
文摘   2025-01-09 18:02   内蒙古  







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\renewcommand{\headset}{{2025}\\MCM/ICM\\Summary Sheet}

\renewcommand{\contentsname}{\hspace*{\fill}\Large\bfseries Contents \hspace*{\fill}}

\title{A Light Pollution Risk Model Based on EWM-CRITIC and Social Combustion Theory}



    The impact of light pollution on human health is increasing and it is imminent to develop

    effective strategies to reduce the impact of light pollution. By establishing a light pollution risk

    model based on EWM-CRITIC and Social Combustion Theory, this paper analyzes the risk

    levels of light pollution in several specific areas and provides the most effective suggestions.

    For problem 1, ...

    For problem 2, ...

    For problem 3, ...

    For problem 4, ...


      Light Pollution; Social Combustion Theory; EWM-CRITIC; WT-ARIMA













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% 摘要部分


With the booming maritime transportation, the second-hand ship market occupies an increasingly important position in the world economy. How to estimate the price of a used ship based on the characteristics of the region and the ship is the main concern of brokers.

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Finally, a randomly generated piece of English that has no real meaning. A randomly generated piece of English that has no real meaning. A randomly generated piece of English that has no real meaning. 

% 关键词


Keyword1, Keyword2, Keyword3; Keyword4; Keyword5












As a witness of AAAA, bulabulabulabulabulabulabulabulabulabulabulabulabulabulabulabula. I am background. I am background. I am background. I am background. I am background. I am background. I am background. I am background. I am background. I am background. I am background. I am background. I am background. I am background. I am background. I am background. I am background. I am background. I am background. I am background. I am background. I am background. I am background. I am background. I am background. I am background. I am background. I am background. I am background. I am background. I am background. I am background. I am background. I am background. I am background.\cite{cc}

Therefore, it is important for us to  

 bulabulabulabula, and with this bulabulabula bulabulabula bulabulabula bulabulabula bulabulabula bulabulabula bulabulabula bulabulabula.

\subsection{Problems restatement}

Considering the background information and restricted conditions identified in the problem statement, we need to solve the following problems:


\item Problem 1. Problem 1.Problem 1.Problem 1.Problem 1.Problem 1.Problem 1.Problem 1.Problem 1.Problem 1.Problem 1.Problem 1.Problem 1.Problem 1.Problem 1.Problem 1.Problem 1.Problem 1.Problem 1.Problem 1.Problem 1.Problem 1.Problem 1.

\item Problem 2. Problem 2. Problem 2. Problem 2. Problem 2. Problem 2. Problem 2. Problem 2. Problem 2. Problem 2. Problem 2. Problem 2. Problem 2. Problem 2. Problem 2. Problem 2. Problem 2. Problem 2. Problem 2. Problem 2. Problem 2. Problem 2. Problem 2. Problem 2. Problem 2. Problem 2. Problem 2. Problem 2. 

\item Problem 3. Problem 3. Problem 3. Problem 3. Problem 3. Problem 3. Problem 3. Problem 3. Problem 3. Problem 3. Problem 3. Problem 3. Problem 3. Problem 3. Problem 3. Problem 3. Problem 3. Problem 3. Problem 3. Problem 3. Problem 3. Problem 3. Problem 3. Problem 3. Problem 3. 

\item Problem 4. Problem 4. Problem 4. Problem 4. Problem 4. Problem 4. Problem 4. Problem 4. Problem 4. Problem 4. Problem 4. Problem 4. Problem 4. Problem 4. Problem 4. Problem 4. Problem 4. Problem 4. Problem 4. Problem 4. Problem 4. Problem 4. Problem 4. Problem 4. Problem 4. Problem 4. Problem 4. Problem 4. Problem 4. Problem 4. Problem 4. Problem 4. Problem 4. Problem 4. Problem 4. Problem 4. Problem 4. 


