1、Entrepreneurship and Innovation 创业与创新硕士 1年制
要求:An undergraduate degree (BA/BSc)
2、Environmental Studies and Sustainability Science 环境研究与可持续科学 2年制
要求:A Bachelor’s degree corresponding to at least 180 ECTS
3、Environmental Management and Policy 环境管理与政策 2年制
要求:An undergraduate degree (BA/BSc) of at least 180 credits or the equivalent foreign degree from an internationally recognised university.
4、International Development and Management 国际发展与管理
要求:A Bachelor’s degree equivalent to 180 credits.
5、Management 管理学
要求:The programme is developed for students that recently have finished their undergraduate studies in another academic subject other than Business Administration and/or Management. The students are, for example, graduates from other fields of the Social Sciences, Humanities, Law, Engineering, Medicine or Natural Sciences. As the students proceed in their fields of specialisation they will encounter management challenges and opportunities for management responsibilities.
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