
文摘   2025-01-28 00:03   浙江  






 报名方式 Registration Methods (北京时间2025年4月11日晚12:00截止报名): 


 学校单位团体报名 School/Organization Registration:

- 参会单位与老师将分别获得大会颁发的证书,提升学校学术性及影响力;Participating units and teachers will each receive certificates awarded by the conference, enhancing the academic and influential status of the school;    


- 单位团体报名价格 School/Organization Registration Fees :

  线下出席5500港币,可供3-5名该校教职人员参会;In-person attendance: HK$5500, for 3-5 school staff members to attend;

  线上出席4500港币,可供3-5名该校教职人员参会;Online attendance: HK$4500, for 3-5 school staff members to attend.       



 结伴报名优惠 Group Registration Discounts:  


- 二人报名九折,三人报名八五折,四人及以上八折;10% off for two registrations, 15% off for three registrations, and 20% off for four or more registrations; 

- 结伴报名价格 Group registration fees:

  二人同行,线下3600港币,线上2880港币 Two attendees: HK$3600 in-person, HK$2880 online

  三人成组,线下5100港币,线上4080港币 Three attendees: HK$5100 in-person, HK$4080 online

  四人成团,线下6400港币,线上5120港币 Four attendees: HK$6400 in-person, HK$5120 online

  五人成团,线下8000港币,线上6400港币 Five attendees: HK$8000 in-person, HK$6400 online

  六人成团,线下9600港币,线上7680港币 Six attendees: HK$9600 in-person, HK$7680 online

3️⃣ 团体会员学校(本届已报名获得团体会籍参赛的学校)教职员 / 教学助理报名优惠:线下1000港币,线上800港币 HK$1000 in-person, HK$800 online

4️⃣ 在校全职大学生报名优惠:线下600港币,线上400港币 HK$600 in-person, HK$400 online

- 联系请加iTok专员微信 Contact iTok Specialist WeChat:

或 or WhatsApp +852 6211 0298 

以下二维码仅供学校团体报名登记 School/Organization Group Registration

以下二维码供个人参会者/ 结伴同行登记 / 团体会员学校(本届已报名获得团体会籍参赛的学校)教职员 / 教学助理报名 Audience Registration

以下二维码供主讲人登记 Presenter Registration (薄酬 HKD$2000/节 remuneration HKD$2000/session, 重复Repeat HKD$1000/节session)

 参加本峰会,你将能 By participating in this summit, you will:

- 与国内外汉语教育领域专家交流经验,拓展视野,提升教学水平;Exchange experiences with experts in the field of Chinese language education from around the world, broaden your perspectives, and enhance your teaching skills.

- 聆听教育领导者的分享,掌握最新教育趋势,引领未来教育发展;Listen to educational leaders' insights, grasp the latest educational trends, and lead the future of education development.

- 互动学习,结识同行好友,建立广泛的汉语教育人脉。Interact and learn, make friends with colleagues, and establish a wide network in Chinese language education.



 抓住机会,赶紧报名参加第五届国际汉语节教师研讨会暨教育领导力峰会,共同开启汉语教育新篇章!Seize the opportunity and quickly register to attend the Education Summit and Teacher’s Seminar of the 4th Chinese Language Festival, jointly opening a new chapter in Chinese language education!

如需了解更多活动信息或报名详情,请联系我们info@chineselanguagefestival.com。感谢您的关注与支持!For more information about the event or registration details, please  contact us at info@chineselanguagefestival.com. Thank you for your attention and support!         


* 本次研讨会秉承“小而精”的原则,仅设定约200个参会名额。有意参会的老师,请尽早进行登记。一旦名额已满,系统将自动关闭,不再接受新的登记。请注意,如果参会者因故或疾病无法出席会议,将不提供退款安排。The seminars adhere to the principle of "small but refined" and only set a limit of approximately 200 attendees. Those interested in attending the seminars, please register early. Once the quota is full, the system will automatically close and no further registrations will be accepted. Please note that if a participant is unable to attend the seminars due to reasons or illness, no refund arrangement will be provided
