2024年第三届电力和能源前沿亚洲会议(ACFPE 2024) 将于2024年10月25日至27日在中国成都举行,会议由四川大学和四川省电机工程学会联合主办,重庆大学和IEEE 成都分会技术协办,香港机械工程师学会(HKSME)、西南交通大学和西南石油大学提供支持,《中国电机工程学报》、CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems (CSEE JPES) 、《电力系统自动化》、Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy、《电网技术》《新型电力系统》《高电压技术》、High Voltage、《电力工程技术》《电力信息与通信技术》《电气工程学报》《中国电气工程学报(英文)》《发电技术》《电机与控制应用》《四川电力技术》、electronics、《南方电网技术》提供媒体支持。会议主题“人工智能赋能未来智能电网技术创新”。
*所有投稿都将进行审核,会议收录的文章将在会议论文集中在线出版,在符合IEEE Xplore的范围和质量要求的情况下,所有接受且做报告的论文将被提交到IEEE Xplore。出版后由出版社提交至Engineering Village, Scopus, Web of Science等检索机构审核和检索。
*优秀且经拓展的文章(录用且宣读)被在会后被推荐至 IET Electric Power Applications (Online ISSN:1751-8679)期刊专刊“Advanced Power Converters, Protection, and Control for Electric Systems”, 出版后的文章将提交给SCIE, Scopus等数据库进行评审及检索。
*优秀且经拓展的文章(录用且宣读)被在会后被推荐至 Electronics (ISSN 2079-9292)期刊专刊“dvances in Power System Dynamics, Stability, Control and Dispatch with Large-Scale Renewable Energy Penetrated”。
ACFPE 2024已进入IEEE会议列表!
ACFPE 2023/2022 已由IEEE 出版,并被EI Compendex 成功检索!
董朝阳 教授
IEEE Fellow
报告标题:Real-time measurement for carbon emissions
摘要:Reliable and fast calculation of carbon emissions is an important task in achieving emission reduction against climate change. This talk presents an innovative real-time computational framework designed specifically for swiftly assessing carbon emissions originating from industrial load centres. Leveraging non-intrusive load monitoring (NILM) together with real-time smart meter data, this framework offers a robust solution for efficiently quantifying emissions within industrial settings. Through NILEM we can gain invaluable insights into the intricate energy consumption patterns of industrial loads, enabling precise emission calculations with minimal intrusion. The real-time feature further enhances this framework providing decision-makers with tools for strategizing emission reduction measures within industrial operations. Case studies will be given to demonstrate the effectiveness of the framework compared with other common approaches.
曾少华 教授
曾教授在南大能源研究所领导氢和燃料电池研究(ERI@N). 现任中国广州知识城中新国际联合研究所所长。他是MAE学院教授和郑曾文能源讲座教授。他还是新加坡工程院院士和东盟工程技术院院士。他的研究为他赢得了多个奖项,包括英国国际氢能协会颁发的乔治-斯蒂芬森奖章、美国国际氢能协会颁发的杰出科学成就奖。
报告标题:Turquoise Hydrogen: A possible solution for renewable energy scarce countries in energy transition period
摘要:The pursuit of energy availability, affordability, and sustainability has always been paramount in any nation's energy transition plan, echoing the principles outlined in the World Energy Council's Energy Trilemma. This trilemma emphasizes the importance of energy security, equity, and environmental sustainability. The concept of a Hydrogen Economy has emerged as a potent vision, aiming not only to decarbonize the global economy but also to address energy security concerns by leveraging hydrogen, which can be extracted from various sources, including water. Importantly, when hydrogen is used for energy production, it generates water as its sole by-product. However, despite its promise, the Hydrogen Economy remains complex and challenging to implement at scale, primarily due to its reliance on two distinct supply chains: one for hydrogen production and another for energy conversion systems. The widespread adoption of this model hinges on achieving affordable costs for both hydrogen and energy conversion technologies. In countries with limited access to renewable energy resources like Singapore, hydrogen production using renewables is constrained, and importing hydrogen from abroad often proves cost prohibitive. As a result, conventional methods such as steam methane reforming (SMR) remain prevalent, despite their significant carbon emissions. To mitigate the environmental impact of hydrogen production, alternatives like Carbon Capture and Sequestration (CCS) are considered. However, implementing CCS in geographically constrained regions like Singapore presents challenges. Instead, methods such as methane cracking offer a promising solution. By splitting methane (or natural gas) into hydrogen and solid carbon, these processes produce little to no CO2 emissions. The presentation will commence with an overview of Singapore’s long-term energy plan and research focus, followed by an exploration of several major initiatives regarding hydrogen applications. Finally, it will delve into the catalytic decomposition of methane for hydrogen production, serving as an interim solution during the energy transition period.
年珩 教授
IEEE Fellow
报告标题:Frequency Coupling Characteristic Analysis and Stability Improvement of Renewable Power Generation Systems
摘要:Abstract—It has been reported that when connected with low short circuit ratio (SCR) grid or diverse grid transmission infrastructure, the renewable power generation systems have some broadband resonance risk such as sub-synchronous resonance (SSR), sub/super-synchronous oscillation (SSO) and high-frequency resonance (HFR). The impedance-based method has been proven to be a useful method to analyze these instability issues. However, the frequency coupling characteristic between positive- and the negative-sequence complicates the stability analysis and improvement for large-scale renewable power system. This report establishes the frequency coupling characteristic model for renewable power system, and locates the dominant factor within each frequency band, then the s-domain nodal admittance matrix and the broadband passivity enhancement considering frequency coupling characteristic are proposed.
张东霞 教授
报告标题:AI appliacation in power system security analysis and stability control
摘要:The research progress of applying artificial intelligence to the field of security & stability analysis and control of power systems is introdunced,specifically,the research work primarily deals with static security and transient stability estimation by deep learning and the generation of preventive control and emergent control strategies by deep reinforcenent learning. Then the challenges currently faced is discussed, such as unbanlanced samples,weak interpretability of deep learning,lack of real data. Finally,the research trends and issues that require further in-depth study is summarized.
Operation and control of grid-following and grid-forming renewable power generation clusters
Low-Carbon Coordinated Optimization of Interdependent Power and Transportation Networks
Grid integartion of renewable energy
Advanced Modeling, Control, Operation, and Planning of AC/DC Microgrids
Electricity Market with High Renewables
Demand Side Resource Coordination and Interaction Mechanism in Sustainable Energy Systems
Track I | 先进能源转换
Advanced Energy Conversion
Track II | 人工智能与数据驱动技术在智能电网中的应用
AI and Data-driven Technology Applications in Smart Grid
Track III | 基于DER的网格边缘感知与控制
DER Based Grid-edge Awareness and Control
Track IV | 储能应用与氢能
Energy Storage Applications and Hydrogen
主席:Chew Kuew Wai,马来西亚东姑阿都拉曼大学
Track V | 大规模可再生能源接入
Large-scale Renewable Energy Integration
Track VI | 电力系统低碳技术
Low-carbon Technologies on Power Systems
Track VII | 多能源系统运行与规划
Multi-energy Systems Operation and Planning
Track VIII | 电力市场和经济
Power Market and Economy
Track IX | 智能电网运行与规划
Smart Grid Operation and Control
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