外贸人必看!提升英文邮件秒回率的 30个结尾技巧

文摘   2024-10-14 10:27   山东  


一定要将公众号 设为“星标” 哦~这样就再也不怕错过我的任何消息啦。


想让你的英文职场邮件告别“查无此人”的尴尬?这 30 句神奇的结尾句型就是你的得力助手!

快来看看这30 句专为职场打造的邮件结尾妙语。它们能根据不同场景灵活应变,让你的邮件不仅专业有礼貌,更如磁石般吸引收件人的目光,充分感受你的热情和诚意。准备好提升邮件回复率了吗?

1 正式商务类

  1. Thank you for your attention. I look forward to your reply.


2. Your prompt response would be highly appreciated.


3. I await your favorable response.


4. Please let me know your decision at your earliest convenience.


5. Looking forward to our continued cooperation.


6. Thank you for your consideration. I hope to hear from you soon.


7. Your input on this matter is crucial. Looking forward to your feedback.


8. I trust we can find a solution together. Awaiting your response.


9. Let's work towards a successful outcome. Looking forward to your reply.


10. Your assistance in this matter is greatly appreciated. I look forward to hearing from you.


2 日常交流类

1. Hope you have a great day! Looking forward to chatting with you again.
2. Take care and hope to hear from you soon.
3. Sending you warm wishes. Looking forward to your response.
4. Have a wonderful week! Looking forward to your reply.
5. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on this.
6. Can't wait to catch up with you. Reply soon!
7. Hope to see you soon. Looking forward to your message.
8. Let's stay in touch. Looking forward to your next email.
9. Looking forward to sharing more with you.
10. Send me a note when you can. Looking forward to it.

3 请求反馈类

1. Please provide your feedback as soon as possible. Thanks in advance.
2. I would greatly appreciate your comments. Looking forward to hearing from you.
3. Your opinion matters. Please let me know what you think.
4. Looking forward to your insights on this issue.
5. Please share your thoughts and suggestions. Looking forward to your response.
6. I need your input on this. Looking forward to your reply.
7. Your feedback will help us improve. Looking forward to it.
8. Please let me have your views on this matter. Looking forward to your email.
9. Looking forward to receiving your response and suggestions.
10. Your comments are welcome. Looking forward to hearing from you.

4 常用6个句式推荐

1. Let's work towards reaching a common understanding on this. I await your thoughts.


2. I hope we can come to an agreement on this matter soon. Your input is key.


3. Looking forward to a fruitful cooperation with you through this communication. Reply soon.


4. I'm excited about the potential collaboration this email might bring. Please let me know your stance.


5. Don't forget to reply at your earliest. I'm here waiting.


6. A quick reminder to reply when you can. Thanks a lot.












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