
文摘   2024-07-14 11:58   美国  

祢宝X为我而流 / Your Blood Shed for Me 在黑暗之中 我遇见祢 In the darkness, I found You there, 照亮我的生命 Lighting up my life so fair. 在绝望之中 祢寻见我 In my despair, You came to me, 祢的手 拥抱我 Held me close, set me free. 我软弱 我恐惧 In my weakness and my fear, 全交在祢手里 I give it all, for You are near. 祢挪去 我羞愧 You lift my shame, renew my soul, 更新我的生命 With You, my life is whole. 祢宝X为我而流 Your precious blood was shed for me, 使我得自由 Bringing freedom, setting me free. 何等伟大的愛 超乎万有 Oh, what a love so great, above all things, 我献上我全所有 为祢而活 To You my all, my life, I bring. 何等牺牲的愛 使我得拯救 Such sacrifice that saves my soul, now I am whole. 祢宝贵S架 为我付上代价 Your precious cross, the price You paid, 是我得胜的力量 Is the strength by which I’m saved. T堂敞开 祢是荣耀君王 Heaven opens, You’re the King, 圣洁的羔羊 祢已胜过死亡 Holy Lamb, You’ve conquered death’s sting. 救S计划已成就 Redemption’s plan is now complete, 我全心仰望 永恒盼望 In You, my hope, my heart’s retreat. 作者创作理念:這是一首救S的歌,也是一首感恩的歌。回想在过去的岁月里,那些错误的決定、令人遗憾的选择、难以弥补的过错,因着遇见YS,从此有了不一样的生命,祂的宝X洗净我的Z,使我有重新面对未來,继续走下去的力量。感謝十J上的Y S,让我可以因信祂而得到救S,深知祂真愛我,甚至为我付出生命的代价,我的心就充满了感恩。


You are my all in all