PhD position in pediatric oncology with a focus on immunity and infection
PhD student position on human B-cell genome instability and malignant transformation using genetically engineered organoid
Doctoral (PhD) student position investigating the effects of artificial blue light on behavior, thoughts, and emotion in the subway system.
Doctoral (PhD) student position in cancer immunotherapy
Doctoral (PhD) student position in Precision Psychiatry
Doctoral (PhD) student position in psychiatric epidemiology
Doctoral (PhD) student position in molecular biology of Merkel cell carcinoma
PhD position in experimental oncology with a focus on colorectal cancer
PhD Position: Novel clinical biomarkers for Alzheimer’s and other degenerative disorders
PhD position in chronic pain resaarch
Doctoral (PhD) student position in Developmental Biology with in utero next generation single cell lineage tracing
Doctoral (PhD) student position in molecular mechanisms of neural network assembly
Doctoral (PhD) student position in Central Nervous System repair
◆申请费900瑞典克朗, 学费为180,000瑞典克朗/年,可申请奖学金.
Bachelor's Programme in Biomedicine 生物医学
Master Programme in Health Informatics 2 years 健康信息学 学费165,000瑞典克朗/年
Master Programme in Bioentrepreneurship 2 years 生物创业学 学费180,000瑞典克朗/年
Master Programme in Biomedicine 2 years 生物医学 学费200,000瑞典克朗/年
Master Programme in Global Health 1 year 全球健康学 学费180,000瑞典克朗/年
Master Programme in Health Economics, Policy and Management 2 years 健康经济学、政策和管理 学费180,000瑞典克朗/年
Master's Programme in Molecular Techniques in Life Science 2 years 生命科学分子技术 学费 200,000瑞典克朗/年
Master's Programme in Nutrition Science 2 years 营养科学 学费200,000瑞典克朗/年
Master's Programme in Public Health Sciences-Epidemiology 2 years 公共健康科学-流行病学 学费180,000瑞典克朗/年
Master’s Programme in Toxicology 2 years 毒理学 学费200,000瑞典克朗/年
Master's Programme in Translational Physiology and Pharmacology 2 years 转化生理学和药理学 学费200,000瑞典克朗/年
Master's programme in Biostatistics and Data Science 生物统计学与数据科学 学费180,000瑞典克朗/年
Karolinska Institutet Global Master's Scholarships卡罗琳斯卡医学院硕士奖学金
Allergy, immunology and inflammation 过敏,免疫和炎症
Biology of infection and global health (BIGH) 感染生物学和全球健康
Cardiovascular Research 心血管研究
Cell Biology and Genetics 细胞生物学和基因学
Development and regeneration (DEVREG)生物发展与再生
Environmental Factors and Health 环境因素和健康
Epidemiology 流行病
Health Care Sciences 保健科学
Metabolism and Endocrinology 新陈代谢和内分泌学
The Neurosciences 神经科学
Public Health Science 公共健康科学
Tumorbiology/Oncology 肿瘤生物学
重磅 | 24年入学27枚博士Offer,10枚CSC奖学金+名校博士录取,留欧之星助你一臂之力~