
文摘   2024-06-27 14:29   美国  



  1. 确认版权:确保我或者我的公司拥有这些照片的版权。如果照片是由公司内部人员拍摄的,确保有相关的授权和版权声明。
  2. 收集证据:收集并保存这些照片被盗用的证据,包括截图、链接等,记录下这些照片在哪些页面上被使用。
  3. 发送警告函:写一封正式的警告函给这家国外同行品牌,说明我公司的照片被未经授权使用,要求他们立即删除这些照片,并声明如果不遵从,你将采取进一步的法律行动。
  4. 联系网站托管服务商:如果警告信没有效果,可以联系这家公司的网站托管服务,报告版权侵权行为。大多数服务商都有处理版权侵权投诉的机制。
  5. 采取法律行动:如果上述步骤都不奏效,则联系知识产权律师,探讨在该国采取法律行动的可能性。不同国家的版权法有所不同,律师可以为我提供专业的建议和帮助。

标题:Immediate Cease and Desist - Unauthorized Use of Copyrighted Images

To CEO 的全名,

It has come to our attention that your company,对方公司名, has unlawfully used copyrighted images owned by 我司名 (also known as 我司别名)on your website:对方公司官网。

This unauthorized use of our intellectual property is a blatant violation of copyright law. The specific images in question can be found at the following URLs:

1. https://链接1

2. https://链接2

3. https://链接3

4. https://链接4


6. https://链接6

7. https://链接7

As the legal owner of these images, we demand that you immediately:

1. Remove all instances of the aforementioned images from your website.

2. Cease any further use of our images without explicit written permission from 我司名(also known as 我司别名).

Failure to comply with these demands within 5 business days from the date(June 27th, 2024) of this letter will result in us taking legal action against 对方公司名 without further notice. This may include seeking substantial monetary damages, court orders to cease usage, and reimbursement of all legal costs incurred.

Additionally, we will report the copyright infringement to your website hosting provider . We have already retained a copyright attorney who has collected and preserved evidence of the unauthorized use, including screenshots and links.

Your actions are not only illegal but also unethical. We will not tolerate the unauthorized use of our intellectual property. This letter serves as your final warning.

You are hereby notified that if you fail to comply with the above demands, we will proceed with full legal remedies available to us by law.

We expect your prompt attention to this matter. Should you have any questions, you may contact us directly at 我的邮箱。

This is a serious matter, and we trust you will act accordingly.


April To B外贸数字营销
分享April在外贸BtoB 营销领域的思考和心得。