周四310 篮网VS雄鹿
09:00 NBA 快船VS雷霆(主)
竞篮推荐:周四311 让分主胜
雷霆队本赛季的表现堪称惊艳,目前以 27 胜 5 负的骄人战绩雄踞西部榜首,并且手握 7 连胜的佳绩,其冲劲之猛令人侧目。他们与全联盟排名第一的骑士队之间的差距也在逐渐缩小,这无疑让球队上下充满了斗志和信心,每一场比赛都全力以赴,向着更高的目标迈进。
雷霆队的主场更是成为了对手的梦魇之地,本赛季他们在主场取得了 14 胜 2 负的辉煌战绩,这得益于他们出色的攻防体系。上场比赛,面对实力不俗的森林狼队,雷霆队再次展现出了强大的统治力,在主场以 8 分的优势轻松将对手斩落马下。后场核心亚历山大继续延续着自己的出色发挥,全场砍下最高的 40 分,凭借着超强的个人能力和关键时刻的大心脏表现,几乎以一己之力带领球队压制住了森林狼的反扑,他的出色发挥也成为了球队获胜的关键因素之一。
而快船队近期的状态则与雷霆队形成了鲜明的对比。上场比赛,快船队处于背靠背作战的不利局面,面对实力相对较弱的马刺队,他们却在比赛一开始就陷入了被动,首节便被对手大比分领先。尽管在后续的比赛中,快船队试图通过调整进攻战术来扭转局势,但无奈马刺队多点开花,让快船队的努力付诸东流,最终以 36 分的巨大分差惨败。这场大败对于快船队的士气打击极大,球员们的信心也受到了严重的挫伤,在接下来的比赛中,他们需要花费一定的时间和精力来调整心态,重新找回比赛的感觉。
The Thunder's performance this season has been stunning, currently holding the top spot in the Western Conference with an impressive record of 27 wins and 5 losses, and holding a record of 7 consecutive wins. Their momentum is impressive. The gap between them and the top ranked Cavaliers in the league is gradually narrowing, which undoubtedly fills the team with fighting spirit and confidence, giving their all in every game and moving towards higher goals.
The Thunder's home court has become a nightmare for their opponents, with a glorious record of 14 wins and 2 losses this season, thanks to their excellent offensive and defensive system. In the last game, facing the formidable Timberwolves, the Thunder once again demonstrated strong dominance, easily defeating their opponents with an 8-point advantage at home. Backcourt core Alexander continued his excellent performance, scoring the highest 40 points of the game. With his strong personal ability and heart pounding performance at critical moments, he almost single handedly led the team to suppress the Timberwolves' counterattack, and his outstanding performance became one of the key factors for the team's victory.
The recent performance of the Clippers is in stark contrast to that of the Thunder. In the last game, the Clippers were in a disadvantageous situation of back-to-back combat. Facing the relatively weaker Spurs, they fell into a passive position at the beginning of the game and were led by their opponents by a large margin in the first quarter. Although the Clippers attempted to turn the tide by adjusting their offensive tactics in subsequent games, unfortunately, the Spurs' efforts were in vain, resulting in a huge 36 point deficit and a disastrous defeat for the Clippers. This major defeat has dealt a great blow to the morale of the Clippers, and the players' confidence has also been severely dampened. In the upcoming games, they will need to spend some time and energy adjusting their mentality and regaining the feeling of the game.
From the history of the two teams' encounters this season, it can be seen that the Thunder has successfully won the first two matches against the Clippers, which undoubtedly gives them an absolute psychological advantage. Taking into account all the factors mentioned above, the Thunder team has an overwhelming advantage in terms of their current game form, individual performances of players, psychological advantages in past encounters, and home momentum. Therefore, I am more optimistic about the Thunder's big victory in this game!