中国征途,世界球同!美国时间12月15日,“乔氏杯”2024首届中式八球残疾人世界锦标赛在美国洛杉矶会展中心正式开幕!开幕式上,秦皇岛乔氏实业集团创始人、董事长兼CEO乔元栩发表感人致辞,原文如下: 尊敬的各位来宾、运动员以及全世界热爱台球的朋友们:Dear guests, athletes, and friends around the world who love billiards,大家晚上好!我是秦皇岛乔氏实业集团创始人、董事长兼CEO乔元栩,也是本次赛事的最大赞助商。非常荣幸能够在这里,与大家一同分享这盛大赛事的高光时刻。Good evening. I am Qiao Yuanxu, founder, Chairman and CEO of JOY Billiards Group, and also the biggest sponsor of this event. It is my privilege to be here, sharing the highlightof this grand event.刚才,我们看到的这催人泪下的MV“无可阻挡”,是我邀请知名音乐人王小淞夫妇,专门为这次赛事创作的。它表达了对残障人的敬意和对世人的激励,希望大家喜欢。Justnow, the heart-warming MV named "Nothing is gonna hold you back " that we watched was specially created for this event by renowned musician Wang Xiaosong couple, at my invitation. It conveys profound respect for the person with disabilities and serves as an inspiration to the world. I hope everyone enjoys it.举办残障台球赛事的想法,由来已久。在过去18年的Heyball办赛历史中,乔氏针对不同人群举办过各种类型的比赛,但始终有一个群体像“维纳斯”那样令人着迷、令我心怀牵挂,那就是您们。所幸的是,这次我们终于如愿了。The idea to organize a parasport billiards event has been with me for a long time. Over the past 18 years of organizing Heyball events, JOY has held various types of tournaments catering to different groups. However, there has always been one group that has fascinated me and occupied my thoughts, much like Venus, and that is you. Fortunately, our wishes were finally granted this time.但是大家知道吗?实现这种愿望需要鼓起多大的勇气?我们虽然承办了18年的Heyball赛事,积累了一定的经验。但由于残障人赛事的特殊性,复杂性,对我们还是个全新的课题。它的专业性、难度指数令人生畏。However, do you know how much courage it takes to fulfill such a wish? Although we have hosted the Heyball events for 18 years and accumulated certain experience, due to the unique and complex nature of parasports events, this is still a novel challenge for us.但是,有wcbs的领导,wpa的主办,美国BCA台球协会的协办,有经验丰富的享利克先生和25/8公司的执行、协助,有熟练、热心的志愿者的参与,特别是有国际奥组委和国际奥协的官员、美国阿卡迪亚的市议员王爱玲女士亲临现场的支持,我对本次赛事的圆满成功充滿了信心。在这里,我对他们表示诚挚的感谢和深深的谢意!But with the guidance of the WCBS, the WPAand theassistance of the BCA along withthe hard work of Mr. Henrik Larsson and 25/8th company, the involvement of skilled volunteers. In particular, I would like to highlight the support from officials of the IOC and ANOC, as well as Ms. Eileen Wangof Arcadia City Council, who have come to the venue to lend their support.With their support, I am full of confidence in the successful completion of this event. Here, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to them.残障台球爱好者,平日的生活和训练有多难,身体健全的人,也许永远无法对你们的遭遇感同身受。但我知道,你们有着比健全人更强大的内心和同样健美的躯体,你们需要一个平台去展示,去展示人类顽强不屈的生命力!通过展示强大的自己的过程,来检验自己努力的成果,收获欢乐和信心。Howdifficult it is for disabled billiard enthusiasts with disabilities in their daily lives and training. Those who are physically able may never fully understand what you have gone through. But I know that you possess stronger spiritsand beautiful minds, and you deserve a platform to showcase your strength and demonstrate the resilient vitality of humanity!By showcasing your strengths, you can taste the fruits of your efforts and gain joy and confidence.Heyball就是这样一个平台!我们用一个全新单词命名这项充满活力且包容世界的运动,从一开始就想让它的爱好者,不带任何标签、不带任何属性,只享受竞技的激情和人文情怀。Heyball is precisely such a platform. We named this vibrant sport with a brand-new word, intending from the outset to allow its enthusiasts to enjoy the passion of competition and humanistic sentiment without any labels or attributes.今天,通过残障人世锦赛,Heyball也将会以一种前所未有的姿态,向全世界展示着“博爱相通,世界球同”的魅力。