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热烈庆祝 新华保险
由金融时报社主办的“中国金融机构金牌榜榜单”发布会在北京举行,新华保险荣获“年度最佳理赔服务寿险公司”。(The press conference on the "2023 China Financial Institution Gold Medal List" hosted by Financial Times News was held in Beijing, and Xinhua Insurance was awarded the "Best Claims Service Life Insurance Company of the Year".)
新华保险高铁冠名专列正式发车。专列将承担各地60余条车次线路的运行任务,伴随1500余万乘客共度美好旅途。(The New China Insurance high-speed railway named special train has officially departed. The special train will undertake the operation tasks of more than 60 train routes in various regions, accompanying more than 15 million passengers on a beautiful journey.)
(Congratulations! Congratulations!Xinhua InsuranceComprehensive solvency adequacy ratioAmong several established insurance companiesRanked first, 239.5%)
身为一名人寿保险专业人士,我深知保险在生活中的重要性。保险不仅仅是一份合同,它更是对生活的守护与承诺。(As a life insurance professional, I am well aware of the importance of insurance in daily life. Insurance is not just a contract, it is also a safeguard and commitment to life.)