公 告希腊驻华大使馆拟招聘一名设施助理,合同期两年。应聘者年龄应在21周岁以上,60周岁以下,中国永久居民,持有驾照,精通中文,有英语或希腊语基础。专业经验、教育程度以及处理机密和敏感信息的能力也将作为考虑因素。请申请人于2024年11月19日前将申请信和个人简历寄往以下地址,并在需要时提交必要文件。希腊大使馆 北京市朝阳区光华路19号 中国北京 100600 ANNOUNCEMENT The Embassy of Greece in Beijing announces that it intends to recruit a Facilities Assistant with a two-year contract. The candidate should be at least 21 and maximum 60 years old, a permanent resident of China, holder of driver's license, proficient in Chinese and basic knowledge of English or Greek language. Professional experience, education and ability to handle confidential and sensitive information will also be taken into consideration. The applicants are kindly requested to submit an application letter along with their CV, by November 19, 2024, at the following address, assuming the obligation to present, if required, any necessary document. Embassy of Greece No.19 Guang Hua Lu, Chaoyang District Beijing 100600, P.R.CHINA