Ahead of the 31st APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting, China Daily reporter Peng Yixuan arrived in Lima, the capital of Peru, where the warmth of the Southern Hemisphere in November filled the air.
Peru is an underrated culinary powerhouse, widely regarded as the birthplace of potato. Here, potatoes come in a stunning array of colors — yellow, red, blue, purple, and violet. The best variety, called "Huayro", meaning "egg yolk", is a local favorite.
Peru's long coastline, vast Andes mountains, and tropical rainforests have given rise to its rich food and culinary culture. Beyond local flavors, Peruvian cuisine also blends influences from Asia, Africa, and Europe.
Human nature has spread across the globe for centuries. We are now at a crossroads. I hope for union, not division, and wish we could see the good in our diversity. Somehow, despite its imperfections, we’re getting along, aren’t we? Yet we could be so much more aligned and united. And the proof lies in what we ate today.
您可曾观赏过在海平面上徐徐下落的夕阳?您是否目不转睛地跟随,直到太阳消失前日轮的上半部与水平面相切的那一刻? 那么当天空万里无云、一片纯净时,就在太阳射出最后一缕光线的那一刹那,如果您有幸拥有这样的机会——当然这样的机会千载难逢——您就会发现,和我们通常所想的全然不同,跃入您眼帘的那最后一缕光不是红色的,而是一道“绿光”。 那种绿简直不可思议,世间没有一位画家能用调色板调出这样的绿色,自然界中,无论是种类繁多的植物还是最为清澈的海域都不曾拥有这样的颜色,也许只有天堂才会有这样的绿色吧,或许这就是真正的希望之光。