近日,随着中非合作论坛北京峰会落幕,清华大学人文讲席教授、哈拉雷非洲论坛主席、河阳乡村研究院执行院长赵月枝接受中国日报(China Daily)、中国国际电视台(CGTN)等主流媒体英文专访。从对中非合作论坛峰会提出“中非携手推进现代化十大伙伴行动”的理解,到分享首届哈拉雷非洲论坛的理念与经验,赵月枝教授指出,乡村振兴与文明互鉴对中非合作至关重要,而“从全球到乡村”的前沿理论与跨领域实践,将为“中非命运共同体”宏大愿景的落地提供学界与民间的助力。此前,新华社《瞭望》周刊封面文章《治国理政纪事|共筑高水平中非命运共同体》也报道了对赵月枝教授的采访,赵月枝表示,非洲国家政府、学者对中国乡村振兴经验具有浓厚兴趣,“向非洲人民讲好中国的‘乡村振兴学’正当其时”。
9月9日,赵月枝教授接受CGTN《Global Watch》直播采访。赵月枝教授指出,“中非携手推进现代化十大伙伴行动”是广泛综合、相互关联且明确具体的,这些行动将促进中非双方的现代化发展,并为全球南方国家间的合作树立榜样。同时,赵月枝谈到,即使有了宏大的合作计划,最终还是需要具体的人来一步步落实,而这些人必须同时具备信念和专长。
9月13日,ChinaDaily刊发对赵月枝教授的专访《Rural revitalization vital for cooperation: Scholar》,并推出专访视频《Expert: China-Africa partnership sets example for Global South cooperation》。赵月枝教授指出,中非合作论坛峰会所提出的“宏伟计划”涵盖了中非合作的广泛领域,包括发展合作、兴农惠民和文明互鉴,而这正是7月在津巴布韦首次举行的哈拉雷非洲论坛的“焦点”。从15岁在广播中听到1980年津巴布韦独立新闻而树立起“全球南方”的初想象,到多年来研究关注全球南方建立公正平等的国际新秩序、致力于推动中国乡村传播学术建设与实践赋能,对赵月枝而言,首届哈拉雷非洲论坛的成功举办是一个经过多年酝酿与积累的“梦想成真”的过程。
赵月枝教授接受China Daily采访视频
首届哈拉雷非洲论坛得益于“文明互鉴”的精神和广泛的跨部门合作:既有河阳乡村研究院与中津文化交流中心两家民间社会组织作为主办方,又有中国与津巴布韦政界、学界以及农业领域人士的广泛参与。赵月枝教授在访谈中详细介绍了津巴布韦籍浙江大学博士研究生Tungamirai Eric Mupona、津巴布韦大学学者Achieford Mhondera等在论坛上分享的中国农村发展经验。其中,Achieford Mhondera于去年8月参加了由赵月枝教授组织的浙江缙云乡村调研,他从中国的“两山理论”和更广泛的生态文明话语中汲取灵感,探讨了将生态建设纳入津巴布韦经济发展战略的可行性。赵月枝教授认为,讲好乡村故事是对外讲好中国故事的重要基础,未来,她计划组织更多活动来促进发展与民生层面的中非文明互鉴,比如邀请农业专家分享专业知识。
以下是ChinaDaily 报道全文。
China Daily
Rural revitalization vital for cooperation: Scholar
By SHAO XINYING | China Daily Global
Rural revitalization and mutual learning are key to advancing African development, with both China and Africa standing to benefit from each other's experiences, a communication and development academic said.
The 2024 Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation, which concluded last week, "set the grand plan" for China and Africa to work together, Zhao Yuezhi, humanities chair professor at Tsinghua University, told China Daily.
The 10 partnership actions laid out in President Xi Jinping's keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the summit are "comprehensive, interconnected, and above all, concrete", Zhao said.
They cover a wide range of Sino-African cooperation, including agricultural and livelihood development, which are "exactly the focal point" of the Harare Forum for Africa, held for the first time in July in Zimbabwe's capital, said Zhao, who serves as the forum's chair.
"I was overwhelmed by the success of the forum, which is the culmination of a long process," she said."It was a dream come true. Zimbabwe has been a country of my fascination since I was 15, when I heard over the national radio (in 1980) the independence of yet another African country.
"I believe that piece of news, in a way, forged my imagination about the Global South."
Mutual learning
She attributes the forum's success to being held "in the spirit of mutual learning of civilization" and cross-sectoral cooperation, with support from field study academics and agricultural experts.
Tungamirai Eric Mupona, one of the Zimbabwean scholars who addressed the forum, shared his personal experience conducting field studies in Jinyun county, East China's Zhejiang province, and how he found it relevant to Zimbabwe's context. Mupona said he looks forward to sharing China's experience of rural development with his fellow countrymen, according to Zhao.
Zhao also highlighted how Achieford Mhondera, a scholar at the University of Zimbabwe, learned the "Two Mountains Theory" in Jinyun and connected it to Zimbabwe's development plan. The theory was first put forward in 2005, calling lucid waters and lush mountains invaluable assets comparable to the gold and silver of legend.
Mhondera wrote in a report on the reflections from the forum: "My presentation explores the feasibility of integrating ecological considerations into Zimbabwe's economic development strategies, drawing inspiration from China's 'Two Mountains Theory' and the broader ecological civilization discourse."
The theory, "emphasizes the need to treat the 'mountains' of ecology and economy as interconnected rather than competing priorities", Mhondera wrote.
Zhao, who is also the founder and executive director of the Heyang Institute for Rural Studies, established the institute 10 years ago to explore the future of rural communities, meaningful living and rural-based communication empowerment. Heyang, a village in Jinyun county that represents traditional Chinese agrarian civilization, serves as the institute's namesake.
"I decided to zoom in to my home county as a basis to tell the China story, especially … through the rural story, because traditional Chinese civilization is rural-based," Zhao said.
The professor said she plans to organize more events to further foster mutual learning between China and Africa, such as inviting agricultural experts to offer expertise on how to store food in dry conditions, such as extracting starch from sweet potatoes, which particularly caters to the situation in Africa.
Throughout her academic career, she has observed the underdevelopment of some African countries, which have been historically exploited by Western colonizers.
"I've always been concerned about uneven global order and the importance of Global South countries to rise up to build a more fair, just, and equal international order," Zhao said.
Zhao emphasized that the concept of the Global South transcends geography, representing the common aspirations of people opposed to colonization and hegemony.
"In this context, China-Africa collaboration is going to be not only a pillar, but to serve as an exemplar for the rest of the Global South, or for the North-South collaboration," she said.
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