【8.30 周五】门外呈现:女士们先生们的Ska Party

文摘   2024-08-26 18:43   日本  





UNCLE BAD坏叔叔——北京SKA PUNK乐队,2017年4月组建,同年8月首演,随后2年乐队经过数次演出的历练与人员变动,于2019年确定了6人大编制阵容,

继续沿用男女“双主唱”的特色,UNCLE BAD整体风格以ska punk为根基,融合Reggae/Oi punk/Rock/Jazz等风格,整体曲风轻松明快,看过现场的朋友会称坏叔叔为“高兴朋克”传达乐观,热爱生活是UNCLE BAD坏叔叔的创作根源,我们认为音乐是打破一切约束与界限的武器,所以我们就是“坏叔叔”



玩具头TOY HEAD—成⽴于2005年,由四位⼟⽣⼟⻓的北京⼈组成.主要⾳乐⻛格有SKA,摇摆,朋克等,⼀直尝试在⾳乐中融⼊北京⽂化元素。2005年乐队成⽴,取名玩具头;2008年荣获”Maxell”乐队原创⾳乐⼤赛全国亚军;2011年从玩具头乐队更名为蜜糖先⽣乐队;2013年受邀成为咪咕原创⾳乐⼤赛特别嘉宾及评委;2013年发⾏⾸张创作专辑《⼤都市》;2014年当选北京⼴播电台“北京榜样”活动推⼴嘉宾;2014年夺得辽宁卫视《梦想⾳乐节》末期冠军;2017年发⾏第⼆张全长专辑《舞池之途》;2017年携专辑《舞池之途》开展全国巡演;2020年更名为原有的玩具头乐队。

Formed in 2005, TOY HEAD is a band composed of four native Beijingers. Their primary musical styles include Ska, Swing, and Punk, and they consistently strive to incorporate elements of Beijing culture into their music.2005,The band was formed and named Toy Head.2008,Won the national runner-up prize in the "Maxell" Band Original Music Competition.2011,Renamed the band to Mr. Honey.2013,Invited as special guests and judges for the Migu Original Music Competition.2013,Released their debut album, "Metropolis."2014, Selected as promotional ambassadors for the "Beijing Model" event by Beijing Radio.2014,Won the final championship of Liaoning TV's "Dream Music Festival."2017,Released their second full-length album, "Dance Floor Journey."2017,Conducted a nationwide tour promoting "Dance Floor Journey."2020,Reverted to their original name, Toy Head.




EARLY BUS was formed in 2007 in Beijing by four young punks. As time went on the band has developed deep insights of Jamaican music, the boys now have more focus on making more authentic and original Jamaican tunes and spirits out from the messages in their music, genres fused with Ska, Rocksteady and Reggae. Their approach to music is tuning up for the beauty of the world we are living, singing freedom and passion through the legendary upbeats, “just like how much the sun,air and water are essential for living things, peace, love and understanding are so vital to our life” the band says the pump of heart in their music.


End of the World

End of the World 于2001年底在北京诞生,当时是一支亵渎、充满活力的斯卡/朋克乐队,但他们的音乐后来发展成为一种颠覆流派的风格组合,涵盖了几乎整个流行音乐历史。声音借鉴了50 年代和60 年代的摇滚乐、冲浪和摇滚比利音乐,以及70 年代、80 年代及以后的摇滚、朋克和SKA音乐,并永远融入了一点雷鬼和摇摆乐总体来说,EOTW 创作的歌曲种类丰富,在北京乐坛上无与伦比。

End of the World sprung to life in Beijing in late 2001 as a profane, high-energy ska/punk band but their music has since grown into a genre-smashing mix of styles covering nearly the entire history of popular music in one set. With sounds borrowed from '50s and '60s Rock n’ Roll, Surf, and Rock-a-Billy, to Rock, Punk, and Ska from the '70s, '80s, and beyond, and with a little Reggae and Swing for good measure, EOTW produces a variety of songs unmatched in Beijing's music scene.

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门外音乐呈现:女士们先生们的ska party

风格 Genre:ska

时间 Time:2024/8/30/21:00

阵容 Lineup:玩具头,uncle bad,early bus,end of the world

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