
文摘   2024-10-09 08:49   云南  




1. Brainstrom New Ideas头脑风暴


Prompt: I'm working on a [project] that focuses on [subject]. Do you have any suggestions on [topics] I can cover that are engaging?

我正在做一个专注于 [主题] 的 [项目]。您对我可以涵盖的 [主题] 有什么建议吗?


2. Generate Analogies生成类比


Prompt: I'm trying to better understand the concept of [concept], please help me better understand this concept by creating a practical and easy to understand analogy.

我正在尝试更好地理解 [概念] 的概念,请通过创建一个实用且易于理解的类比来帮助我更好地理解这个概念。


3. Problem Solving解决问题


Prompt: Help me brainstorm solutions for the issue I'm facing in [describe the problem or challenge].

请帮助我集思广益,解决我在 [描述问题或挑战] 中遇到的问题。


4. Feynman Technique To Understand Complex Topics费曼技巧帮助理解复杂主题


Prompt: Can you explain the concept of [insert topic here] as if you were teaching it to a fifth-grader? Please use simple language and avoid jargon. Explain in a step-by-step method.

您能像教五年级学生一样解释 [在此处插入主题] 的概念吗?请使用简单的语言,避免使用术语。逐步解释。


5. Tabular Format表格格式


Prompt: [Your question] Create one table, be more descriptive, and break the answer into different categories.

[您的问题] 创建一个表格,更具描述性,并将答案分为不同的类别。




今天给大家五个ChatGPT提示词示例,包含 Brainstrom New Ideas头脑风暴,Generate Analogies生成类比,Problem Solving解决问题, Feynman Technique To Understand Complex Topics费曼技巧帮助理解复杂主题,Tabular Format表格格式,希望对大家有帮助。 

