
文化   2024-10-09 12:24   山东  


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欣赏画家张振家(1956-)笔下的这组江南水乡作品,如同苏杭遗韵的画卷徐徐展开,或行走于悠远, 静谧, 古朴的街巷, 或穿行于小桥流水之间,古风古韵扑面而来,诗情画意让人迷恋,使观众不得不发思古之幽情,生无尽之遐想。

Enjoy the works of painter Zhang Zhenjia (1956 -) , like the paintings of Suzhou and Hangzhou, or walking in the distant, quiet, quaint streets, or through the small bridges and flowing water, the ancient customs come to the face, poetry and painting make people infatuated, so that the audience had to think of the ancient feelings, endless reverie.

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