2025年6月23~27日, 特隆赫姆,挪威
Mon 23 - Fri 27 June 2025 Trondheim, Norway
开源软件(OSS)在现代软件开发中发挥了至关重要的作用。然而,开源软件生态系统的迅速扩张和日益增长的复杂性也给开发者和组织带来了显著的挑战。现代软件系统通常包含众多相互依赖的开源软件模块,而这些模块的开源属性使得其维护质量及规范性参差不齐,使得确保软件依赖关系的质量、安全和管理变得困难。随着这些系统的复杂性增加,迫切需要新的方法来在细粒度级别分析、监控和治理软件生态系统,以有效应对这些挑战。 而如在软件工程工作流中日益增加的大型语言模型(LLM)的集成,进一步加大了对全面软件组成成分分析的诉求。LLM因其强大的通用知识及代码理解能力,为自动代码生成、维护乃至安全性保障提供了强大的能力。然而,当前LLM同样受限于训练数据,尤其是开源代码,质量参差不齐且缺乏足够的语义及意图说明,使得LLM在具体任务中缺乏对开发、分析人员意图的精准评估。基于此,对软件代码语义、组件模块、开发模式、相互依赖关系等的更深入、更系统的理解——类似于生物基因的结构测序与分析标注——可以为开发人员提供更全面、系统的软件理解,降低管理复杂性并减轻风险,同时为下一代LLM驱动的智能化软件开发中解锁新的可能性。 为响应这些新兴需求,本研讨会旨在聚集研究人员、从业者和行业专家,探索类似基因组计划的更细粒度的基于代码语义及行为意图的软件分析、管理和治理方法。研讨会的主要目标是促进跨学科对话,将软件成分概念化为“基因”,如识别反复出现的模式模块、代码关键依赖关系和潜在风险等,从而推动创新工具和技术的开发,以增强软件工程实践、保障软件供应链的安全,并加强治理机制。同时建立专家社区,推进前沿研究和促进未来合作的平台建设,以应对软件安全和复杂性管理的紧迫挑战。 Open-source software (OSS) serves as a cornerstone in contemporary software development, powering applications that range from small-scale individual projects to complex enterprise-level systems. However, the rapid expansion and increasing sophistication of OSS ecosystems bring significant challenges to developers and organizations alike. Modern software systems are often composed of a multitude of interconnected components, maintained by geographically dispersed communities. This decentralized structure makes it difficult to ensure the quality, security, and proper management of software dependencies. As these systems grow in complexity, new approaches are urgently required to analyze, monitor, and govern software ecosystems at a granular level to address these challenges effectively. Recent developments, such as the growing integration of large language models (LLMs) in software engineering workflows, have further heightened the need for comprehensive software composition analysis. LLMs provide powerful capabilities for automated code generation, maintenance, and even vulnerability detection. However, their full potential can only be realized through access to well-organized and semantically enriched datasets. A deeper, more systematic understanding of software components, patterns, and interdependencies—akin to the analysis of biological genes—can enable developers to manage complexity, mitigate risks, and unlock new possibilities in LLM-driven development. In response to these emerging needs, this workshop aims to bring together researchers, practitioners, and industry experts to explore genome-inspired methodologies for software analysis, management, and governance. The workshop's primary objective is to foster interdisciplinary dialogue on the conceptualization of software as a “genome,” focusing on the identification of recurring patterns, critical dependencies, and latent vulnerabilities. It also seeks to promote the development of innovative tools and techniques for enhancing software engineering practices, securing the software supply chain, and strengthening governance mechanisms. By building a community of experts, the workshop will serve as a platform for advancing cutting-edge research and fostering future collaborations to address the pressing challenges in software security and complexity management.
本次研讨会面向海内外高校和研究机构的专家学者公开征集论文,具体主题领域包括但不限于:- 我们鼓励广大专家学者从类似软件基因的更精细化理解软件代码的角度来重新思考目前面临的软件工程挑战及问题,以及思考未来软件工程发展的新挑战,并期待广大科研朋友们的高质量稿件。
The 1st Workshop on Software Genomics (SWGeno) aims to gather researchers and practitioners to explore genome-inspired approaches for software analysis and governance.The primary goal of the workshop is to foster interdisciplinary discussions on modeling software as “genomes,” identifying patterns, dependencies, and vulnerabilities, and developing tools and techniques for software engineering, supply chain security, and governance, as well as building a community of experts focused on advancing research in this space, and facilitating future collaboration.Key topics include, but are not limited to:- Software structure, composition, and patterns.
- Defeat detection, analysis, and mitigation.
- Metrics and analysis tools.
- Software optimization and evolution models.
- Datasets of software code analysis.
- Studies on software genomics.
- Software governance and management.
- Data-driven software engineering and LLM training by code.
We encourage papers on these topics that look into or utilize finer-grained code semantics to rethink existing software engineering challenges or foresee possible new challenges in the future.
论文提交地址:https://swgeno2025.hotcrp.com/本次研讨会同时接收research paper和position paper:
- Research papers (8页含引用) :关于新的方法,工具,数据集,实证研究等.
- Position papers (4页含应用):关于还未完整充分地实现或论证的新的问题,思路,可能的解决方案等.
所有论文将通过HotCRP提交,并以双盲方式进行审查。所有被接受的论文默认将出现在FSE2025 workshop proceedings中(即archival选项)。同时,我们还在论文提交系统(HotCRP)上为不希望将论文列入会议记录的作者提供了non-archival 选项。对于non-archival论文,其终稿版本只会在我们的研讨会网站上发布/宣传(不会在DBLP上列出)。请注意,无论您选择哪种选项(archival或non-archival),提交的论文都必须是完全原创的(提交时未被接受/发布在其他任何地方),并且至少有一位作者必须注册参加研讨会并进行演讲。This workshop accepts both research papers and position papers:- Research papers (8 pages including references) on novel approaches, tools, datasets, or studies.
- Position papers (4 pages including references) on novel ideas and positions that have yet to be fully developed.
All papers will be submitted via HotCRP and reviewed in double-blind mode. All accepted papers by default will appear in the FSE 2025 workshop proceedings (i.e., the archival option). Meanwhile, we also provide a non-archival option on the paper submission system (HotCRP) for the authors who prefer to not have their papers in the proceedings. For the non-archival papers, the camera-ready version will only be posted/advertised on our workshop website (not listed on DBLP). Please note that no matter which option you choose (archival or non-archival), the submission should be fully original (not accepted/published anywhere else) by the submission time, and at least one author has to register for the workshop and present.
- 论文提交截止时间(Submission Deadline):2025年2月25日( Tuesday, Feb 25th, 2025)
- 论文通知时间(Submission Notification Date): 2025年3月25日(Tuesday, Mar 25th, 2025)
- 论文快照稿提交时间(Camera Ready Deadline): 2025年4月24日(Thursday, Apr 24th, 2025)
- Liu Yang (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
- David Lo (Singapore Management University, Singapore)
- Dong Jinsong (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
- Wang Xiaofeng (Indiana University at Bloomington, USA)
- John Grundy (Monash University, Australia)
- Xie Tao (Peking University, China)
- Liu Chengwei (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)