CCD × ​于昭新作/武汉联投中心·长江之滨的艺术居所

文摘   2024-11-10 10:07   江苏  
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武汉自古又称“江城”,是一座多元化的城市,多样且精致,每一个角落都散发着无尽魅力, 高楼、弄堂、江河、市井,东西方之间的碰撞与融合,呈现属于武汉独特的人文气质。
Wuhan has been known as the "River City" since ancient times. It is a diversified city, diverse and exquisite, with endless charm in every corner. High-rise buildings, alleys, rivers, and markets, the collision and fusion between the East and the West, present Wuhan's unique cultural temperament.


The entrance hall is the first impression when you return home. It is like the opening song of a concert, which is responsible for mobilizing our emotions. The design of this entrance hall combines the social attributes of the hotel with the privacy of the home. The moment you step into the house, it is like entering a hotel, full of the fun of exploration and sightseeing, layer by layer, full of surprises. The designer has transformed the layout of the entrance hall, which not only adds practical storage functions, but also creates a more pleasant spiritual experience for the residents. The designer puts an imported rock slab mural with artistic decoration at the end of the scene, and creates an artistic homecoming atmosphere like a hotel through the embellishment of artistic lighting and natural flower art. As you move forward, an art gallery comes into view. This gallery-like corridor is connected to a relaxing rest space at one end and a social living room with boundless river views at the other end. This art gallery is designed with an option for the residents who return home, half quiet and half fireworks, allowing you to decide how to open the second half of your daily life.





Enjoying the happy moments of companionship, exploring the emotional resonance of social interaction, and building a cozy holiday space are the answers that this living room wants to present to us.

The designer upgraded the living room and balcony area, making full use of the 270° corner window, leaving the best river view and lighting to this living room. Standing by the window, the vast river view is in full view, giving the main activity area a dynamic natural landscape, which echoes the natural texture of the rock slabs and texture fabrics in the room, and together constructs a rich expression of the place.

In the use of colors and materials, the space is renewed with rich and diverse lifestyles and warm and soft aesthetics. Warm gray tones are used to match the basic materials of the space, and leather and metal are used to reflect the value of the product. At the same time, nickel gray-green and beige are added to extend the visual experience, mobilize various spatial plots, and accommodate different emotions in life.

This large living room overlooking the river also pays more attention to the creation of "small emotions". Chess, red wine, retro speakers, fragrance... many elements and artistic moods collide and merge here, making the space the best container, interpreting the attitude of the residents towards life from the perspective of hearing, smell, taste and other senses, creating a more comfortable and refined living space, and making the time at home more enjoyable.

The tea bar is a private social area for immersion in the senses, and also an art space for appreciation, travel, play and living. Here, with the river view, shadows, and the faint fragrance of tea, you can sit and drink and relax for a while.


In a corner of the circular screen corner window, the place closest to the light, there is a unique work by artist Zhang Guoliang. This is "Dog", one of his works in the "Jane Eyre" series. The "Jane Eyre" series is mainly created around the theme of "family and love".

For the selection of artworks, the designer not only adheres to the original intention but also hopes to let customers feel more integration of space and art. "Dog" is cute and smart. Under the emotional tone of companionship, it conveys the warmth and love of home. The emotions in the space are spread and sublimated because of it.

狗狗 2018 铸铜化学着色 147×45×66cm





The fatigue of drinking and drinking makes people understand the preciousness of a bowl of home-cooked food. In the design of many luxury houses, the kitchen, an important life scene, is ignored. Cooking is not just the seasoning of dishes, but also the adjustment of life. The designer added the design of the western kitchen island in the super-large corner kitchen area. This western kitchen island placed between the Chinese kitchen and the dining room has become a functional supplement and an intimate bridge between the two. In addition to the space of the Chinese and Western kitchens, the kitchen is connected to the outdoor balcony. When the sun shines on the ingredients, it also heals the mood of every "family chef".

In the design of the restaurant, the designer considered focusing on the dining table and the chandelier. The artistic metal chandelier echoes the metal of the dining table, injecting a unique texture into the space. The designed utensils add a sense of ritual to the happy dining moment.




