Summer vacation family travel in western Sichuan

文摘   2024-06-12 11:10   四川  

Are you tired of the hustle and bustle of the city during the hot summer and longing for a nature-filled and adventurous parent-child trip? Western Sichuan, located in the hinterland of the Hengduan Mountains, is waiting for you to explore. Here, you'll find not only magnificent snow-capped mountains, vast grasslands, but also crystal-clear lakes and abundant wildlife. Although some might advise against bringing young children to Western Sichuan due to concerns about their ability to adapt to the high altitude, I say, with proper preparation, this land will definitely let the children have a blast!

I. Shared Attractions for Parent-Child Trips

Siguniang Mountain (Altitude: 3,500 meters)

Known as the "Queen of the Mountains in Sichuan," Siguniang Mountain is a famous peak in Western Sichuan. There are three valleys, but Shuangqiao Valley is highly recommended. Despite its high altitude, there is a sightseeing bus that stops along the way, so you don't have to worry about the children getting too tired. Additionally, there is a rafting spot where the children can enjoy the cool and exciting rafting experience.

Jiagenba (Altitude: 3,200 meters)

The scenery along the way in Jiagenba is picturesque, with gently blowing fields, Tibetan-style villages, and crystal-clear streams. Here, you can go camping with your family, admire grazing cattle and sheep, and enjoy the joyful time together.

Jayilaco (Altitude: 3,800 meters)

This is an untouched wild spot with a vast lake and the reflection of snow-capped mountains and forests. You can hike or ride a horse with the children into this pristine natural environment to feel the magic and charm of nature.

Moshi Park (Altitude: 3,500 meters)

Moshi Park is famous for its unique grayish-white rock formations. Here, you can see tall rock formations and wild animals like marmots. The park is small enough for children to explore to their hearts' content.

Gunong Village (Altitude: 3,500 meters)

Gunong Village is a popular spot for taking pictures of snow-capped mountains. You can sit in the meadows and flower fields to wait for the sunrise over the golden mountains, and look up to see the magnificent Yala Snow Mountain. The relaxed and leisurely atmosphere here is perfect for family camping.

Yuke Grassland (Altitude: 3,700 meters)

Known as the "Little Xinjiang of Western Sichuan," Yuke Grassland boasts tall and magnificent cedar forests and endless fields of flowers. Here, you can go camping, horseback riding, soaking in hot springs, and observing marmots with the children. This lesser-known grassland secret spot allows you and your family to escape the crowds and enjoy peace and beauty.

II. Recommended Age for Travel

Due to the high altitude in Western Sichuan, it is recommended that children be at least 7 years old or have experience in high-altitude areas. Additionally, they need to be able to clearly express any discomfort they feel to ensure timely medical attention.

III. What to Do if Children Experience Altitude Sickness

Prepare medication for altitude sickness, colds, and gastrointestinal issues that are suitable for children.

Do not schedule the itinerary too tightly and plan the daily sightseeing duration reasonably.

Bring some toys or snacks that children like to distract them.

Dress children appropriately according to the weather to prevent colds.

Choose self-driving or small group tours to Western Sichuan to avoid altitude sickness caused by direct flights.

IV. Accommodation and Dining

Choose family rooms with oxygen supply for accommodation to ensure the comfort of children at high altitudes. Remember to book in advance during peak seasons.

The cuisine in Western Sichuan is mainly Tibetan and Sichuan flavors. If you're worried that the children might not be used to it, you can bring some snacks and fruits.

Ensure that children have adequate sleep to adapt to the high altitude environment.


