1.提示词:绘制一张体现交通安全驾驶的海报Magic Prompt:A digital illustration of a road safety poster with the text "Safety First on the Road". There is a car with a safety cone on its roof. The background is a road with traffic signs, including a stop sign and a speed limit sign. There are also a helmet, a seatbelt, and a pair of sunglasses. The overall image has a vintage style.mpchecktext@#%mpchecktext2.提示词:绘制一张体现交通安全驾驶的海报,卡通风格Magic Prompt:A cartoon-style illustration of a road with a car driving on it, adhering to traffic rules. There's a yellow car in the middle lane and a blue car in the right lane, both maintaining a safe distance. In the background, there's a green field and a clear sky. The overall image has a light blue background.ALWAYS WEAR YOUR SEATBELT!系好安全带3.提示词:绘制一张一个男孩手里拿着一张古老的地图,在野外发现了一个古窖Magic Prompt:An illustration of a boy holding an old map in his hand. He is standing outside near a cave. The cave has a large entrance and is made of stone. The boy is wearing a backpack and has brown hair. The background contains trees and rocks. The overall image has a warm hue.4.提示词:硬科幻风格机器人,炫酷,表现出胜利的喜悦,画面有张力 Magic Prompt:A 3D render of a hard sci-fi style robot with a cool design. The robot is standing on a rocky terrain. It has a large circular head with a camera-like eye. The robot's body is made up of multiple cylindrical segments. The robot is flexing its arm upwards, signifying victory. The background contains distant mountains. The image has a lot of depth and perspective.prompt:A robots stand on a mountain peak,Dark space background with stars, glowing neon accents, sharp contrast. Created Using: space opera aesthetics, high-resolution, intricate details, glowing effects, cinematic lighting, modern typography, immersive atmosphere, futuristic design --ar 9:16 --s 250 --p pi9owoq --v 6.05.提示词:绘制一张“ESG”绿色可持续发展宣传海报 ESG 是以下三个单词的缩写:Environmental(环境)、Social(社会)、Governance(治理)Magic Prompt:A colorful illustration of a green and blue Earth with a white outline. The Earth is divided into two halves, with the green half representingthe land and the blue half representing the water. There are various elements of nature, such as trees, mountains, waterfalls, and marine life, scattered across the Earth. The text "ESG" is written in bold, white letters at the top. The text "Green Sustainable Development" is written in white letters below the "ESG". The background is a light blue sky.海报中的英文字母嵌入完全正确,其中有一张海报必须是正确理解ESG之后总结概括出主旨,即“GREEN SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT绿色可持续发展”。相当于AI绘图工具首先得理解我给出的压缩词“ESG”的概念,然后准确的概括ESG的主旨,最后拿出看家本领绘制符合ESG理念的图片,并且结合文字进行排版,最终形成一幅可以直接拿来使用的海报。而这每一步都是一个工作任务,让我惊艳的是,他组合实现了一个工作流,让我看到了AI Agent的雏形。反之,现在的AI能够完全替代你完成一个任务,但现实中我们往往完成的不是单个的任务,而是一个工作流(简单的任务≠单一的任务),这也是有时感觉AI工具不好用,很大程度上是因为你自己都没有清楚的拆解工作流,自己根本不知道为了完成一件事,需要逐步完成多少任务,这时候就别怪AI不争气了,反倒是和AI的碰撞让我们去认真思考和拆解成事的步骤,倒逼我们去做归因,去了解哪些我们日用而不自知的常识。学习就该一惊一乍的,AI绘画工具的日新月异真的是惊艳到我了,之前思考过的、想画的海报,苦于耗时耗力未能实现,现在一句话=一张海报,真的动动嘴皮子就可视化了,这中间节省了多少的气力,正是因为之前思考过,做过,才知道。