设问方法:环环相扣,相互联系,循环,整体,全面,系统【答题要点】联系是指事物内部各要素之间和事物之间相互影响、相互制约、相互作用的关系。联系具有客观性、普遍性、多样性和条件性的特点。要求人们善于分析事物的具体联系,确立整体、开放性观念,从动态中考察事物的普遍联系。【答题要点】矛盾的同一性是指矛盾双方相互依存、相互贯通的性质和趋势。矛盾的斗争性是矛盾着的对立面之间相互排斥、相互分离的性质和趋势。矛盾的同一性和斗争性相互联结、相互制约,矛盾的斗争性是无条件的绝对的,矛盾的同一性是有条件相对的,矛盾的斗争性寓于同一性之中,矛盾的斗争性与同一性共同推动事物的发展。要求我们在分析和解决矛盾时,必须从对立中把握同一,从同一中把握对立。设问方法:辩证思维分析问题,体现了什么样的辩证思维【答题思路】辩证思维模板【答题要点】运用辩证唯物主义理论与方法,要从联系的观点看问题,把握事物的普遍联系。要从发展的观点看问题,从发展中找出路。要运用矛盾分析方法分析问题解决问题,要承认 矛盾、分析矛盾、解决矛盾。善于抓住关键、找准重点,洞察事物发展规律,从对立中把握统一,从统一中把握对立,把共性与个性相结合,认识事物从个别到一般,再从一般到个别,做到具体问题具体分析。设问方法:开辟马克思主义中国化时代化新境界,谱写马克思主义中国化时代化新篇章,推动理论思想不断发展、认识的能动作用【答题思路】认识的本质、认识发展规律、实践与认识辩证关系、认识能动作用【答题要点】认识是主体在实践基础上对客体的能动反映。认识的发展要经过从实践到认识、从认识到实践,实践、认识、再实践、再认识,循环反复和无限发展的过程。实践决定认识,实践是认识的基础、来源、动力、目的和检验标准。认识能动反作用于实践,具有目的性计划性和创造性,能够指导实践改造世界。【答题要点】创新是社会发展的不竭动力,实践创新为理论创新提供不竭的动力源泉,理论创新为实践创新提供科学的行动指南,我们要努力实现理论创新和实践创新的良性互动,做到守正创新。守正创新深刻揭示了坚持真理与发展真理,坚持马克思主义与发展马克思主义的辩证关系。要坚持守正不动摇。守正,就是坚持实事求是,坚持真理性认识,坚持正确政治方向。要坚持创新不停步。创新,就是坚持解放思想,破除与客观事物进程不相符合的旧观念、旧理论、旧模式、旧做法,发现和运用事物的新联系、新规律,更有效地认识世界和改造世界。守正是创新的前提和基础,创新是守正的目的和路径。Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following picture and chart. In your essay, you should1) describe the picture and chart briefly,2) interpret the meaning, andYou should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points)As is subtly depicted in the left picture, in a shop stands a youthful boy, a customer, who is holding his mobile phone in the hand and paying for his goodson it. Besides, in the other chart, the percentage of “mobile phone payment” in the payment methods of consumers in China is 66%, making it the most common mode of payment. Obviously, the implication of the picture and chart is that mobile phone payment has become increasingly popular in recent years due to its convenience and ease of use.With the advent of smartphones and mobile wallets, consumers can now make payments for goods and services using their mobile devices, without the need for cash or physical cards. This has revolutionized the way people shop and pay for things, making transactions faster and more secure. One of the main reasons for the popularity of mobile-phone payment is its convenience. With just afew taps on their smartphones, consumers can make payments quickly and easily.Overall, the popularity of mobile phone payment is a reflection of the changing landscape of commerce and the increasing reliance on technology in our daily lives. As more and more people adopt this convenient and secure payment method, it is likely to become even more widespread in the future.如左图微妙地所示,在一家商店里,站着一位年轻的男孩,一位顾客,他手里拿着手机, 正在上面为购买的商品付款。另外,在另一张图表中,移动支付在中国消费者支付方式中的 占比达到了 66%,使其成为最常见的支付方式。显然,图片和图表所传达的信息是,近年 来,由于便捷性和易用性,移动支付变得越来越流行。随着智能手机和移动钱包的出现,消费者现在可以使用他们的移动设备为商品和服务 付款,无需现金或实体卡片。这彻底改变了人们购物和付款的方式,使交易更快、更安全。移动支付流行的主要原因之一便是其便捷性。消费者只需在手机上轻点几下,就可以快速轻 松地完成付款。总的来说,移动支付的流行反映了商业环境的变化以及我们日常生活中对技术的日益 依赖。随着越来越多的人采用这种便捷且安全的支付方式,它未来可能会更加普及。Write an essay based on the charts blow. In your writing, you should1) interpret the charts, andYou should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET. (15 points)The bar chart clearly demonstrates the trend of the change regarding the elderly population in China from 2013 to 2023. Specifically speaking, during this period, the number of the elderly population increases significantly from 202 million to 298 million. Concurrently, the proportion of the elderly population has exhibited a similar trend.This phenomenon maybe attributed to the following factors. Firstly, over the past three decades, the one-child policy has resulted in a significant decline in the proportion of young people. Secondly, the phenomenon is closely linked to the development of Chinese medical care. In particular, the result of advances in medicine, public health policies and living standards has been a notable increase in the wealth and longevity of the Chinese population.In light of these considerations, it is imperative that government prioritise the forthcoming challenges and develop comprehensive strategies to enhance social welfare and alleviate the stress experienced by young people.该柱状图清晰地反映了2013年至2023年中国老年人口数量变化的趋势。具体而言,在此期间,老年人口数量从2.02亿人大幅增加到了2.98亿人。与此同时,老年人口的比例也已经呈现出类似的趋势。这种现象可能是由以下因素引起的。首先, 在过去的30年里,独生子女政策使年轻人的 比例大幅下降。其次,这一现象与中国医疗保健的发展密切相关。尤其是医学、公共卫生政策的进步和生活水平的提高,使人的财富和寿命显著增加。鉴于此,政府应该重视即将到来的挑战,并制定全面的战略来加强社会福利,减轻年轻人的压力。25考研数学高频公式
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