It's coming on Christmas, it just began to snow
Maybe you are restless, and your spirits are running low
Hush now, hush now
Let us give Santa Claus a call, (and ask him:)
Bring Jenny a cute puppy
Bring poor Mike some money
As for Lucy, let her have a bright career
And dont forgrt Mr. Chen who wants a Christmas tree
I know it's pretty hard, to sing along with meBut somehow if you try, we might just write a song
But hush now, hush now
Because we are goin' give Santa Claus a call( and ask him)
Give poor Bobby, a warm and nice nest
Let little Rosie have a day to rest
As for Mr. Rey, a job oppurtunity
And bring Adam somebody to love
It's coming on Christmas, you can hear that jingle bells ring
I know you are restless, but soon come(s) back spring
This time at English Corner we will play "Draw Something", which I am pretty sure everybody once has played. But we will spicy things up with some "strange" rules, intended to make the game more fun.
Here is the routine:
Part 1: Introduction
Introduce yourself. Tell something funny, strange, or even peculiar about yourself.
Part 2: The Game
We will be divided into 2 groups.
For each round a group chooses a drawer, who shall get a card with words on it. The drawer can pick whatever word that he is confident to deliver, and draw, regardless of the order.
The rest of the group members shall try to figure out what word he is drawing, and if not, just go to next word.
Within one and half minutes, how many words guessed correct equal how many points the group has won.
Part 3: The Winner Takes It All
At the end of this game, the group with more points wins. The group who has lost is obliged to do one thing, whatever the champion group requests.