博后 | 年薪40W+,瑞典KTH皇家学院招10个博士后

文摘   2024-10-01 09:29   德国  




有需要博士后职位发布的教授/PI,也欢迎通过相同方式, 添加叫兽微信,免费发布职位!


 Title:Up to ten postdoc fellows in technologies for digital transformation

 Employer:KTH Royal Institute of Technology

 Location:Brinellvägen 8 Stockholm, Sweden


 Application deadline:2024-10-22 23:59 (Europe/Stockholm)

                                      2024-10-22 23:59 (CET)

 Job type:Postdoc

 Field:InformaticsInformation ScienceComputer Communications (Networks)Programming LanguagesSoftware Engineering and 12 more


About the position

Digital Futures postdoc fellowships aim to support talented early-career international researchers in pursuing their research ideas in a new research group and institution. As this is a mobility programme, the emphasis is on early career researchers moving to a new institution to continue their research. The funding programme aims to provide networking opportunities and career development to boost successful postdoc fellows’ future careers.

For this mobility programme, we highly welcome international applicants from institutions based anywhere in the world who have recently completed or will soon complete their doctorate.

Digital Futures is a cross-disciplinary research centre that explores and develops digital technologies. We bring solutions to great societal challenges in Sweden and globally. We generate knowledge, innovations, and future leaders of high industrial relevance and strategic importance. Digital Futures is jointly established by KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm University, and RISE Research Institutes of Sweden. Digital Futures awards funding to strategic research projects and individuals to support a specific action or project that furthers the vision of Digital Futures. Find out more about Digital Futures here.

Digital Futures consists of researchers from all schools at KTH, Stockholm University, RISE, and external partners. Digital Futures’ physical location is in the award-winning building of the Architecture School at KTH Campus, and Professor Karl H Johansson leads the centre.

The core research themes in Digital Futures are “Trust”, “Learn”, and “Cooperate”, cutting across four prioritized societal contexts — “Smart Society”, “Digitalized Industry”, “Rich and Healthy Life”, and “Educational Transformation”. 



  • A doctoral degree or an equivalent foreign degree. Please indicate in your CV if you had periods of leave due to illness or parental leave. The doctoral degree must have been received before starting the proposed postdoc fellowship, and all proposed fellowships in this round are expected to begin between June 2025 and December 2025.

  • International experience, such as studying or working in a university outside of Sweden.


 We offer

  • Funding to pursue research ideas and conduct research in a new research group at a leading university or institute within the Digital Futures environment that creates knowledge and expertise for a sustainable future.

  • The funding includes salary costs for two years for each employed postdoc fellow.

  • An international workplace and environment.

  • Access to Digital Futures’ resources, its network of academic and industrial partners, infrastructure and testbeds, events, and happenings.

  • Mentorship and support in career development and research leadership education.

  • Help to relocate and get settled in Sweden


 How to apply

The last day for submission is on 22 October 2024. The application should include the following:

  1. Abstract, which provides a brief overview suitable for the general public and includes a description of the proposed research activities, objectives, methods, and potential results (less than 300 words).

  2. Proposal of research activities that should include research question/s and objectives, details of what you plan to do, how you plan to do it, and what is significant about this proposed research for your field and Digital Futures. More information about the Digital Futures research matrix can be found here. Please use clear wording to ensure that reviewers from other specialisations understand your proposal. (max 1 page).

  3. CV including relevant professional experience, knowledge, and publications (max 2 pages).

  4. Research statement describing past and current research (max 1 page).

  5. Copy of diplomas and transcripts from doctoral studies. If a candidate is yet to obtain a doctoral degree, include diplomas and transcripts from Master’s studies. Translations into English or Swedish if the original documents have not been issued in any of these languages.







· The  End ·

往期推荐 Recommended readings


@留德华叫兽:系美国Clemson大学数学硕士(运筹学方向)、Ph.D. candidate,欧盟玛丽居里学者,德国海德堡大学数学博士(离散优化、图像处理),读博期间前往意大利博洛尼亚大学、IBM实习半年,巴黎综合理工访问一季。现任德国无人驾驶资深研发工程师。

读博期间创办【运筹OR帷幄】技术、【DIY飞跃计划】留学|科研社区并运营至今,2020.08创办【DeepMatch】硕博|海外AI交友社区 ,知乎|B站 | 今日头条|微博等平台科普自媒体创作者(超100w关注者)。



