颠覆传统生成方式!Adaptive RAG:实时学习、智能调整的下一代检索增强技术

文摘   2024-10-20 07:40   北京  

自适应 RAG 是一种结合查询分析与自我纠正机制的检索增强生成技术。它通过智能分析用户的查询需求和查询复杂度,动态调整检索和生成策略,提供更为精准和高效的响应。这种方法不仅提升了生成的准确性,还增强了系统的灵活性,使其能够适应多变的数据环境和用户需求。



在查询分析过程中,自适应 RAG 使用一个轻量级的大型语言模型(LLM)分类器来评估查询的复杂性。这种分类器可以判断查询是简单的事实性问题、需要更深入的推理,还是涉及广泛的知识领域。基于对复杂度的判断,自适应 RAG 能够灵活选择不同的检索策略,从而提高生成效率。

例如,对于简单且直接的查询,系统可能选择跳过检索步骤,直接生成答案;对于中等复杂度的查询,采用Single-shot RAG策略,通过一次检索就能获取足够的文档来支持生成;而对于高复杂度的查询,则使用Iterative RAG策略,通过多轮检索逐步细化答案,确保覆盖所有相关的信息。


① 单步方法(Single-Step Approach)



② 多步方法(Multi-Step Approach)



③ 自适应方法(Our Adaptive Approach)





自我纠正机制是自适应 RAG 的另一个核心特性。在生成过程中,系统会根据文档的相关性和生成的初步结果进行自我评估。如果发现生成的答案存在不准确或不充分的情况,系统会主动调整检索策略,可能通过重新查询或者扩展检索范围来获取更多支持性的文档。这种循环式的自我调整不仅提高了最终答案的可靠性,还能够适应数据动态变化的情况。

在应用场景上,自适应 RAG 适用于需要高精度和灵活性的任务,如医疗诊断、法律分析和市场研究等。这些领域通常包含大量的复杂文档和不确定的信息来源,自适应 RAG 能够在这些场景中动态调整检索和生成策略,从而提供准确且上下文相关的回答。

此外,自适应 RAG 也适用于需要处理实时数据变化的情况,如新闻报道和社会舆情监测,因为其动态调整机制可以帮助模型更好地应对新信息的出现。


from langchain.schema import Document

def retrieve(state): """ Retrieve documents
Args: state (dict): The current graph state
Returns: state (dict): New key added to state, documents, that contains retrieved documents """ print("---RETRIEVE---") question = state["question"]
# Retrieval documents = retriever.invoke(question) return {"documents": documents, "question": question}

def llm_fallback(state): """ Generate answer using the LLM w/o vectorstore
Args: state (dict): The current graph state
Returns: state (dict): New key added to state, generation, that contains LLM generation """ print("---LLM Fallback---") question = state["question"] generation = llm_chain.invoke({"question": question}) return {"question": question, "generation": generation}

def generate(state): """ Generate answer using the vectorstore
Args: state (dict): The current graph state
Returns: state (dict): New key added to state, generation, that contains LLM generation """ print("---GENERATE---") question = state["question"] documents = state["documents"] if not isinstance(documents, list): documents = [documents]
# RAG generation generation = rag_chain.invoke({"documents": documents, "question": question}) return {"documents": documents, "question": question, "generation": generation}

def grade_documents(state): """ Determines whether the retrieved documents are relevant to the question.
Args: state (dict): The current graph state
Returns: state (dict): Updates documents key with only filtered relevant documents """
print("---CHECK DOCUMENT RELEVANCE TO QUESTION---") question = state["question"] documents = state["documents"]
# Score each doc filtered_docs = [] for d in documents: score = retrieval_grader.invoke( {"question": question, "document": d.page_content} ) grade = score.binary_score if grade == "yes": print("---GRADE: DOCUMENT RELEVANT---") filtered_docs.append(d) else: print("---GRADE: DOCUMENT NOT RELEVANT---") continue return {"documents": filtered_docs, "question": question}

def web_search(state): """ Web search based on the re-phrased question.
Args: state (dict): The current graph state
Returns: state (dict): Updates documents key with appended web results """
print("---WEB SEARCH---") question = state["question"]
# Web search docs = web_search_tool.invoke({"query": question}) web_results = "\n".join([d["content"] for d in docs]) web_results = Document(page_content=web_results)
return {"documents": web_results, "question": question}

### Edges ###

def route_question(state): """ Route question to web search or RAG.
Args: state (dict): The current graph state
Returns: str: Next node to call """
print("---ROUTE QUESTION---") question = state["question"] source = question_router.invoke({"question": question})
# Fallback to LLM or raise error if no decision if "tool_calls" not in source.additional_kwargs: print("---ROUTE QUESTION TO LLM---") return "llm_fallback" if len(source.additional_kwargs["tool_calls"]) == 0: raise "Router could not decide source"
# Choose datasource datasource = source.additional_kwargs["tool_calls"][0]["function"]["name"] if datasource == "web_search": print("---ROUTE QUESTION TO WEB SEARCH---") return "web_search" elif datasource == "vectorstore": print("---ROUTE QUESTION TO RAG---") return "vectorstore" else: print("---ROUTE QUESTION TO LLM---") return "vectorstore"

def decide_to_generate(state): """ Determines whether to generate an answer, or re-generate a question.
Args: state (dict): The current graph state
Returns: str: Binary decision for next node to call """
print("---ASSESS GRADED DOCUMENTS---") state["question"] filtered_documents = state["documents"]
if not filtered_documents: # All documents have been filtered check_relevance # We will re-generate a new query print("---DECISION: ALL DOCUMENTS ARE NOT RELEVANT TO QUESTION, WEB SEARCH---") return "web_search" else: # We have relevant documents, so generate answer print("---DECISION: GENERATE---") return "generate"

def grade_generation_v_documents_and_question(state): """ Determines whether the generation is grounded in the document and answers question.
Args: state (dict): The current graph state
Returns: str: Decision for next node to call """
print("---CHECK HALLUCINATIONS---") question = state["question"] documents = state["documents"] generation = state["generation"]
score = hallucination_grader.invoke( {"documents": documents, "generation": generation} ) grade = score.binary_score
# Check hallucination if grade == "yes": print("---DECISION: GENERATION IS GROUNDED IN DOCUMENTS---") # Check question-answering print("---GRADE GENERATION vs QUESTION---") score = answer_grader.invoke({"question": question, "generation": generation}) grade = score.binary_score if grade == "yes": print("---DECISION: GENERATION ADDRESSES QUESTION---") return "useful" else: print("---DECISION: GENERATION DOES NOT ADDRESS QUESTION---") return "not useful" else: pprint("---DECISION: GENERATION IS NOT GROUNDED IN DOCUMENTS, RE-TRY---") return "not supported"

