近日,我院张建强教授与印第安纳大学Krista J. Li教授合作的学术论文《Retention or acquisition: behavior-based quality disclosure》被《Management Science》接收。该期刊由美国运筹学和管理学研究协会INFORMS出版,是国际公认的管理学大类顶级期刊,也是UTD24、FT50等榜单评选出的顶级期刊。张建强教授为本研究的第一作者。
至今,张建强教授已在UTD24顶级期刊上发表多篇学术论文,还曾入选《Management Science》年度最佳论文。
Firms frequently extend their brand by introducing products in new categories and offering free samples or demonstrations for customers to learn about the quality of the new products before purchasing. When introducing new products based on customers’ purchase behavior in the former category, firms face two customer segments: their own customers and the competitor’s customers. Firms can practice behavior-based pricing (BBP) by charging different prices in the two segments. Moreover, firms can practice behavior-based quality disclosure (BBD) by disclosing quality information to the two customer segments differently. In this paper, we examine how firms practice BBD in addition to BBP. We find that in contrast to the acquisition-focused BBP, firms perform retention-focused BBD by increasing quality disclosure to their own customers and decreasing it to the competitor’s customers. Unlike BBP, which decreases second-period profit and increases first-period profit, BBD increases second-period profit but decreases first-period profit when the disclosure cost is low. We also show that when firms endogenously choose BBD, the equilibrium is a prisoner’s dilemma when the disclosure cost is low and a win-win outcome when the disclosure cost is high.
江南大学商学院新媒体工作室 出品