Architecture is the will of an epoch translated into space
The project is located in Tangshan City, Hebei Province, which is adjacent to Beijing and Tianjin and is located at the throat of the passage between North China and Northeast China. Tangshan has a long history and culture, and is the birthplace of Chinese opera, and is known as the "Three Flowers of Jidong", with shadow puppets, opera, and drums which a national intangible cultural heritage. It combines the tender characteristics of the city with the simplicity and atmosphere. Sunlight and books are the important design language in this work, reflecting the interaction between the book garden and nature as well as the cultural heritage of the city.“让设计服务于人,让营销空间更加温情。”这里不仅仅是一个简单的销售空间,而是一种美的呈现,是实用主义的体现,是未来生活方式的展现。
"Let the design serve people and make the marketing space warmer." This is not just a simple sales space, but a presentation of beauty, a manifestation of pragmatism, and a future lifestyle.
整个空间就像一个巨大的图书馆,奠定了浓厚的文化气息。通顶的书架让空间彰显出整体性跟宏大观感。The whole space is like a huge library, laying down a strong cultural atmosphere. The bookshelves through the roof give the space a sense of unity and grandeur.
将楼梯与书架结合, 大弧度的曲线走向使得空间灵动且自然,反复推敲过的建筑设计与室内设计有机融合,让空间彼此动态衔接,构成别具一格的空间表达。
The combination of the staircase and the bookshelf, the large curved direction makes the space dynamic and natural, and the organic integration of the repeatedly refined architectural design and interior design allows the space to connect dynamically with each other, constituting a unique spatial expression.
大型天窗让阳光如潺潺溪流倾泻而下,铺洒在洁白书架。拾阶而上,愈往上,愈光亮,触动人心的永远与自然相连,把自然引入空间,给人一种返璞归真之感,惬意而空灵。The large skylight allows the sunlight to pour down like a gurgling stream, spreading on the white bookshelves. The more you go up the steps, the brighter it is, the more it touches your heart and is always connected to nature, bringing nature into the space, giving people a sense of returning to the basics, cozy and ethereal.洽谈区延续简明风格,采用灰、咖等大地色调,铺垫干净高级氛围,同时为空间增添沉稳气质。局部点缀金属亮色,为空间增添亮点细节,设计的层次更加丰富。The negotiation area continues the concise style, using earth tones such as gray and curry, paving a clean and advanced atmosphere, while adding a calm temperament to the space. The area is embellished with bright metallic colors to add highlights and details to the space and to enrich the design level.
"It is not until a space is built that the light realizes how wonderful it is."
The design of the water bar is rounded, graceful and elegant, and the curry color tone is consistent with the negotiation area, and the space style is harmonious and unified. By creating different scenes and providing different spatial experiences, it makes the space level richer, which is also the design team's new interpretation of the contemporary exhibition center: a multifunctional aesthetic experience center serving customers.
卫生间延续展示厅的风格,整体采用白色作为主色调,简约明净,大面积落地镜营造空间的整体感,同时更具实用性,圆润造型通透洁白的盥洗台为空间增添柔和氛围。The bathroom continues the style of the showroom, the overall use of white as the main color, simple and clear, a large floor mirror to create a sense of space as a whole, while more practical, rounded shape transparent white vanity for the space to add a soft atmosphere.
项目性质:展示中心 摄影团队:SILSAIL VISION
YLHD设计总部位于北京,在杭州、成都、米兰均设有设计分部。YLHD自成立以来,始终秉持匠心精神,以设计创新为核心竞争力,让团队具备国际化视野的同时坚持以中国文化为根本,让多元文化不断为创新和设计赋能。作为业界具有专业性和影响力的室内设计品牌之一,业务范围涵盖地产、酒店、商业、文教、医养、交通等综合空间领域。YLHD团队作品曾获美国Muse Design铂金奖、德国Red Dot 红点设计奖、意大利The A'Design Award 金奖、英国the International Property Award、荣获IF design 2020德国室内建筑设计大奖、成为2019年美国 Good design 获奖团队、2018英国 Andrew Martin 安德马丁获奖团队;是INTERIOR DESIGN 美国ID杂志中国室内设计年度封面人物。团队设计作品专辑《地产营销空间》著作已出版并全国发行。在售楼处示范区、酒店、会所、办公领域里的设计作品成为中国室内设计的成功案例。建筑 | 室内 | 设计 | 艺术
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