在 2024 年,苹果推出的 iPhone 16 Pro Max 凭借全新的屏幕边缘缩小结构技术,成功地大幅缩减了屏幕边缘的宽度,尽管灵动岛的尺寸并未改变,但得益于边缘的收窄,屏幕占比获得显著提升,为用户带来了更具沉浸感的视觉体验。据韩国媒体消息,苹果公司对于当前的超窄边框设计成果并未满足,已经向三星和 LG 下达了新的研发任务,旨在开发出更为先进的无边框屏幕技术。有爆料称,苹果计划在 iPhone 18 Pro Max 上首次应用这一突破性设计,然而从现阶段的研发情况来看,苹果在实现这一目标的道路上似乎遇到了不小的阻碍,诸多技术难题亟待攻克,其最终能否按时达成预期效果,仍充满变数,引发了业界和消费者的广泛关注与猜测。
所以啊,iPhone 18 Pro Max想要达成真正的无边框屏幕,似乎不太靠谱呢。尽管小编认为iPhone 18 Pro Max采用无边框全面屏这种事不太可靠,但实际上我们能发现苹果是铁了心要从屏幕细节之处进行优化升级的。可以想象,无边框的iPhone手机让众多果粉激动不已。由于iPhone 18 Pro Max的无边框屏幕显示效果和Apple Watch的屏幕技术类似,苹果期望整个iPhone手机都采用纯直面屏,达成屏幕一体化的设计,边缘没有任何微曲面的设计,让整个屏幕看起来光滑又平整。那么iPhone 18 Pro Max现在面临着什么问题呢?三星和LG需要为苹果研发TFE屏幕薄膜封装技术,这样才能防止OLED面板边缘部分遭受湿气和氧气的影响。
就目前而言,若想达成特定的技术目标,三星和 LG 有必要携手合作,共同研发一种前所未有的光学透明粘合剂材料,从而使屏幕与边框之间能够无缝紧密贴合。与此同时,苹果公司也需对 iPhone 18 Pro Max 的机身内部构造进行深度优化,例如重新布局屏幕下方的天线及其他相关组件的位置。 在实验室的理想环境下,这些技术设想具备实现的可能性。然而一旦涉及到量产环节,就不得不面对良品率这一关键问题。良品率的高低直接影响着材质的损耗程度,当良品率降低时,不仅会导致 iPhone 18 Pro Max 的屏幕生产成本大幅攀升,还极有可能引发备货数量难以满足市场需求的状况,进而对产品的市场推广与供应稳定性造成负面影响。
去年在国外的某个论坛上,三星的一位屏幕供应商高管提及了零边框屏幕,其采用的是与面板下摄像头(UPC)技术相关的显示技术。目前还不能确定苹果是否会在2027年之前把Face ID和前置摄像头设置在显示屏下方,但这无疑是一项重大的设计变革。要是iPhone 18 Pro Max无法实现这一设计,而2027年发布的iPhone 19 Pro Max能够配备的话,那意义可就非常重大了。毕竟这一年是iPhone手机发布二十周年,也是iPhone全面屏手机发布十周年。
无可否认,一款搭载完美、无边框且无孔显示屏的 iPhone 手机,确实能激发大众的期待之情。然而,我们也需清醒地认识到,任何新技术的应用往往伴随着成本的增加。就 iPhone 而言,这些新增的成本大概率会转嫁到产品售价上,从而推动 iPhone 手机价格的上扬,这也是在追求技术创新过程中不得不面对的现实情况。
In 2024, Apple introduced the iPhone 16 Pro Max, leveraging the new screen edge reduction structure technology to successfully narrow the screen edges and boost the screen-to-body ratio, despite the unchanged size of the Dynamic Island, providing users with a more immersive visual experience. However, Apple isn't content and has tasked Samsung and LG with developing more advanced borderless screen technology slated for the iPhone 18 Pro Max.
Currently, multiple technical hurdles exist. For instance, Samsung and LG must research and develop the TFE screen film encapsulation technology and an unprecedented optically clear adhesive material. At the same time, Apple needs to deeply optimize the internal structure of the iPhone 18 Pro Max, like repositioning the antennas and other components beneath the screen. While these technical concepts are potentially achievable in a laboratory setting, in mass production, the yield rate issue will likely cause a sharp increase in screen production costs and potentially lead to insufficient inventory, affecting market promotion and supply stability.
Last year, an executive from a Samsung screen supplier mentioned display technology related to zero-bezel screens. Although it's uncertain if Apple will place the Face ID and front camera under the display before 2027, it would be highly significant if the iPhone 19 Pro Max could accomplish this. Undeniably, an iPhone with a flawless, borderless, and notchless display is exciting, but the application of new technologies will hike costs, probably pushing up iPhone prices, which is a reality that must be confronted during technological innovation.