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11:00 NBA 雷霆vs湖人
竞篮:周五315 让分主负
先将目光聚焦于湖人队。回顾 11 月 27 日与太阳队的激战,湖人在面对刚刚伤愈复出的杜兰特时,显得毫无还手之力,这无疑暴露出了球队诸多深层次的问题。湖人在进攻端呈现出鲜明的两极分化态势。其进攻效率位列联盟第 4,这一数据看似亮眼,实则隐藏着危机。他们过于依赖禁区得分,内线强打以及突破上篮成为了主要的得分手段。内线球员凭借身体优势在篮下强攻,后卫们也频繁地冲击篮筐,试图撕开对手的防线。然而,这种进攻方式的代价是惨重的。由于球员们在进攻时大量地投入到内线的拼杀之中,回防的速度便难以保证,这就如同在自家后院打开了一道缺口,给对手留下了可乘之机。对手往往能够抓住湖人回防不及的瞬间,迅速发动反击,打湖人一个措手不及。
在防守端,湖人的表现更是令人堪忧,其防守效率几乎处于联盟垫底的尴尬境地。场均失误虽然控制在 12.3 次,尚属不错,但远投方面的糟糕表现却成为了球队的致命伤。场均出手和命中数均在联盟中下游徘徊,这意味着他们在外线缺乏有效的进攻威慑力。当对手收缩防线,重点防守湖人的内线进攻时,湖人难以通过外线的远投来拉开空间,打破僵局。
哈滕施泰因伤愈归来后的表现堪称惊艳,连续斩获两双数据,场均贡献 16 分、12 篮板以及 3.5 助攻,投篮命中率更是高达 56%,场均还有 2 次封盖。他在内线的强势表现,不仅为球队提供了稳定的得分点,更重要的是,他重新筑起了球队的禁飞区,在防守端给予了对手极大的威慑力。
而雷霆队的防守体系,更是他们的一大杀器。即便在没有高大中锋坐镇的情况下,他们凭借着小阵容的灵活性和极快的横移速度,巧妙地弥补了阵容上的缺陷,始终将防守效率保持在联盟前列。如今,他们的防守效率更是攀升至联盟第 1 的宝座。即便球队的比赛节奏非常快,场均回合数位列联盟第 7,但他们依然能够在高速的攻防转换中,保持着出色的防守质量,这充分彰显了球队防守体系的成熟与高效。
在进攻端,雷霆队同样表现出色。他们对于失误的控制堪称典范,场均仅有 11.2 次失误,这在联盟中名列前茅。更为厉害的是,他们善于利用对手的失误创造得分机会,场均利用对手失误能够拿下 21.8 分,高居联盟第 1。这种出色的防守反击能力,让对手在与雷霆队比赛时,不得不时刻小心翼翼,生怕犯错。同时,雷霆队的三分球攻势也毫不逊色,场均出手和命中数均处于联盟中上游水平。他们在外线拥有一批出色的射手,能够在外线给予对手致命的打击。当对手将防守重心放在内线,试图限制雷霆队的突破和内线强攻时,雷霆队的外线射手们便会用精准的三分球让对手付出代价。
Focus your attention on the Lakers first. Looking back at the fierce battle with the Suns on November 27th, the Lakers appeared powerless against Durant, who had just recovered from injury, which undoubtedly exposed many deep-seated problems of the team. The Lakers exhibit a distinct polarization on the offensive end. Its offensive efficiency ranks fourth in the league, which may seem impressive but actually hides a crisis. They rely too much on scoring in the penalty area, with strong shots inside and breakthrough layups becoming the main scoring methods. Inside players rely on their physical advantage to launch strong attacks under the basket, while guards frequently charge the basket in an attempt to tear open the opponent's defense. However, the cost of this attack method is heavy. Due to the players' heavy involvement in the internal battle during the attack, the speed of defense is difficult to guarantee, which is like opening a gap in one's own backyard, leaving an opportunity for the opponent to take advantage of. Opponents are often able to seize the moment when the Lakers are unable to defend and quickly launch a counterattack, catching the Lakers off guard.
On the defensive end, the Lakers' performance is even more worrying, with their defensive efficiency almost at the bottom of the league. Although the average number of errors per game is controlled at 12.3, which is still good, the poor performance in long-range shooting has become a fatal injury for the team. The average number of shots and hits per game is hovering in the middle and lower reaches of the league, which means they lack effective offensive deterrence on the outside. When the opponent shrinks the defense line and focuses on defending the Lakers' interior attack, the Lakers find it difficult to open up space and break the deadlock through long-range shots from the outside.
Even worse, there seem to be some discordant notes within the team. James' laxity on the defensive end has caused dissatisfaction among thick eyebrows towards the team's defense. This internal contradiction and hidden danger are highly likely to affect the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the team in the game.
On the other hand, after experiencing the baptism of injuries, the Thunder successfully emerged from the haze and regained the confidence and dominance of a top Western team. Although Holmgren is still recovering from his injury and has not resumed normal training, Hartenstein's return from injury is like a timely rain, injecting strong vitality and motivation into the team.
After recovering from injury, H ä ttenstein's performance was stunning, scoring two consecutive double doubles, averaging 16 points, 12 rebounds, and 3.5 assists per game. His shooting percentage was as high as 56%, and he also averaged 2 blocks per game. His strong performance inside not only provided the team with stable scoring points, but more importantly, he rebuilt the team's no fly zone and gave the opponent great deterrence on the defensive end.
And the Thunder's defensive system is their biggest killer. Even without the presence of tall centers, they cleverly compensated for the deficiencies in their lineup with the flexibility of their small lineup and extremely fast lateral movement speed, always maintaining their defensive efficiency at the forefront of the league. Nowadays, their defensive efficiency has climbed to the top spot in the league. Even though the team's game pace is very fast, with an average of several rounds per game ranking seventh in the league, they are still able to maintain excellent defensive quality in high-speed offensive and defensive transitions, which fully demonstrates the maturity and efficiency of the team's defensive system.
On the offensive end, the Thunder team also performed well. Their control over mistakes is exemplary, averaging only 11.2 mistakes per game, which ranks among the top in the league. Even more impressive, they are adept at utilizing their opponents' mistakes to create scoring opportunities, averaging 21.8 points per game and ranking first in the league. This excellent defensive and counterattack ability makes opponents have to be cautious and afraid of making mistakes when playing against the Thunder team. At the same time, the Thunder's three-point offensive is not inferior, with an average of shots and hits per game at the upper middle level of the league. They have a group of excellent shooters on the outside, who can deliver fatal blows to their opponents on the outside. When the opponent places their defensive focus on the interior and tries to limit the Thunder's breakthroughs and strong attacks, the Thunder's outside shooters will use precise three-point shots to make the opponent pay the price.
In summary, the Thunder team has a significant advantage over the Lakers in terms of the integrity of their defensive system, high defensive efficiency, and diversity and efficiency in their offense.