大气科学:PhD at the University of Wyoming, USA

学术   2024-10-29 19:00   荷兰  
PhD Student Positions in Regional Climate Change at the University of Wyoming

We invite 1–2 highly motivated PhD students to join Dr. Stefan Rahimi’s Regional Change Lab at the University of Wyoming (UWyo) for Fall 2025, with full support through Research Assistantships. The priority application deadline for Fall 2025 admission is January 1, 2025, for full consideration for UWyo fellowships.

Research Focus: With collaborators at other universities and national labs, our group studies high-resolution regional climate change, building methods to create and improve climate data quality, understand shifts in weather extremes, and we work to pair climate data users with information for risk planning. With unparalleled access to high-performance computing resources, our primary research areas include:
  • Using dynamical and artificial intelligence-based downscaling techniques to create physically credible climate change information on decision-relevant scales.
  • Analyzing our datasets and intercomparing with others to quantify climate change uncertainties and risk of exposure to weather extremes in a changing world.
  • Working with stakeholders to fold climate change information into their planning/decision-making efforts.

Based in UWyo’s Department of Atmospheric Science and the Collaborative for Intersectoral Modeling of the Earth System (CLIMES), we assess the impacts of climate change and human activities on the earth system.

Dr. Stefan Rahimi (https://sites.google.com/view/srahimi) is an early career assistant professor at UWyo, joining in August 2023. Before joining UWyo, Dr. Rahimi worked as a postdoctoral scholar and assistant researcher at the University of California Los Angeles’ (UCLA’s) Center for Climate Science from 2019-2023. He earned his B.Sc. and M.Sc. in meteorology from the University of Oklahoma, before earning his Doctorate in Atmospheric Science in August 2019 from UWyo.

Qualifications We are committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive research environment and encourage applicants with the following qualifications to apply:
  • A strong interest in hydroclimatic variability and change, climate prediction and modeling, particularly in weather extremes, and their interactions with other aspects of the Earth system and human activities.
  • A Bachelor's or Master’s degree in atmospheric or oceanic sciences, environmental science, geophysics, Earth sciences, physics, statistics, mathematics, or computer science.
  • Proficiency in programming (e.g., Python, MATLAB, NCL, or R) and data analysis is preferred.

How to Apply Prospective candidates are encouraged to reach out to Dr. Rahimi (email: srahimi@uwyo.edu) with their CV, unofficial transcripts, and a brief statement of their relevant background and interests before submitting their application. Apply to the Atmospheric Atmospheric Science PhD program at UWyo through: https://www.uwyo.edu/atsc/howtoapply/index.html. 

For department-specific information, visit