In the busy city life, the pursuit of comfort and relaxation has become a luxury yearning. The master bedroom is the best window to regain tranquility and return to the heart. The master bedroom continues the overall spatial characteristics, and the furniture is presented with simplicity, eternity and the ultimate requirement for quality. The collision of different flavors of nature and fragrance more truly reflects the owner's unique taste and enhances the comfort and refinement of the space.


The master bedroom cloakroom meets the hostess's storage needs. The clothing style is elegant and fashionable, showing the hostess's taste and connotation, which is the ultimate embodiment of exquisite life. The male owner's clothing area is classified and stored to make the space cleaner and tidier. Placing clothing, shoes, bags and watches is the owner's pursuit of taste for the living class.

Through the closet, it is the master bedroom rest area. The calm and warm overall color tone creates a specific situational atmosphere. The internal lamps, soft textiles and natural materials make the space more meaningful to "home".

The resort hotel-style living experience is what the designer wants to bring to the residents. In this master bedroom suite, the designer created a luxurious hotel-style bathroom with a double basin design, which is convenient for the host and hostess to use at the same time, increasing the intimate interaction between the two; the bathtub by the window is a moment to relax. You can sit in the bathtub, turn a few pages of a book, hold a glass of wine, and indulge in the scenery outside the window.




The girl's room is tightly surrounded by tranquil warm colors, soft bedding, dreamy table lamps, and artistic collage wall paintings, which embellish each other, enriching the style of the space and creating a fresh and bright feeling, like the clear and gentle white flower tone, with a sweet scent every breath.

The overall atmosphere of the elderly room is simple and elegant. The skin-friendly and delicate bedding and the light-shaped chandelier add a sense of natural relaxation to the entire space. The calm and comfortable style, the furniture and carpets show the quality, and the pure natural fragrance diffuses in the air, evoking the time buried deep in people's hearts.




In this ever-changing era, we pursue a more free resting space. This multifunctional room adds more imagination to the time at home. Holding a book and lying on the comfortable sofa, this is a place where inspiration is nourished; when friends come to visit, you can have a hearty chat, this is a secret space that will not disturb your family; a glass of red wine, a vinyl record, and enjoy a quiet daze, this is your spiritual supply station in your spare time.

关于联投中心 |  长江之滨的艺术居所

Liantou Center | The design of the art residence on the bank of the Yangtze River uses artistic techniques to design the river view into the curtain of life, making every moment at home a romantic movie of "viewing the river without boundaries". In the functional space design, the diverse life of the city is integrated with the artistic sentiment to create a resort-style riverside artistic life. When people enter the 275㎡ riverside flat from the outdoors, all emotions are activated, making "art" a perceptible and enjoyable existence.

▲相关阅读:无间新作/武汉联投中心 550㎡ 超大平层江景豪宅

项目名称 |武汉联投中心,A2 栋 275㎡样板间
项目业主 | 武汉联投置业有限公司
业主团队 | 肖炳辉、肖莹
室内方案设计 | CCD 深圳市郑中设计股份有限公司
室内施工图设计 | 上海曼图室内设计有限公司
软装陈设设计 | 于舍(北京) 陈设艺术设计有限公司
完工时间 | 2023 年 8 月


▲ CCD三十周年(1994-2024),专访 郑忠&郑熙文 父女

香港郑中设计事务所(CCD)系由香港著名设计师郑忠先生( JOE CHENG )创立,专业为国际品牌酒店提供室内设计及顾问服务,是国际顶级品牌酒店室内设计机构之一。几十个国际室内设计预算,包括GOLDKEY,IDA,HD等。CCD在美国《室内设计》杂诘2013年10月的全球酒店室内设计百大排名中名列第3,是唯一进入该排名前75名的亚洲设计公司。

▲ CCD创始人 『郑忠』先生2024年最新访谈

自创立至今,CCD先后为10多个国际酒店管理集团,20多个国际品牌,100多个豪华酒店成功提供了室内设计及顾问服务,充分得到了喜达屋(Starwood),凯悦(Hyat),雅高(Accor),希尔顿(Hilton),万豪(Marriott)万豪),洲际酒店集团(InterContinental Hotels Group),温德姆(Wyndham),莱佛士(Capaff)莱佛士(Raffles)等国际酒店管理集团的高度认可。CCD为全球客户提供综合的一体化设计服务和方案,以前沿的设计理念,最新的技术工艺及独一无二的产品形象等提升服务专案的产业价值。 


