步入武汉中海·东湖玖章,一步一景,仿佛置身于流动的画卷。古铜金属与石材的硬朗线条勾勒出和璧的轮廓,融入古典韵味之中。Stepping into Wuhan China Overseas · Donghu Jiuzhang, one scene per step, as if in a flowing picture scroll. The strong lines of bronze metal and stone outline the contours of Hepu, blending into the classical charm.
艺术雕塑由意大利进口的星空翡翠玉石雕琢而成。璞玉雕琢成器,明珠尘尽光生。The art sculpture is carved from Italian imported star jade. The rough jade is carved into a vessel, and the pearl dust is shining.
灯光柔和映照在精选的艺术装置上,每一件都似在诉说著和璧的传奇故事,让每一位踏入此地的宾客,都能感受到一份尊贵与温暖并存的迎接.The soft light shines on the selected art installations, each one seems to be telling the legendary story of Hepu, making every guest who steps into this place feel a reception of nobility and warmth.
水吧区以「碧水绕玉」为设计理念,采用透光云石的效果,营造出水流轻绕、光影交错的梦幻景象。The water bar area is designed with the concept of "green water around jade", using the effect of translucent cloud stone, creating a dreamy scene of light water and interlaced light and shadow.
艺术吊饰由399个水晶玻璃组成,仿佛东湖之水的轻涌,形成明暗交织的光影变幻,散发自由的气息。The art chandelier is composed of 399 crystal glasses, like the gentle surge of Donghu Lake, forming a light and shadow interweaving, exuding a free atmosphere.
以玉石纹理为灵感的装饰品,让每一次品茗或小憩都成为一场关于美的仪式。Decor inspired by jade textures, making every tea tasting or rest a ritual about beauty.
洽谈区空间布局开阔而不失私密,古铜金属与石材的沉稳基调与简约家具的优雅线条相得益彰。The negotiation area has a spacious layout without losing privacy, the steady tone of bronze metal and stone complements the elegant lines of simple furniture.
繁花似锦绽芳华、刚柔并济,环绕式的生长状态,局部点缀张扬跳跃之红,空间的赋予自然的生命力。Blooming like a brocade, rigid and soft, surrounding growth state,embellishment of bright and lively red, the space is endowed with the vitality of nature.
艺术品由491个金属球组成,如玉链一样从天花倾泻而下,玉珠的环绕交织,赋予空间动态美感,强化了空间的气势,更成为整个空间的视觉焦点。The artwork is composed of 491 metal balls, cascading from the ceiling like a jade chain, the interweaving of jade beads, endowing the space with a dynamic aesthetic, enhancing the momentum of the space, and becoming the visual focus of the entire space.
藤编元素与温润的木质底座以其独特的质感,赋予空间独特的自然气息和生机。Rattan elements and warm wood bases with their unique texture, endowing the space with a unique natural atmosphere and vitality.
以模拟江水波动、光影变幻的自然景象,金箔雕铸工艺的运用,增添了奢华质感,在光影交错间映射出江面的波光粼粼,带入一个梦幻般的江城之境。Simulating the natural scene of river water undulation and light and shadow change, the use of gold foil casting process, adding a luxurious texture, in the interlaced light and shadow, reflecting the sparkling river surface, bringing into a dreamlike river city.
线条简洁且手工感强烈的家具,在细微之处感受到和谐的共鸣,展开一场关于美与共生的静谧对话。Simple lines and strong hand-crafted furniture, in the subtleties, feel a harmonious resonance, unfolding a quiet dialogue about beauty and symbiosis.
私宴区是尊贵与品味的极致展现,空间设计上巧妙融合了和璧的温润与意式简约的精致。The private dining area is the ultimate display of nobility and taste, the space design cleverly integrates the warmth of Hepu with Italian simplicity and refinement.
吊灯以金箔材质作为基调,台面的深色大理石餐桌为框架,搭配细节风度的皮革餐椅,彰显出非凡的格调。The chandelier has gold foil material as the keynote, the table surface's dark marble dining table as the framework, with detailed style leather dining chairs, showing an extraordinary style.
灵感来自于武汉江水,选用螺钿工艺进行创作。以独特的艺术魅力让人在欣赏中感受到武汉的江水之美。Inspired by Wuhan River, using mother-of-pearl craftsmanship for creation. With unique artistic charm, people can feel the beauty of Wuhan's river water while appreciating.
这是一场匠心与艺术的结晶,每一次交流都仿佛在和璧的光辉下,勾勒出未来生活的美好蓝图。This is a crystallization of craftsmanship and art, every exchange seems to be under the radiance of Hepu, outlining a beautiful blueprint for future life.
软装设计|CCD · WOWU无物艺术顾问
艺术顾问|CCD · WOWU无物艺术顾问
UCD聚城设计:聚城UCD(Urban Collection Design,简称UCD)。UCD秉承了CCD文化基因,在全球化城市商业设计版图不断扩张,以其丰富的国际化项目设计管理经验,为企业超级总部、产业园区、综合体及商业中心提供定制化的设计全产业链解决方案。
FED鱼眼设计:郑中鱼眼设计(FishEye Design,简称FED),专爲年轻新贵及前瞻性客户提供国际领先的创新设计,如国际精选品牌酒店及精品酒店,且开拓了康养与医疗、餐饮空间、高端休闲娱乐文化空间及其它多种空间类型的项目。
WOWU無物艺术顾问:無物艺术顾问有限公司是一家为全球豪华物业提供一站式整体解决设计研发到生产落地的艺术顾问机构,在艺术品、软装、工程和室内设计拥有丰富行业经验, 为客户提供高规格和完整的服务。
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