展览统筹:程斌 林帆
ORDER AND SYMBIOSIS- Hungarian Female Art Joint Exhibition
Exhibition Duration:2024.12.22 To 2025.02.23
Venue: He Xiangning Art Museum Hall 7-8
Chief Organizer: He Xiangning Art Museum
Producer: Cai Xianliang
Curators:Yang Dan, Chen Zhuoer
Coordinators: Cheng Bin, Lin Fan
Exhibition coordinators: Yu Xiangzhi, Zheng Jiani
Public Education & Promotion: Luo Siying
Publicity: Zhao Yue
This exhibition showcases the works of the these two artists, exploring diverse artistic media and forms of expression. Their creations delve into themes of women's multifaceted identities, emotional landscapes, and profound connections with nature and the inner self. Orsolya's abstract paintings use the collision, superimposition and fusion of colors to capture the flow of time and the evolving states of mind during her creating process. Each piece serves as an emotional statement, in which she examines herself, reflects herself and seeks for harmony amid seemingly irregular brushstrokes. In contrast, Flóra's surrealistic photographs show the complexity and fluidity of female identity. Her dream-like images combines women with natural creatures, offering metaphorical reflections on the interplay between women's inner worlds and the ever-changing external environments. Through these works, she examines the intricate relationship between women and natural world. Together, Orsolya's abstract paintings explore the spiritual world inwardly, while Flóra's photographs capture the subtle relationship between women and the outside world outwardly.
The exhibition not only highlights the richness and creativity of Hungarian female artists in contemporary art, but also deepens the audience’s appreciation of the diverse forms and profound meanings within their work.
He Xiangning Art Museum
Orsolya Áder
Orsolya Áder is a contemporary artist who specializes in abstract painting. From the age of fifteen, she has developed a keen interest in abstract paintings. By liberating the picture from the constraints of representation, the depicted object becomes more mysterious yet also sincerer. In Mulan's paintings, the "golden section" and the changes in three-dimensional space are at the core of her creation. Her paintings in both line and color deeply embody this philosophy. Using paint brushes instead of words, she creates works that become the carrier of her emotions and thoughts, conveying ineffable feelings.
她近期参加的展览和项目包括:联展《加博尔·韦尔泰斯当代艺术收藏》(RaM Colosseum,布达佩斯,2023)、联展《你好,和平》(上海城市空间艺术季,上海,2023)、个展《灵魂映照》(匈牙利驻美国华盛顿特区大使馆,华盛顿,2023)、个展《听见色彩》(中国宁波美术馆,宁波,2022)、个展《抽象独奏》(二十一世纪民生美术馆,上海,2021)、巴塞尔迈阿密艺术开幕展(Cocoplum,迈阿密,2021)。
Her recent projects and exhibitions include the group exhibitions Gabor Vertes Contemporary Art Collection (RaM Colosseum, Budapest, 2023), Hello, Peace (Shanghai Urban Space Art Season, Shanghai, 2023) and the solo exhibitions Soul Reflection (Hungarian Embassy, Washington, D.C., 2023, Hearing Color (Ningbo Art Museum, 2022), Abstract Solo (21st Century Minsheng Art Museum, Shanghai, 2021), and at the Art Basel Miami Opening Exhibition (Cocoplum, Miami, 2021).
Flóra Borsi
Flóra Borsi is a fine art photographer. She uses exquisite photo manipulation to create surreal images that are thematically focused on identity, relationships, emotions and dreams. Her work often features the female body and she plays with hiding and revealing the eyes or face to leave only the feminine form, exploring questions of female representation and the relationship between body and self.
2014年,其作品成为Adobe Photoshop的形象画面;2019年,她为Adobe Creative Cloud打造了企业形象。她飘逸的审美赢得了多个艺术奖项,并获得了《卫报》观察家报和BBC文化等媒体的一致好评。她还入选美国《福布斯》30位30岁以下精英榜单。2021年,哈苏将她选为首位年度哈苏女杰(哈苏女杰是由瑞典著名相机品牌哈苏Hasselblad发起的年度项目,旨在向全球杰出女性摄影师们的创造力和对这一行业的奉献而表示敬意)。同时,她也是佛罗伦萨双年展的获奖艺术家。她曾参加的展览和项目包括:联展《Exposure Award系列展览》(卢浮宫,巴黎,2015)、个展《弗洛拉·博尔西邀请特展》(匈牙利国家博物馆,布达佩斯,2019)、个展《自我》(Lanoue画廊,波士顿,2021)、个展《动物之眼》(Savina当代艺术博物馆,首尔,2022)。
Her artwork was the face of Adobe Photoshop in 2014 and she has made the corporate identity for Adobe's Creative Cloud in 2019. Her ethereal aesthetic has won multiple art prizes and garnered critical acclaim from press including The Guardian’s Observer and BBC Culture. She got into US Forbes 30 under 30 list and in 2021 Hasselblad chose her as the first Hasselblad Heroine of the year (Hasselblad Heroine is an annual project initiated by the renowned Swedish camera brand Hasselblad, aimed at paying tribute to the creativity and dedication of outstanding female photographers worldwide to the industry). She's one of the grand winners of Florence Biennale. Her exhibitions include joint exhibition “Exposure Award's collection” (Louvre Museum, Paris, 2015), solo exhibition “Guest Exhibition” (National Museum of Hungary, Budapest, 2019), solo exhibition "Self" (Lanoue Gallery, Boston, 2021), solo exhibition "Animal Eyes" (Savina Contemporary Art Museum, Seoul, 2022).
木兰Orsolya Áder
New Era 6,2023,100 x 120 cm,Arclyic on Canvas
封锁1,2022,120 x 160 cm,布面丙烯
Feel the vibration 3,2022,100 x 100 cm,Arclyic on Canvas
黄金螺旋7, 2021,100 x 100 cm,布面丙烯
弗洛拉·博尔西 Flóra Borsi
ORDER AND SYMBIOSIS- Hungarian Female Art Joint Exhibition
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