Your achievement out of academia(Cornell)
A time when you successfully built a professional relationship(Cornell)
The most successful teamwork experience(Cornell)
Tell us about an experience that helped you grow and improve(Yale)
The project you are most proud of(Yale)
Tell me a time you took initiative(UCLA)
An experience of encountering difficulties in the job(Cornell)
A failure you learnt from(Cornell)
Describe some challenges and how to overcome(Gatech)
Tell me a situation when you were under stress. What did you do and how did it turn out?(UCLA)
Tell me about a time when you made a mistake and admitted it. How did you Handle it(Yale)
A book that changes your career path(Cornell)
What is your favorite sport?(Cornell)
What do you like to do outside of school to relieve stress?(UCLA)
Biggest passion alongside schoolwork(Cornell)
Describe one of your past teamwork(Gatech)
Describe your teamwork(Chicago)
If you put a dream team to work on important project, who would it include and why?(Duke)
The most successful teamwork experience(Cornell)
One time you get consensus in team(Cornell)
Describe a situation where you cooperate with a teammate. How do you deal with the situation?(Yale)
Tell me about a time you faced challenging dynamic in a team and how did you handle it?(Yale)
An experience of solving out a problem within a team(Yale)
汇总出来只是给大家作为一些brain storming的切入点。
Nuts 留学