气候学/遥感:PhD at University of Leicester, UK

学术   2024-10-11 19:00   比利时  
英国莱斯特大学跟CSC有25个名额联合培养中国博士生,Robert Parker 课题组有意向招收任何气候或者遥感(尤其是野火、碳循环和甲烷等主题,以及机器学习和数字孪生)方向的博士生。需要准备研究计划书和其他材料,后续走莱斯特大学校内的CSC申请。

欢迎发送邮件到 zl341@leicester.ac.uk 具体联系。

We've got an exciting opportunity for any Chinese student's wanting to come and do a PhD with us in the UK. Take a look at our Chinese Scholar Council PhDs!


I'd be very happy to supervise any climate or remote-sensing PhDs, particularly in topics like wildfires, carbon cycle, methane, especiallu with machine-learning or digital twin aspects! Get in touch if you'd like to discuss plans for the research proposal for your application.