\subsection{Our work}

\textit{\textbf{Step 1}} \textbf{Summarize our work1 in one sentence}. Explain our work1. Explain our work1. Explain our work1. Explain our work1. Explain our work1. Explain our work1. Explain our work1. Explain our work1. Explain our work1. Explain our work1. Explain our work1. Explain our work1. Explain our work1. Explain our work1. Explain our work1. Explain our work1. Explain our work1.

\textit{\textbf{Step 2}}. \textbf{Summarize our work2 in one sentence}. Explain our work2. Explain our work2. Explain our work2. Explain our work2. Explain our work2. Explain our work2. Explain our work2. Explain our work2. Explain our work2. Explain our work2. Explain our work2. Explain our work2. Explain our work2. Explain our work2. Explain our work2. Explain our work2. Explain our work2. Explain our work2. Explain our work2. Explain our work2. Explain our work2. Explain our work2. Explain our work2. Explain our work2. 

\textit{\textbf{Step 3}}. \textbf{Summarize our work3 in one sentence}. Explain our work3. Explain our work3. Explain our work3. Explain our work3. Explain our work3. Explain our work3. Explain our work3. Explain our work3. Explain our work3. Explain our work3. Explain our work3. Explain our work3. Explain our work3. Explain our work3. Explain our work3. Explain our work3. Explain our work3. 

\textit{\textbf{Step 4}}. 

\textbf{Summarize our work4 in one sentence}. Explain our work4. Explain our work4. Explain our work4. Explain our work4. Explain our work4. Explain our work4. Explain our work4. Explain our work4. Explain our work4. Explain our work4. Explain our work4.

\textit{\textbf{Step 5}}. 

\textbf{Summarize our work5 in one sentence}. Explain our work5. Explain our work5. Explain our work5. Explain our work5. Explain our work5. Explain our work5. Explain our work5.

For convenience, as shown in Figure \ref{work}, we draw a flow chart to represent our approach.




    \caption{Overview of our work}










\section{Assumptions and Notations}

To simplify our model and eliminate the complexity, we make the following main assumptions in this literature. All assumptions will be re-emphasized once they are used in the construction of our model.




% \setlength{\parsep}{0pt}

% \setlength{\parskip}{0pt}

  \item \textbf{Assumptions1 assumptions1 assumptions1 assumptions1 assumptions1.} Explain this assumption. Explain this assumption. Explain this assumption. Explain this assumption. Explain this assumption. Explain this assumption. Explain this assumption. Explain this assumption. Explain this assumption. Explain this assumption. Explain this assumption. Explain this assumption. Explain this assumption. 


  \item \textbf{Assumptions2 assumptions2 assumptions2 assumptions2 assumptions2 assumptions2 assumptions2.} Explain this assumption. Explain this assumption. Explain this assumption. Explain this assumption. Explain this assumption. Explain this assumption. Explain this assumption. Explain this assumption. Explain this assumption. Explain this assumption. Explain this assumption. Explain this assumption. 


  \item \textbf{Assumptions3 assumptions3 assumptions3.} Explain this assumption. Explain this assumption. Explain this assumption. Explain this assumption. Explain this assumption. Explain this assumption.




In this work, we use the nomenclature in Table \ref{notations} in the model construction. Other none frequent-used symbols will be introduced once they are used.




    \caption{ Notations used in this literature}





        \textbf{Symbol} & \textbf{Definition} & \textbf{Type}\\


        Variant1 & Explain for this variant & String\\

        Variant2 & Explain for this variant, bulabula bulabula & String\\

        Variant3 & Explain for this variant, bula & Float\\

        Variant4 & Explain for this variant & String\\

        Variant5 & Explain for this variant & String\\

        Variant6 & Explain for this variant, bulabula bula bulabulabula & String\\

        Variant7 & Explain for this variant & String\\

        Variant8 & Explain for this variant, bulabula bula & Bool\\

        Variant9 & Explain for this variant & String\\

        Variant10 & Explain for this variant, bulabula bula bulabulabula & String\\

        Variant11 & Explain for this variant, bulabula bula & String\\

        Variant12 & Explain for this variant & Bool\\











\section{Data processing}

Before data analysis, the availability of data is supposed to be guaranteed. Therefore, we need to remove or modify the dirty data. In addition, transforming the data into a more user-friendly form is also important.