在这里,不同肤色的运动员们汇聚一堂,公平竞技,用智慧和汗水,共同书写着关于勇气、坚持和爱的故事。Today, through theWPA Parasport World Championships, Heyball will showcase to the world, in an unprecedented way, the charm of “JOY Billiards Uniting the World”. Here, athletes of different skin colors have gathered to compete fairly, using their talent and efforts of different parts of the world.我们今天的赛事举办在2028年第34届奥运会前夕,再过4年,同样是在洛杉矶这座充满博爱的城市,奥林匹克运动又将迎来一次华丽绽放。我们崇拜奥运精神,不仅仅是更高、更快、更强,更因为它代表了相互理解、友谊、团结的体育真谛。Our event is held before the 34th Olympic Games in 2028. In four years, also in the city of Los Angeles, the Olympic movement will once again shine brilliantly. We admire the Olympic spirit, not only for being higher, faster, and stronger, but also because it represents the true essence of sports of mutual understanding, friendship, and togetherness.当前,Heyball正处在冲击奥运的冲刺阶段,奥运会它是属于每一个爱好者的。今天的盛会,就是在向世人展示:钟爱Heyball运动的男女老少、无论肢体是否健全,都在用不同方式展现着这项运动的无穷魅力并加速入奥的进程!Currently, Heyball is in the crucial stage towards the Olympic Games, and it belongs to every enthusiast. Today's grand gathering aims to show the world that people of all ages and genders, with or without physical and mental disabilities, are showcasing the infinite charm of this sport in different ways and accelerating its journey to the Olympics!有可能若干年后,您们中的一些人可能会代表您的国家,在残奥会的Heyball比赛中为荣誉而战!到那个时候,您们一定会回想起今天这场赛事的意义!In a few years, some of you may represent your country and compete for honor in Heyball discipline at the Paralympics. By then, you will surely recall the significance of today's event.朋友们,我有一个强烈的感觉,那就是我们今天的盛会,将写在Heyball入奥乃至台球运动发展史上,我们既是历史的见证者,更是历史的推动者和创造者!我为我们所有人感到自豪和骄傲!Friends, I have a strong sense that today's grand gathering will be inscribed in the history of Heyball's journey to the Olympics and even the development of cue sports. We are not only witnesses of history but part of making it! I am proud of all of us!我希望所有参赛选手,都尽情享受比赛的乐趣,尽情表达自己的情绪,展示自己的风采;同时我希望,通过这场盛大的赛事,能够唤醒各界对残障人士的更多的关注,使他们能够在心理和物质上,都能更多的感受到这个世界的善意,这个世界的美好。I hope that all the athletes can fully enjoy the fun of the event, express your emotions freely, and showcase your unique charm.And I alsohope that this grand event can awaken the attention of all sectors to people with disabilities, so that they can feel more kindness from this world, both physically and mentally.我希望,不同肤色的朋友们,在赛场上相视一笑,那份跨越种族、跨越国界的友谊,比任何奖牌都要荣耀。I hope that friends of different cultures can exchange smiles in the venue, and that this friendship shines brighter than any medal.我希望,我们在这里能用行动证明:在这个星球上,没有什么能阻挡我们心灵的相通,没有什么能隔绝我们彼此的关爱。拉紧Heyball这一纽带,一定可以连接起无数脉动的心,共同创造一个更加和谐、美好的世界!I hope that we can prove here with our actions that nothing on this planet can hinder the communication of our hearts or separate our mutual care. By tightening the bond of Heyball, we can definitely connect countless hearts and jointly create a more harmonious and beautiful world!我想对所有参赛的运动员们说——你们是这个世界上最勇敢的战士!无论结果如何,只要您们参赛了,就已经赢得了全世界的尊重和喝彩。Dear athletes – you are the bravest warriors in this world! Regardless of the result, you have already earned the respect and applause of the entire world.最后,让我们以爱的名义,一起见证中式八球残障人世锦赛的辉煌时刻!见证“博爱相通,世界球同”美好愿景的呈现!谢谢大家,爱你们!At last, in the name of love, let’s witness the glorious moment of the WPA Heyball Parasport World Championships, and the great vision of “JOY Billiards Uniting the World”. Thank you all, I love you!