The latest installment in the Contra series has finally arrived on the battlefield!
This game is a complete remake of the original "Contra" that was released in 1988 and received widespread support.
Enhanced weapon systems, new game mechanics, and the introduction of new enemies and levels, all upgraded to meet modern gaming standards.在重启后更加广阔的『魂斗罗世界』中展开的新剧情。
In the rebooted, more expansive "Contra World," a new story unfolds.
The classic, legitimate Contra makes its appearance!!
位在纽西兰近海的Galuga群岛被神秘的恐怖组织「Red Falcon」所占领,情报研判恐怖份子正武装该岛并进行最终武器的开发。
The Galuga Islands, located near New Zealand, have been occupied by the mysterious terrorist organization "Red Falcon," and intelligence suggests that the terrorists are arming the island and developing an ultimate weapon.
地球海军陆战队传说中的超级精锐战士,魂斗罗部队的Bill Rizer与Lance Bean衔命出动,将要面对的是赌上地球存亡命运,超越想像的硬仗。
The legendary super-elite fighters of the Earth Marine Corps, Bill Rizer and Lance Bean of the Contra unit, are dispatched on a mission to face an unimaginable battle that will determine the fate of Earth.
■Story Mode
Familiar with the Galuga Islands as the stage, new characters and a new storyline are introduced. Bill和Lance在岛屿的最深处将会有什么发现?
What will Bill and Lance discover deep in the islands? 支援2人合作同乐。
Supports 2-player cooperative fun.
■Arcade Mode
A mode where you can simply and easily enjoy the fun of the game. 在Bill和Lance之外,还可操作新加入的游戏角色进行挑战。
In addition to Bill and Lance, you can also challenge with new characters added to the game.
最多可支援4人合作同乐。Supports up to 4 players for cooperative fun.
■Challenge Mode
"Fastest completion" or "limited weapon use" and so on, you can enjoy many challenging goals. 完成挑战即可拿到大量的「魂斗罗COIN」。
Complete the challenges to get a large number of "Contra COINS."
■Park Shop
You can use the "Contra COINS" obtained in each game mode to unlock new abilities for characters or to obtain alternative sound effects and other elements.
8个关卡,2-3小时通关。好评 可以用战斗获得的游戏点数在游戏武器商店系统里升级角色,新手友好。好评 有传统FC一击毙命和血槽两种模式可选择,同时照顾老人和新人玩家。好评 武器新增二层强化和特殊技系统,每种武器特色明显。好评 除了FC魂斗罗两位角色外,还新增了多位女性战斗角色,女性友好。好评 街机模式支持本地4人同屏游戏,适合家庭聚会。好评