\subsection{Data cleaning}


    \item \textbf{Modify data type}

    Bulabula, bulabula bulabula bulabula bulabula bulabula bulabula bulabula bulabula bulabula bulabula bulabula bulabula.

    \item \textbf{AAAAAA}

\textbf{(i) Way1.} Bulabula, bulabula bulabula bulabula bulabula bulabula bulabula bulabula bulabula bulabula bulabula bulabula bulabula. For example, bulabula bulabula bulabula bulabula bulabula bulabula.

\textbf{(ii) Way2.} Bulabula, bulabula bulabula bulabula bulabula bulabula bulabula bulabula bulabula bulabula bulabula bulabula bulabula. For example, bulabula bulabula bulabula bulabula bulabula bulabula. The Bulabu shown in the Table \ref{dataClean}.

    \item \textbf{BBBBBBB}

We bualabula bualabula bualabula bualabula bualabula bualabula bualabula bualabula. Bulabula, which is shown in the Table \ref{dataClean}.

     \item \textbf{CCCCCC}

There are three missing datas in the “Country/Region/State” attribute of the “Monohulled Sailboats” dataset. We use random forest to replenish this part of the data, and the following results are showed in the Table \ref{dataClean}.


\subsection{Data filtering}

As shown in the Figure \ref{col_line}, bulabula bulabula bulabula bulabula bulabula bulabula bulabula bulabula bulabula bulabula bulabula. The ABCD is shown in Table \ref{dataClean}.


    \centering% 整体居中

    \subfigure[monohulled sailboats]{ %[]里面写子图名字

        \begin{minipage}[b]{0.48\linewidth} % 子图框架的大小,对比整体

        \centering % 子图在框架中居中

        \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{images/violin_c.png} % 子图的宽度,对比子图框架


        \par\vspace{0pt} % 子图放到最底下,不然两个不一样高的图的子图名不会像现在一样显示在同一高度,小的那个会飘的很高



    \hfill  % 是行意义上的下一个不是列意义









    \caption{Figure name 1111}



\subsection{Outliers detection}

Bulabulabula, bulabulabula bulabula bulabula bulabulabulabula bulabulabulabulabulabula bulabula bulabulabulabulabulabula bulabula.



    \caption{Here is the first table}






            \textbf{Parameters} &

            \textbf{Monohulled Sailboats} & \textbf{Catamarans} \\ \hline

            Number of samples & \textbf{2346} & \textbf{1145} \\ 

            AAAAA & 19 & 137 \\ 

            BBBBB & 7 & 2 \\ 

            CCCCC & 1 & 1 \\ 

            DDDDD & 3 & 0 \\ 

            EEEEE & 47 & 24 \\ 

             \makecell[c]{Number of samples\\ after data cleaning}   & \textbf{1898} & \textbf{895} \\ 




Finally, as shown in the Table \ref{dataClean}, we delete 448 and 250 unqualified projects respectively, leaving 1898 and 895 projects for “Monohulled sailboats” and “Catamarans” datasets respectively.







\section{Model 1}

\subsection{AAA Model}

The schematic diagram of our approximate problem-solving process for Question 1 is shown in Figure \ref{yuyu}.




    \caption{Flow chart of Task 1}



A randomly generated piece of English that has no real meaning. A randomly generated piece of English that has no real meaning. A randomly generated piece of English that has no real meaning. A randomly generated piece of English that has no real meaning. A randomly generated piece of English that has no real meaning. A randomly generated piece of English that has no real meaning. A randomly generated piece of English that has no real meaning. A randomly generated piece of English that has no real meaning. A randomly generated piece of English that has no real meaning. A randomly generated piece of English that has no real meaning. 


