2024-12-30 论文分享 | 推荐系统最新进展

文摘   2024-12-30 10:56   安徽  

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论文分享 | 推荐系统相关研究进展


  1. Whom do Explanations Serve? A Systematic Literature Survey of User Characteristics in Explainable Recommender Systems Evaluation
  2. Muse: A Multimodal Conversational Recommendation Dataset with Scenario-Grounded User Profiles
  3. HEC-GCN: Hypergraph Enhanced Cascading Graph Convolution Network for Multi-Behavior Recommendation
  4. Molar: Multimodal LLMs with Collaborative Filtering Alignment for Enhanced Sequential Recommendation
  5. Are Longer Prompts Always Better? Prompt Selection in Large Language Models for Recommendation Systems

1.Whom do Explanations Serve? A Systematic Literature Survey of User Characteristics in Explainable Recommender Systems Evaluation

Authors: Kathrin Wardatzky, Oana Inel, Luca Rossetto, Abraham Bernstein



Adding explanations to recommender systems is said to have multiple benefits, such as increasing user trust or system transparency. Previous work from other application areas suggests that specific user characteristics impact the users’ perception of the explanation. However, we rarely find this type of evaluation for recommender systems explanations. This paper addresses this gap by surveying 124 papers in which recommender systems explanations were evaluated in user studies. We analyzed their participant descriptions and study results where the impact of user characteristics on the explanation effects was measured. Our findings suggest that the results from the surveyed studies predominantly cover specific users who do not necessarily represent the users of recommender systems in the evaluation domain. This may seriously hamper the generalizability of any insights we may gain from current studies on explanations in recommender systems. We further find inconsistencies in the data reporting, which impacts the reproducibility of the reported results. Hence, we recommend actions to move toward a more inclusive and reproducible evaluation.



2.Muse: A Multimodal Conversational Recommendation Dataset with Scenario-Grounded User Profiles

Authors: Zihan Wang, Xiaocui Yang, Yongkang Liu, Shi Feng, Daling Wang, Yifei Zhang



Current conversational recommendation systems focus predominantly on text. However, real-world recommendation settings are generally multimodal, causing a significant gap between existing research and practical applications.  To address this issue, we propose Muse, the first multimodal conversational recommendation dataset. Muse comprises 83,148 utterances from 7,000 conversations centered around the clothing domain.  Each conversation contains comprehensive multimodal interactions, rich elements, and natural dialogues.  Data in Muse are automatically synthesized by a multi-agent framework powered by multimodal large language models (MLLMs).  It innovatively derives user profiles from real-world scenarios rather than depending on manual design and historical data for better scalability, and then it fulfills conversation simulation and optimization.  Both human and LLM evaluations demonstrate the high quality of conversations in \textsc{Muse}. Additionally, fine-tuning experiments on three MLLMs demonstrate Muse's learnable patterns for recommendations and responses, confirming its value for multimodal conversational recommendation.  Our dataset and codes are available at https://anonymous.4open.science/r/Muse-0086.



3.HEC-GCN: Hypergraph Enhanced Cascading Graph Convolution Network for Multi-Behavior Recommendation

Authors: Yabo Yin, Xiaofei Zhu, Wenshan Wang, Yihao Zhang, Pengfei Wang, Yixing Fan, Jiafeng Guo



Multi-behavior recommendation (MBR) has garnered growing attention recently due to its ability to mitigate the sparsity issue by inferring user preferences from various auxiliary behaviors to improve predictions for the target behavior. Although existing research on MBR has yielded impressive results, they still face two major limitations. First, previous methods mainly focus on modeling f ine-grained interaction information between users and items under each behavior, which may suffer from sparsity issue. Second, existing models usually concentrate on exploiting dependencies between two consecutive behaviors, leaving intra- and inter-behavior consistency largely unexplored. To the end, we propose a novel approach named Hypergraph Enhanced Cascading Graph Convolution Network for multi-behavior recommendation (HEC-GCN). To be specific, we first explore both f ine- and coarse-grained correlations among users or items of each behavior by simultaneously modeling the behavior-specific interaction graph and its corresponding hypergraph in a cascaded manner. Then, we propose a behavior consistency-guided alignment strategy that ensures consistent representations between the interaction graph and its associated hypergraph for each behavior, while also maintaining representation consistency across different behaviors. Extensive experiments and analyses on three public benchmark datasets demonstrate that our proposed approach is consistently superior to previous state-of-the-art methods due to its capability to effectively attenuate the sparsity issue as well as preserve both intra- and inter-behavior consistencies. The code is available at https://github.com/marqu22/HEC-GCN.git.




