
文摘   2024-12-13 17:44   广东  





相比公推,Golden的重点上期中4.4倍胜分差实单!目前5连中 !叠加近期免费的实单命中,Golden栏目是过去23期有17期是有胜分差实单命中,累计中了23单!今天Golden重心将主推2场NBA赛事!出击【太阳VS爵士】+【黄蜂VS公牛】的让分方向!记得留意!长按识别下方二维码或点击文末【阅读原文】即可看到!


周五312 太阳VS爵士

周五309 黄蜂VS公牛





09:00 NBA 湖人VS森林狼(主)

推荐:森林狼 至少赢9分

竞篮:周五310 让分主胜


且看森林狼,上场虽遭勇士复仇而折戟,但这不过是漫长赛季中的小小波澜。其近期进攻效率虽未达巅峰,却始终凭借坚韧不拔的防守在联盟中站稳脚跟。多场比赛将对手得分限制在 100 分以内,此等防守功力绝非偶然。在如今这个进攻至上的联盟,森林狼宛如一股清流,用铜墙铁壁般的防守诠释着篮球比赛的另一面。

森林狼本赛季主场战绩为 7 胜 4 负,虽排名西部第 10 略显低调,但主场的氛围与熟悉的场地,始终是他们的力量源泉。近期整体状态呈稳步上扬之势,战术体系犹如精密齿轮,运转流畅且稳定。在主帅的精心调教下,球员们各司其职,无论是内线的护框与篮板争夺,还是外线的防守轮转,都配合得天衣无缝。

反观湖人,以 13 胜 11 负暂居西部第八,仅领先森林狼 0.5 个胜场,可谓如履薄冰。客场作战表现差强人意,仅 5 胜 8 负位列西部第 9。上场虽在詹姆斯缺席时击败开拓者,但此胜含金量着实有限,难以掩盖其客场作战的乏力与阵容的不稳定。

更为棘手的是,此次对决湖人排兵布阵陷入困境,詹姆斯与拉塞尔出战成疑,犹如利剑缺刃,战斗力大打折扣。詹姆斯的领导力与超强个人能力,拉塞尔的组织与外线火力,皆是湖人进攻体系的关键环节。二者若无法登场,湖人的战术执行将陷入僵局,进攻火力也会锐减。而森林狼则阵容齐整,兵强马壮。上一次主场交锋,他们便以 29 分的巨大优势血洗湖人。



Let's take a look at the Timberwolves. Although they were defeated by the Warriors' revenge on the field, it was just a small ripple in the long season. Although its recent offensive efficiency has not reached its peak, it has always stood firm in the league with its tenacious defense. The ability to limit opponents' scores to within 100 points in multiple games is not accidental. In today's offensive oriented league, the Timberwolves are like a clear stream, interpreting the other side of basketball games with their copper and iron walls of defense.

The Timberwolves have a home record of 7 wins and 4 losses this season. Although ranking 10th in the Western Conference is somewhat low-key, the atmosphere and familiar venue at home have always been their source of strength. Recently, the overall situation has shown a steady upward trend, and the tactical system is like a precision gear, running smoothly and stably. Under the careful guidance of the head coach, the players played their respective roles seamlessly, whether it was the competition for frames and rebounds inside or the rotation of defense outside.

On the other hand, the Lakers currently rank eighth in the Western Conference with 13 wins and 11 losses, only leading the Timberwolves by 0.5 games, which can be described as walking on thin ice. The away game performance was unsatisfactory, with only 5 wins and 8 losses, ranking 9th in the Western Conference. Although he defeated the Trail Blazers in James' absence, the value of this victory was limited, and it was difficult to conceal his weakness in away games and the instability of the lineup.

What's even more tricky is that the Lakers are facing difficulties in their deployment in this showdown, and James and Russell's participation is questionable, like a sword lacking a blade, greatly reducing their combat effectiveness. James' leadership and exceptional personal abilities, Russell's organization and perimeter firepower, are all key components of the Lakers' offensive system. If the two cannot play, the Lakers' tactical execution will be deadlocked, and their offensive firepower will also be sharply reduced.

The Timberwolves, on the other hand, have a well-organized lineup and strong troops. In their last home game, they slaughtered the Lakers with a huge advantage of 29 points.

Overall, the Timberwolves have the upper hand in terms of lineup integrity, home advantage, and recent form stability, while the Lakers are in a passive position due to the uncertainty of their core players. In this game, the Timberwolves are highly likely to use their many advantages to defeat the Lakers with a big victory at home.