\item \textbf{Model1.1 }

Model1.1 model1.1 model1.1 model1.1 model1.1 model1.1 model1.1 model1.1 model1.1 model1.1 model1.1 model1.1 model1.1 model1.1 model1.1 model1.1 model1.1 model1.1 model1.1 model1.1 model1.1 model1.1 model1.1 model1.1.

\item \textbf{Model1.2 }

Model1.2 model1.2 model1.2 model1.2 model1.2 model1.2 model1.2 model1.2 model1.2 model1.2 model1.2 model1.2 model1.2 model1.2 model1.2 model1.2 model1.2 model1.2 model1.2 model1.2 model1.2 model1.2 model1.2 model1.2 model1.2 model1.2 model1.2 model1.2 model1.2 model1.2 model1.2 model1.2 model1.2 model1.2 model1.2 model1.2 model1.2 model1.2 model1.2 model1.2 model1.2 model1.2 model1.2 model1.2 model1.2 model1.2 model1.2 model1.2 model1.2.

\item \textbf{Model1.3 }

Model1.3 model1.3 model1.3 model1.3 model1.3 model1.3 model1.3 model1.3 model1.3 model1.3 model1.3 model1.3 model1.3.

\item \textbf{Model1.4 }

Model1.4 model1.4 model1.4 model1.4 model1.4 model1.4 model1.4 model1.4 model1.4 model1.4 model1.4 model1.4 model1.4 model1.4 model1.4 model1.4 model1.4 model1.4 model1.4 model1.4 model1.4 model1.4 model1.4 model1.4 model1.4 model1.4 model1.4 model1.4 model1.4 model1.4 model1.4.


\subsection{Model establishing}

A randomly generated piece of English that has no real meaning. A randomly generated piece of English that has no real meaning. 




    \caption{Heatmap of monohulled sailboats}




A randomly generated piece of English that has no real meaning. A randomly generated piece of English that has no real meaning. 

A randomly generated piece of English that has no real meaning. A randomly generated piece of English that has no real meaning. A randomly generated piece of English that has no real meaning. A randomly generated piece of English that has no real meaning. A randomly generated piece of English that has no real meaning. A randomly generated piece of English that has no real meaning. 

A randomly generated piece of English that has no real meaning. A randomly generated piece of English that has no real meaning. A randomly generated piece of English that has no real meaning. A randomly generated piece of English that has no real meaning. A randomly generated piece of English that has no real meaning. A randomly generated piece of English that has no real meaning. A randomly generated piece of English that has no real meaning. A randomly generated piece of English that has no real meaning. A randomly generated piece of English that has no real meaning. A randomly generated piece of English that has no real meaning. 


    \centering% 整体居中

    \subfigure[monohulled sailboats]{ %[]里面写子图名字

        \begin{minipage}[b]{0.33\linewidth} % 子图框架的大小,对比整体

        \centering % 子图在框架中居中

        \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{images/violin_c.png} % 子图的宽度,对比子图框架


        \par\vspace{0pt} % 子图放到最底下,不然两个不一样高的图的子图名不会像现在一样显示在同一高度,小的那个会飘的很高












    \caption{Hierarchical clustering diagram}





A randomly generated piece of English that has no real meaning. A randomly generated piece of English that has no real meaning. A randomly generated piece of English that has no real meaning. A randomly generated piece of English that has no real meaning. 




