While plain water is the healthiest source of water, Ritchieson says any non-alcoholic drink makes a contribution. When, in 2016, researchers at the University of Stirling monitored water levels in students for four hours after taking on different liquids, they found that a litre of instant coffee—and even beer—was as hydrating as the same amount of water. But water levels remained highest of all, above water even, after drinking milk.
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注释:注:黄色是主干,红色是定语,绿色是状语,紫色是同位语,蓝色是作为灵活机动的表示While plain water is the healthiest source of water, Ritchieson says any non-alcoholic drink makes a contribution.
When, in 2016, researchers at the University of Stirling monitored hydration levels in students for four hours after taking on different liquids, they found that a litre of instant coffee—and even beer—was as hydrating as the same amount of water.参考译文:2016年,斯特灵大学的研究人员监测了学生们饮用不同液体后四小时内的补水效果,他们发现一升速溶咖啡甚至啤酒的补水效果与相同容量的水一样。
But water levels remained highest of all, above water even, after drinking milk.While plain water is the healthiest source of water, Ritchieson says any non-alcoholic drink makes a contribution. When, in 2016, researchers at the University of Stirling monitored water levels in students for four hours after taking on different liquids, they found that a litre of instant coffee—and even beer—was as hydrating as the same amount of water. But water levels remained highest of all, above water even, after drinking milk.在社交媒体上吹嘘每日喝水的升数已经成了名人的一种荣誉徽章,詹妮弗·安妮斯顿和格温妮丝·帕特洛都表示自己每天能喝3升水。但不是每个人都会觉得喝水这么容易。不少人觉得喝白水太“枯燥”,而且频繁上厕所也颇浪费时间。英国国家医疗服务体系的指导原则建议成人的日摄水量应控制在6至8杯之间,相当于2升。虽然这是大家熟知的8杯水标准,但实际上非常少的实证研究支持这个数字。扫描下方二维码,获取更多考研英语备考指南⬇️