关于近期名誉权纠纷及稿件内容的正式声明Formal Statement on Recent Defamation Disputes and Content of Articles 尊敬的读者及各界朋友:近期,本平台(吐槽酱及相关账号)因涉及名誉权纠纷而引发了广泛关注。对此,我们深感责任重大,并进行了深刻的反思与检讨。在此,我们希望通过正式声明,向大家澄清相关事实,表达我们的立场,并呼吁大家理性对待网络言论。Dear readers and friends,Recently, our platform (TCJ吐槽酱 and related accounts) has attracted widespread attention due to disputes over defamation. We feel a great sense of responsibility and have conducted profound reflection and self-examination. Hereby, through this formal statement, we hope to clarify the relevant facts, express our stance, and call on everyone to treat online speech rationally. 一、事件背景与反思本平台自创立以来,始终致力于为留学圈的朋友们提供一个轻松愉快的交流空间。然而,近期我们发现,公众号后台及评论区频繁收到带有攻击性、辱骂性的私信。这些言论不仅背离了我们创建账号的初衷,也给我方团队带来了极大的心理压力。我们深知,网络空间的言论自由不应以侵犯他人合法权益为代价,因此,我们对由此引发的不良影响深感遗憾,并在此向所有受影响的读者及当事人致以诚挚的歉意。I. Background and Reflections on the IncidentSince its inception, our platform has always been committed to providing a relaxed and pleasant communication space for friends in the international student community. However, recently, we have found that the public account backend and comment section frequently receive private messages with aggressive and insulting language. These remarks not only go against the original intention of creating our account but also bring significant psychological pressure to our team. We are well aware that the freedom of speech in cyberspace should not come at the cost of infringing upon the legitimate rights and interests of others. Therefore, we deeply regret the adverse effects caused and hereby extend our sincere apologies to all affected readers and parties involved. 二、稿件内容的真实性与局限性一直以来,我们在稿件审核过程中始终秉持严谨的态度。过往发布的文章中涉及的聊天记录、音频、图片等证据,均是从当事人处获取的真实记录,绝无任何为博眼球、赚流量而捏造证据的行为。我们始终坚守新闻伦理和道德底线,致力于为读者呈现真实、客观的内容。然而,我们也必须承认,文章以投稿人的视角进行叙述,不可避免地带有一定主观性。所呈现的内容可能并非事件的全貌,而只是从投稿人角度出发的部分事实。这种单方面的叙述可能无法完全还原事件的真相,也可能导致读者对事件的理解存在偏差。因此,我们在此郑重呼吁广大读者,在关注这些事件时保持理性,切勿仅凭一篇文章就轻易表态支持某一方。我们鼓励读者从多方面、多角度去了解事件的全貌,以更加客观、公正的态度对待网络上的各种言论。II. Authenticity and Limitations of Article ContentWe have always maintained a rigorous attitude in the review of articles. The chat records, audio, images, and other evidence included in the articles we have published in the past are all real records obtained from the parties involved.There is absolutely no fabrication of evidence to attract attention or gain traffic. We have always adhered to journalistic ethics and moral standards, striving to present real and objective content to our readers.However, we must also acknowledge that the articles are narrated from the perspective of the contributors, which inevitably carries a certain degree of subjectivity. The content presented may not be the full picture of the events but rather partial facts from the contributors' viewpoints. Such one-sided narration may not fully reveal the truth of the events and could lead to misunderstandings among readers. Therefore, we earnestly call on all readers to remain rational when paying attention to these incidents and not to hastily support one side based solely on a single article. We encourage readers to understand the full picture of the events from multiple aspects and perspectives and to treat various online statements with a more objective and fair attitude. 三、对网络言论环境的呼吁网络空间是现实社会的延伸,网络言论也应遵循现实社会的道德和法律规范。我们注意到,评论区仍存在部分引导男女对立、攻击辱骂他人,以及拉踩不同国家学校的言论。这些不良言论不仅影响了他人的浏览体验,还破坏了原本和谐的网络生态。我们坚决反对任何形式的网络暴力和不当言论,支持大家各抒己见,也期待大家能够以更加理性、文明的方式进行讨论。为了维护平台的良好秩序,我们将继续加强对评论区的管理。对于所有不文明留言,我们将按照既定规则,一律予以删除或屏蔽。我们希望通过这些措施,能够营造一个更加健康、和谐的网络交流环境。III. Appeal for a Healthy Online Speech EnvironmentCyberspace is an extension of the real world, and online speech should also follow the moral and legal norms of real society. We have noticed that the comment section still contains some remarks that incite gender opposition, insult and attack others, and belittle different countries and schools. These inappropriate comments not only affect the browsing experience of others but also disrupt the originally harmonious online ecosystem. We firmly oppose any form of online violence and inappropriate speech, support everyone's right to express their opinions, and hope for more rational and civilized discussions.To maintain the good order of the platform, we will continue to strengthen the management of the comment section. All uncivilized comments will be deleted or blocked in accordance with our established rules. We hope that through these measures, we can create a healthier and more harmonious online communication environment. 四、未来展望与承诺网络世界充满变数,账号的发展也面临诸多未知。我们深知,作为网络内容创作者,我们肩负着重要的社会责任。我们承诺,将继续秉持严谨、客观的态度,为大家提供真实、有价值的内容。同时,我们也希望广大读者能够与我们共同努力,共同维护一个文明、理性的网络空间。也许某天,“吐槽酱”会从网络平台消失,但我们的初心和使命不会改变。我们始终相信,网络空间的健康发展需要每一位参与者共同努力。我们期待与大家携手,共同营造一个更加美好的网络环境。IV. Future Outlook and CommitmentThe online world is full of uncertainties, and the development of our account also faces many unknowns. We are well aware that as online content creators, we bear significant social responsibilities. We promise to continue to maintain a rigorous and objective attitude and provide real and valuable content to everyone. At the same time, we also hope that readers can work together with us to jointly maintain a civilized and rational online space.Perhaps one day, "Tǔcàojiàng" may disappear from the online platform, but our original intention and mission will not change. We firmly believe that the healthy development of cyberspace requires the joint efforts of every participant. We look forward to working hand in hand with everyone to create a better online environment. 五、新春祝福最后,在这辞旧迎新的美好时刻,值此蛇年新春佳节,我们衷心祝愿每一位读者身体健康,家庭幸福美满,事业蒸蒸日上,万事顺遂如意!愿新的一年,我们都能以更加积极、乐观的心态面对生活中的各种挑战,共同迎接更加美好的未来。再次感谢大家的理解与支持!吐槽酱团队V. New Year's GreetingsFinally, at this moment of bidding farewell to the old and welcoming the new, on the occasion of the Lunar New Year of the Snake, we sincerely wish every reader good health, a happy and fulfilling family life, a thriving career, and smooth sailing in all endeavors! May the new year bring us all a more positive and optimistic attitude to face the various challenges in life and to embrace an even brighter future together.Thank you all once again for your understanding and support!TCJ吐槽酱 Team