    \caption{ACL Stacking Model accuracy comparison} 

    % \rowcolors{2}{mygray}{white!0}



     & \multicolumn{4}{c|}{Dataset A} & \multicolumn{4}{|c}{Dataset B} \\  % 4列融合,中间加杠


    model & MSE & score & MAE & $R^2$ & MSE & score & MAE & $R^2$ \\


    \makecell[c]{SSDSS\\ CSACVZCSFV} & 0.0195 & 0.5021 & 0.1070 & 0.5113 & 0.0068 & 0.6031 & 0.0563 & 0.6227 \\

    CCCC & 0.0196 & 0.6053 & 0.0667 & 0.5089 & 0.0151 & 0.0111 & 0.0875 & 0.1600 \\ 

    BBBBB & 0.0164 & 0.5781 & 0.0931 & 0.5892 & 0.0144 & 0.1552 & 0.0919 & 0.1989 \\ 

    AAAA & 0.0099 & 0.7455 & 0.0797 & 0.7526 & 0.0060 & 0.6435 & 0.0568 & 0.6640 \\ 

    DACZCR & 0.0051 & 0.8690 & 0.0356 & 0.8723 & 0.0055 & 0.6778 & 0.0488 & 0.6955 \\ 

    CAZZ  & 0.0045 & 0.8738 & 0.0301 & 0.8867 & 0.0051 & 0.6812 & 0.0484 & 0.7168 \\ 

    ADZCVRFZ & \textbf{0.0042} & \textbf{0.8898} & \textbf{0.0247} & \textbf{0.8945} & 0.0063 & 0.6266 & 0.0520 & 0.6515 \\

    \textbf{ZBCJH} & 0.0043 & \textbf{0.8898} & 0.0240 & 0.8928 & \textbf{0.0050} & \textbf{0.7039} & \textbf{0.0482} & \textbf{0.7209} \\




 A randomly generated piece of English that has no real meaning. A randomly generated piece of English that has no real meaning. A randomly generated piece of English that has no real meaning. A randomly generated piece of English that has no real meaning. A randomly generated piece of English that has no real meaning. A randomly generated piece of English that has no real meaning. 

A randomly generated piece of English that has no real meaning. A randomly generated piece of English that has no real meaning. A randomly generated piece of English that has no real meaning. A randomly generated piece of English that has no real meaning. A randomly generated piece of English that has no real meaning. A randomly generated piece of English that has no real meaning. A randomly generated piece of English that has no real meaning. A randomly generated piece of English that has no real meaning. A randomly generated piece of English that has no real meaning. A randomly generated piece of English that has no real meaning. 







\section{Sensitivity analysis}

A randomly generated piece of English that has no real meaning. A randomly generated piece of English that has no real meaning. A randomly generated piece of English that has no real meaning. A randomly generated piece of English that has no real meaning. A randomly generated piece of English that has no real meaning. A randomly generated piece of English that has no real meaning. A randomly generated piece of English that has no real meaning. A randomly generated piece of English that has no real meaning. 


    \centering% 整体居中

    \subfigure[Normal]{ %[]里面写子图名字

        \begin{minipage}[b]{0.31\linewidth} % 子图框架的大小,对比整体

        \centering % 子图在框架中居中

        \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{images/violin_c.png} % 子图的宽度,对比子图框架


        \par\vspace{0pt} % 子图放到最底下,不然两个不一样高的图的子图名不会像现在一样显示在同一高度,小的那个会飘的很高



    \hfill  % 是行意义上的下一个不是列意义

    \subfigure[Decrease by 5\%]{








    \hfill  % 是行意义上的下一个不是列意义

    \subfigure[Decrease by 10\%]{









    \subfigure[Normal]{ %[]里面写子图名字

        \begin{minipage}[b]{0.30\linewidth} % 子图框架的大小,对比整体

        \centering % 子图在框架中居中

        \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{images/violin_c.png} % 子图的宽度,对比子图框架


        \par\vspace{0pt} % 子图放到最底下,不然两个不一样高的图的子图名不会像现在一样显示在同一高度,小的那个会飘的很高



    \hfill  % 是行意义上的下一个不是列意义

    \subfigure[Decrease by 5\%]{








    \hfill  % 是行意义上的下一个不是列意义

    \subfigure[Decrease by 10\%]{








    \caption{Sensitivity analysis}




A randomly generated piece of English that has no real meaning. A randomly generated piece of English that has no real meaning. A randomly generated piece of English that has no real meaning. A randomly generated piece of English that has no real meaning. A randomly generated piece of English that has no real meaning. A randomly generated piece of English that has no real meaning. 

