like You Tengteng, an actress at the Kunshan Contemporary Kunqu Theater, the act is both a challenge and a passion. After a long day of rehearsal, You and her colleagues discuss their latest performance strategies not in a traditional theater but on Douyin, a Chinese video-sharing platform.

In partnership with the platform, You and seven other performers livestream their shows for at least 20 hours each month. The goal is simple yet ambitious: to reach a new generation of audiences who might hesitate to sit through a two or three-hour-long performance in an opera house.







One of the challenges is interpretation — not from language to language but from centuries-old art to the flickering screens of smartphones.To draw audiences in the digital age, the performers have condensed the intricate art form into digestible one-hour segments, inviting viewers to experience Kunqu in more relaxed settings, whether over tea at a cafe or within the walls of a museum.

The strategy seems to be working, particularly among Chinese youth. After performances, it is common to see young fans eagerly lining up for selfies and autographs with the performers. Their newfound enthusiasm for this ancient art is a testament to its evolving relevance.

You was not surprised to see the heartening trend. "The aesthetics of Chinese culture, ancient and modern, are continuous," she says. "What we strive to inherit is not just the technique but the pursuit of beauty that has always existed."

"Kunqu reflects societal values, many of which were born in the feudal era. This tension between the past and present is where we find space for innovation, reimagining the stories of old to resonate with modern audiences," she adds.

Commitment to preserving and promoting goes beyond the stage






One innovation was seen in the Kunshan Contemporary Kunqu Theater's production of The Story of Washing Gauze, a play written in the 16th century. The story centers around Xi Shi, a legendary beauty from ancient China who sacrifices her happiness to serve her country.

In the original ending, after years of separation and war, Xi Shi reunites with her lover and lives happily ever after. However, the modern production altered the ending, leaving it open and tinged with sorrow. The reimagining struck a chord with audiences, many of whom praised the new ending for its emotional depth and realism, noting that it made Xi Shi's character more relatable to modern viewers.



昆山保护和推广昆曲的决心不仅限于舞台。在过去几年中,昆山昆剧院举办了 2500 多场演出和巡演,吸引了来自国内外的 2000 多万观众。

此外,自 2018 年以来,当地政府已投入 1.77 亿元(2505 万美元),用于资助新剧目、支持排练场地和补贴演出。

Kunshan's commitment to preserving and promoting Kunqu goes beyond the stage. Over the last few years, the Kunshan Kunqu theater has held more than 2,500 performances and tours, drawing over 20 million attendees from China and abroad.

In addition, the local government has invested 177 million yuan ($25.05 million) to fund new productions, support rehearsal spaces and subsidize performances since 2018.



昆山不仅致力于传承昆曲,还致力于传承中国多样的戏曲传统。自 2018 年起,一年一度的中国戏曲晚会(昆山)由文化和旅游部、省政府主办。晚会展示了348个传统戏曲剧目,让这些已濒临灭绝的艺术形式,如木偶戏和皮影戏,重新成为人们关注的焦点,并提供一个艺术交流的平台。



Kunshan's commitment extends to preserving not only Kunqu but also the diverse opera traditions of China. Since 2018, the annual Chinese Opera Gala (Kunshan) has been hosted by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the provincial government. The gala showcases 348 traditional operas, including puppetry and shadow plays, bringing these art forms — many of which are endangered — into the spotlight and providing a platform for artistic exchange.

Kunshan's role as the birthplace of Kunqu Opera has positioned the city as a guardian of traditional Chinese opera, says Zhou Wei, Party chief of Kunshan. Through the construction of a museum dedicated to local operas and by hosting the annual national event, Kunshan endeavors to become a space for art exchange and growth.

"We want to create a broad stage for different operas to flourish and integrate traditional culture with the modern world," Zhou says.


  1. blend  v. (和某物)混合;融合;(使)调和;掺和;调制

  2. Intangible  adj.无形的(指没有实体存在的资本性资产);难以形容(或理解)的;不易度量的

  3. condense  v.压缩;(使气体)凝结;(使)浓缩;(由气体)冷凝;简缩(文字、信息等);变浓;变稠

  4. intricate  adj.错综复杂的

  5. testament  n.证明;证据

  6. aesthetics  n.美学

  7. feudal  adj.封建(制度)的

  8. tinged  adj.显出(某种情感或品质)的;略带有…色的

  9. subsidize  v.补贴;资助;补助;给…发津贴




China Daily

本文由 上海公安学院学生会 出品

编辑|孙凯文 盛怡云

初审|郑俞涵 邱晟嘉



