
文摘   2024-12-08 17:20   广东  





相比公推,Golden的重点2场全中 !叠加近期免费的实单命中,Golden栏目是过去21天有15天是有胜分差实单命中,累计中了21单!今天Golden重心将主推2场NBA赛事!出击【掘金VS老鹰】+【太阳VS魔术】的让分方向!记得留意!长按识别下方二维码或点击文末【阅读原文】即可看到!



周日310 掘金VS老鹰

周日312 太阳VS魔术





10:30 NBA 开拓者VS湖人(主)


竞篮:周日318 让分主负


先审视湖人队,本赛季他们的表现犹如坐过山车般起伏不定,目前以 12 胜 11 负的战绩位列西部第十,相较之前排名已有所退步。回顾过去的 9 场比赛,其仅取得 2 胜 7 负的惨淡战绩,仅仅战胜了马刺队和爵士队,这充分暴露了球队在这段时间内的竞争力不足,毫无优势可言。湖人队的主场表现曾是他们的一大依仗,赛季初打出了 7 胜 3 负的佳绩。但近期形势急转直下,连续 3 个主场比赛均遭败绩,主场的气势如同退潮的海水,消逝殆尽。

尽管从过往交锋记录来看,湖人在过去 3 次对决中都成功击败了开拓者,这无疑会给他们在心理上带来一定的优势。但我们不能忽视的是,湖人刚结束漫长的 4 连客赛程,球员们的体能消耗巨大。

再看开拓者队,他们本赛季的战绩同样不尽人意,仅取得 8 胜 15 负的成绩,在西部排名倒数第三。客场作战能力更是薄弱,3 胜 9 负的客场战绩使其在西部位列第 13。过去 9 场比赛中,他们也仅收获 2 胜 7 负,且近期遭遇了 3 连败的沉重打击。上场比赛在主场更是被爵士队以 42 分的巨大分差血洗,这场惨败无疑让球队陷入了深深的困境之中。

开拓者队在防守端的表现堪称灾难,被爵士队多达 9 名球员得分上双,这一数据直观地反映出他们在防守体系构建、防守球员的执行力以及整体防守协作等方面存在着严重的问题。然而,我们也不能因此而完全否定开拓者队的实力与潜力。他们拥有一些具备个人能力的球员,在进攻端能够凭借出色的个人技术和战术配合创造得分机会。



First, let's take a look at the Lakers. Their performance this season has been like a roller coaster ride, with a record of 12 wins and 11 losses, ranking tenth in the Western Conference. Compared to their previous ranking, they have regressed. Looking back at the past 9 games, it has only achieved a dismal record of 2 wins and 7 losses, defeating only the Spurs and Jazz, which fully exposes the team's lack of competitiveness during this period, with no advantage at all. The Lakers' home performance was once a major reliance for them, with a record of 7 wins and 3 losses at the beginning of the season. But recently, the situation has taken a sharp turn for the worse, losing three consecutive home games, and the momentum of the home game has disappeared like a receding tide.

Although based on past matchups, the Lakers have successfully defeated the Trail Blazers in the past three encounters, which undoubtedly gives them a certain psychological advantage. But we cannot ignore that the Lakers have just finished a long 4-game away game, and the players' physical exertion is enormous.

Looking at the Trail Blazers again, their performance this season is also unsatisfactory, with only 8 wins and 15 losses, ranking third from the bottom in the Western Conference. Their ability to play away games is even weaker, with a record of 3 wins and 9 losses, making them ranked 13th in the Western Conference. In the past 9 games, they have only achieved 2 wins and 7 losses, and have recently suffered a heavy blow of 3 consecutive losses. In the last game at home, the Jazz suffered a huge 42 point deficit, which undoubtedly plunged the team into a deep predicament.

The performance of the Trail Blazers on the defensive end can be considered a disaster, with as many as 9 Jazz players scoring double goals. This data intuitively reflects that they have serious problems in building their defensive system, executing defensive players, and overall defensive cooperation. However, we cannot completely deny the strength and potential of the Trail Blazers team because of this. They have some players with individual abilities who can create scoring opportunities on the offensive end with excellent personal skills and tactical coordination.

Although the Lakers have a certain advantage in overall strength and past encounters, they need to overcome the challenges of physical and offensive instability. On the defensive end, it is important to maintain a high level of focus and intensity to prevent the Trail Blazers' counterattacks. On the offensive end, it is necessary to quickly find effective scoring methods, improve shooting accuracy, and reduce errors. Overall, I am more optimistic that the Trail Blazers can hold onto the index!
