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修改范例文章已发表在SCI期刊 Immunologic Research (最新中科院SCI期刊分区:4区),标题为: SPDYC serves as a prognostic biomarker related to lipid metabolism and the immune microenvironment in breast cancer(点击链接可查看全文) |
杨顺富 贵州师范大学 | 服务评价修改范例文章已发表在SCI期刊 Ecological Informatics(最新中科院SCI期刊分区:2区),标题为: Changes in vegetation ecosystem carbon sinks and their response to drought in the karst concentration distribution area of Asia(点击链接可查看全文)发表时间:2024-11-27 16:03:32 |
马晓倩 厦门大学 | 服务评价修改范例文章已发表在SCI期刊 nature communications(最新中科院SCI期刊分区:1区),标题为: Biodegradable copper-iodide clusters modulate mitochondrial function and suppress tumor growth under ultralow-dose X-ray irradiation(点击链接可查看全文)发表时间:2024-11-21 14:52:07 |
刘纯杰 石河子大学 | 服务评价修改范例文章已发表在SCI期刊 CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE(最新中科院SCI期刊分区:2区),标题为: Amphiphilic super-macroporous cryogel particles for the high-efficiency separation of bio-butanol using a fixed-bed method(点击链接可查看全文)发表时间:2024-11-20 20:23:16 |
张昊 农业部环境保护科研监测所 | 服务评价修改范例文章已发表在SCI期刊 Plant and Soil(最新中科院SCI期刊分区:2区),标题为: Importance of plant community composition and aboveground biomass in shaping microbial communities following long-term nitrogen and phosphorus addition in a temperate steppe ecosystem(点击链接可查看全文)发表时间:2024-11-20 10:52:05 |
赵星 天津财经大学珠江学院 | 服务评价修改范例文章已发表在SCI期刊 Finance research letters(最新中科院SCI期刊分区:2区),标题为: Liquidity and cost advantage of green bonds(点击链接可查看全文)发表时间:2024-11-18 11:59:02 |
刘红霞 鞍山师范学院 | 服务评价修改范例文章已发表在SCI期刊 Journal of Chemical Education(最新中科院SCI期刊分区:3区),标题为: Research on the Application of Localized Argument-Driven Inquiry 2 Teaching Model in a High School in Northeast China(点击链接可查看全文)发表时间:2024-11-18 07:43:36 |
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