4.Molar: Multimodal LLMs with Collaborative Filtering Alignment for Enhanced Sequential Recommendation

Authors: Yucong Luo, Qitao Qin, Hao Zhang, Mingyue Cheng, Ruiran Yan, Kefan Wang, Jie Ouyang



Sequential recommendation (SR) systems have evolved significantly over the past decade, tran sitioning from traditional collaborative filtering to deep learning approaches and, more recently, to large language models (LLMs). While the adoption of LLMs has driven substantial ad vancements, these models inherently lack col laborative filtering information, relying primar The User has watched North by Northwest Back to the Future Toy Story predict the next moviethe user will watch. North by Northwest Back to the Future Toy Story LLM Word Embedding Piror LLM-based Recommendation Item Text embedding Pre-Alignment LLM-based Recommender (a) Multimodal  Metadata Ours (b) North by  Northwest Back to  the Future Multimodal LLM Toy Story User Content embedding Post-Alignment Recommendation Layer  Text Metadata Traditional Rec Model Item ID embedding  Traditional Rec Model User ID embedding ID Number ID Number ily on textual content data neglecting other modalities and thus failing to achieve optimal recommendation performance. To address this limitation, we propose Molar, a Multimodal large language sequential recommendation framework that integrates multiple content modalities with ID information to capture col laborative signals effectively. Molar employs an MLLMtogenerate unified item representa tions from both textual and non-textual data, facilitating comprehensive multimodal mod eling and enriching item embeddings. Addi tionally, it incorporates collaborative filtering signals through a post-alignment mechanism, which aligns user representations from content based and ID-based models, ensuring precise personalization and robust performance. By seamlessly combining multimodal content with collaborative filtering insights, Molar captures both user interests and contextual semantics, leading to superior recommendation accuracy. Extensive experiments validate that Molar sig nificantly outperforms traditional and LLM based baselines, highlighting its strength in uti lizing multimodal data and collaborative sig nals for sequential recommendation tasks. The source code is available.



5.Are Longer Prompts Always Better? Prompt Selection in Large Language Models for Recommendation Systems

Authors: Genki Kusano, Kosuke Akimoto, Kunihiro Takeoka



In large language models (LLM)-based recommendation systems (LLM-RSs), accurately predicting user preferences by leveraging the general knowledge of LLMs is possible without requiring extensive training data. By converting recommendation tasks into natural language inputs called prompts, LLM-RSs can efficiently address issues that have been difficult to resolve due to data scarcity but are crucial in applications such as cold-start and cross-domain problems. However, when applying this in practice, selecting the prompt that best matches the tasks and data is essential. Although numerous prompts have been proposed in LLM-RSs and representing the target user in prompts significantly impacts recommendation accuracy, there are still no clear guidelines for selecting specific prompts.

In this paper, we categorize and analyze prompts from previous research to establish practical prompt selection guidelines. Through 450 experiments with 90 prompts and five real-world datasets, we examined the relationship between prompts and dataset characteristics regarding recommendation accuracy. We found that no single prompt consistently outperforms others; thus, selecting prompts based on dataset characteristics is crucial. Here, we propose a prompt selection method that achieves higher accuracy with minimal validation data. Because increasing the number of prompts to explore raises costs, we also introduce a cost-efficient strategy using high-performance and cost-effective LLMs, significantly reducing exploration costs while maintaining high prediction accuracy. Our work offers valuable insights into prompt selection, advancing accurate and efficient LLM-RSs.




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