郑忠 Cheng Chung

郑忠(Joe Cheng),亚泰国际(股票代码002811)董事长,香港郑中设计事务所(Cheng Chung Design,简称CCD)的创始人、董事长。郑忠是何镜堂先生(上海世博会中国馆设计者、设计界泰斗)的学生曾就读广州美术学院、华南理工大学,主修室内设计和建筑设计,以“东意西境”的设计理念享誉国际酒店室内设计领域。

郑忠先生被誉为“资本圈第一时尚先生”,曾被授予“联合国文化大使”,“中国设计年度人物”,“名人堂名人堂成员”,广州美术学院教授,2019年胡润百富“产业领袖”等多个荣誉头衔。郑忠先生以“东意西境”的设计理念享誉国际酒店室内设计领域,通过CCD从2001年创立至今已获得包括室内设计界最高荣誉-“金钥匙” CCD(美国室内设计》杂志2019年的全球酒店室内设计奖)(最佳酒店设计奖杯)在最佳酒店设计内部内部的75项顶级国际奖,成为首家囊括全系列酒店设计奖的华人设计公司。百大排名中名列第三,综合排名亚洲第一。2019年荣登“亚洲品牌500强” ,2020年荣登“中国500最具价值品牌” ,均成为第一个也是唯一上榜的设计品牌。


胡伟坚 Ken Hu

Ken Hu 胡伟坚,硕士研究生学历。CCD香港郑中设计事务所 合伙人/副总裁/副总经理/分管设计中心,拥有21年建筑和设计行业工作经验。


也是这时,在中国第一家国际五星酒店广州白天鹅宾馆的建设过程中,胡先生看到了什么是现代室内设计,也认识了HBA的创始人:Micheal Bedner先生,他推荐胡先生去最好的Savannah College of Art andDesign读室内设计硕士。由于学校良好的教育和全A优秀成绩,胡先生未毕业就于1993年底获HBA录取,成为洛杉矶总部的设计师。之后15年一直荣幸与他的另一位精神导师Bedner先生一起工作及学习西方酒店室内设计,并一起完成了众多知名的酒店,包括Beverly Hill Hotel、 Ritz Carlton Guangzhou、Four Season Wilshore等,并成为公司的合伙人。

2008年胡先生回到中国,加入了CCD的团队成为大学同学郑忠先生的合伙人,与郑忠先生并肩将CCD从中国设计带上国际化的新平台,完成众多国际品牌项目。CCD在2012年被美国Interior Design杂志评为Giant100排名全球第三的酒店设计公司,成为唯一进入全球前十名的亚洲公司。CCD设计的丽江铂尔曼酒店和重庆威斯汀酒店也虏获得最高的荣誉:Gold Key Award。由建筑师出身再到室内设计的胡先生,把本土文化与国际化相结合在参与过的许多跨国项目中,这些经历使他形成了独到的个人见解与对不同文化价值的适应性,以及对不同领域的商业实践。把这些学识运用到寻求创新的解决方案中,为胡先生所有的设计项目带来卓越的构思成果。

庄瑞安 Ray Chuang

庄瑞安 Ray Chuang,CCD香港郑中设计事务所副总裁、设计总监。纽约时尚设计学院完成室内设计学士学位,毕业后曾在多家国际知名的设计公司负责项目,其中包括国际知名的洛客玮尔设计集团(Rockwell Group)以及Jeffrey Beers International(JBI)等,后加入CCD香港郑中设计事务所。

庄瑞安获得过许多国际室内设计奖项,包括2007美国Hospitality Design 杂志设计竞赛, 2006美国Hospitality Design 杂志设计竞赛, 2006美国 IIDA设计竞赛, 2006美国Angelo Donghia 基金会设计竞赛, 2006 the P.A.V.E. 商业设计竞赛, 2005 Johnson & Johnson 设计竞赛与2005 Ronald& Anne 基金会设计竞赛等。



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