2025 Rust 全员大会,庆祝Rust十周年!

文摘   2024-09-09 00:55   上海  

Rust All Hands

We are very excited to announce that, after six years, we will finally have another Rust All Hands event in 2025!

The Rust All Hands is an event for all members of the Rust project to come together in person to collaborate on the future of Rust. The last Rust All Hands took place in Berlin in 2019, so another one has been long overdue.

The Rust All Hands 2025 will take place in Utrecht, the Netherlands as part of Rust Week 2025, hosted by RustNL.

That week will include, among other things, a "10 years of Rust" celebration on 15 May 2025 and the Rust All Hands on 16 and 17 May 2025, both at the same venue.

If you are interested in being part of the Rust All Hands 2025, please register your interest here. The form asks for your affiliation with the Rust project; please indicate that to help us understand who is interested.

We'll be sending out formal invitations at a later point in time.

We hope to see you in Utrecht!

Rust All Hands 是 Rust 项目所有成员亲自聚在一起,就 Rust 的未来进行合作的活动。上一届 Rust All Hands 于 2019 年在柏林举行,因此另一届早就应该举行了。

Rust All Hands 2025 将在荷兰乌得勒支举行,作为 RustNL 主办的 Rust Week 2025 的一部分。

该周将包括 2025 年 5 月 15 日的 “Rust 10 周年 ”庆祝活动,以及 2025 年 5 月 16 日和 17 日的 Rust All Hands,两者都在同一地点举行。

如果您有兴趣参加 Rust All Hands 2025,请在此处注册您的兴趣。该表单询问您与 Rust 项目的隶属关系;请注明,以帮助我们了解谁感兴趣。


我们非常高兴地宣布,六年后,我们终于将在 2025 年举办另一场 Rust All Hands 活动!




Eonian Sharp
Eonian Sharp | 永恒之锋,专注APT框架、渗透测试攻击与防御的研究与开发,没有永恒的安全,但有永恒的正义之锋击破黑暗的不速之客。