A randomly generated piece of English that has no real meaning. A randomly generated piece of English that has no real meaning. A randomly generated piece of English that has no real meaning. A randomly generated piece of English that has no real meaning. A randomly generated piece of English that has no real meaning. A randomly generated piece of English that has no real meaning. 







\section{Strengths and weaknesses}



\item \textbf{Strength 1 bulabula}

Explanation for strength 1 explanation for strength 1. Explanation for strength 1 explanation for strength 1. Explanation for strength 1 explanation for strength 1. 

\item \textbf{Strength 2 bulabula}

Explanation for strength 2 explanation for strength 2. Explanation for strength 2 explanation for strength 2. 

\item \textbf{Strength 3 bulabula}

Explanation for strength 3 explanation for strength 3. Explanation for strength 3 explanation for strength 3. Explanation for strength 3 explanation for strength 3. Explanation for strength 3 explanation for strength 3. 




\item \textbf{Weakness 1 bulabula}

Explanation for weakness 1 explanation for weakness 1. Explanation for weakness 1 explanation for weakness 1.

\item \textbf{Weakness 2 bulabula}

Explanation for weakness 2 explanation for weakness 2. Explanation for weakness 2 explanation for weakness 2. Explanation for weakness 2 explanation for weakness 2. Explanation for weakness 2 explanation for weakness 2. Explanation for weakness 2 explanation for weakness 2. Explanation for weakness 2 explanation for weakness 2. 








\section{Conclusion and future work}


The proposed model achieves high accuracy and robustness.


    \item \textbf{Conclusion 1 bulabula} Explanation for Novelty Explanation for Novelty Explanation for Novelty Explanation for Novelty Explanation for Novelty Explanation for Novelty Explanation for Novelty Explanation for Novelty Explanation for Novelty Explanation for Novelty Explanation for Novelty Explanation for Novelty Explanation for Novelty Explanation for Novelty Explanation for Novelty Explanation for Novelty.

    \item \textbf{Conclusion 2 bulabula} Explanation for Novelty Explanation for Novelty Explanation for Novelty Explanation for Novelty Explanation for Novelty Explanation for Novelty Explanation for Novelty Explanation for Novelty.

    \item \textbf{Conclusion 3 bulabula} Explanation for Novelty Explanation for Novelty Explanation for Novelty Explanation for Novelty Explanation for Novelty Explanation for Novelty Explanation for Novelty Explanation for Novelty.


\subsection{Future work}

In a nutshell, our model ... . However, due to time limitation, there still exists some imperfection in our model. In the future, we can do the following works for improvement.


    \item \textbf{Conclusion 1 bulabula} Explanation for Novelty Explanation for Novelty Explanation for Novelty Explanation for Novelty Explanation for Novelty Explanation for Novelty Explanation for Novelty Explanation for Novelty Explanation for Novelty Explanation for Novelty Explanation for Novelty Explanation for Novelty Explanation for Novelty Explanation for Novelty Explanation for Novelty Explanation for Novelty.

    \item \textbf{Conclusion 2 bulabula} Explanation for Novelty Explanation for Novelty Explanation for Novelty Explanation for Novelty Explanation for Novelty Explanation for Novelty Explanation for Novelty Explanation for Novelty.

    \item \textbf{Conclusion 3 bulabula} Explanation for Novelty Explanation for Novelty Explanation for Novelty Explanation for Novelty Explanation for Novelty Explanation for Novelty Explanation for Novelty Explanation for Novelty.






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文章来源:CSDN 铖铖的花嫁




