报名者应具备民事行为能力,年龄在18至65周岁之间。Opened for the players in 18-65 years old with capacity for civil conduct.(二)健康要求 Health Requirement每位参赛选手是自己的健康与安全第一责任人,报名参赛应坚持生命安全与健康优先的原则,有以下疾病、行为及身体不适状况者禁止报名参加比赛,隐藏患有以下疾病、伤患等事实或其他不适合参加剧烈运动的情况,仍报名参加比赛,若在比赛期间发生意外情况,由参赛选手本人及其家属、监护人承担相应责任以及给赛事组委会带来的影响与损失:本赛事组委会要求所有选手在3个月内通过正规医疗机构进行过正规体检(检查项目应包括但不限于:动态心电图、血压、心脑血管、心肺肝肾功能等),并结合检查报告、医生意见进行自我健康评估,确认自己的身体及精神状况能够适应于山地户外运动赛事,方可报名参赛。For the priority of life safety and health, event registration is forbidden for the people with illness or conditions below:Congenital heart disease and rheumatic heart disease;Hypertension and cerebrovascular disease;Myocarditis and other heart diseases;Coronary artery disease and severe arrhythmia;With high or low blood sugar diabetes;Overdrinkers before race;Physically exhausted due to insufficient sleep before race;Suffer from infectious diseases but are not cured;Pregnant women;Other people who is not suitable for strenuous exercise and long time exercise.All player should get a physical examination through regular medical institutions before race, and evaluate your health condition scientifically.(一)计时和有效成绩 Timing and Result赛事采用芯片感应计时,赛时参赛者必须按指定时间在出发区集合、检录及出发,所有参赛者必须沿指定线路前进及打卡,如参赛者缺少任何一个打卡(计时点)的成绩,将视为比赛成绩无效。The competition adopts chip induction timing. All players must check in and start at the designated departure area. All players must go forward along the specified route. If the player is lack of any timing record , the result will be deemed invalid.若参赛选手确实按规定时间从起点出发,并按指定路线行进、经过了全部计时点,但发生计时数据丢失的,以该计时点赛事裁判手记成绩为准:计时数据丢失,但有手记成绩的,由裁判组审核确认后可视为比赛成绩有效;计时数据丢失,且手记成绩记录也缺失的,将认定为比赛成绩无效。If the player was setting off according to competition rules, and ran along the specified route, but some of the timing records are lost. The judge team could identify the result by handwriting record.2、个人比赛排名 Personal Ranking全部个人选手的完赛成绩及成绩排名以枪声计时的系统记录成绩为准,系统计时数据丢失但裁判组审核确认相应手记成绩有效的,可取用手记有效成绩进行排名。即使个人选手共同抵达终点、携手冲线,组委会仍认定系统成绩排名,不取并列成绩。The personal ranking is according to the timing system record by gunshot. And the recognized handwriting record is valid when timing system record lost. The competition do not take parallel result even if players cross the finish line hand in hand.(二)关门时间及退赛 Close Time and withdraw from the competition检查站设有计时关门时间的,所有参赛者必须在相应关门时间前抵达检查站,未在关门时间前抵达的参赛者应按照该检查站工作人员指引登记退赛并下撤至最近的收容点乘坐收容车返回主会场,不得继续参加比赛。强行继续进行比赛者成绩无效,且可能面临较大安全风险,因此发生的安全意外事故将由参赛者及参赛者家属自行承担全部责任。Checkpoint are set up with close time. Every player should arrive the checkpoint before close time. Players arrive the checkpoint after close time should withdraw from race according to the guidance of the staffs.在参赛过程中参赛者有意中途退出,应前往最近的检查站按照工作人员指引进行退赛登记,无法前往检查站进行退赛登记的,也可前往终点主会场进行退赛登记或拨打号码布背面的应急联系电话完成退赛登记流程。若参赛者擅自退出、未进行退赛登记,可能会导致大量浪费搜救人力及物资进行搜索,也可能让其他有需要者延误救援。If the player intends to withdraw halfway, he/she should go to the nearest checkpoint to register for withdrawal. If he/she cannot go to the checkpoint to register for withdrawal, he/she could go to the main venue of the destination or call the emergency contact number on the back of the bib to complete the withdrawal process.3、医疗强制退赛 Medical Compulsory Withdrawal为确保参赛者的人身健康和安全,赛事医疗人员有权要求对参赛者进行医疗询问和检查,被询问或检查的参赛者应配合医疗人员进行检查。医疗人员根据检查结果,有明确证据和理由表明该选手不适合继续进行比赛的,有权要求参赛者进行休息、接受医疗处置或退出比赛。被医疗人员合理判定不应继续参加比赛的,参赛者应尊重医疗人员的专业评估意见并按照工作人员的指引进行退赛登记。In order to ensure the health and safety of players, the event medical group have the right to ask for medical inquiry and examination of the players. According to the examination results, if the medical staff have clear evidence and reasons to show that the player is not suitable to continue the competition, the player should accept medical treatment or withdraw from the competition.强行继续进行比赛者成绩无效,且可能面临较大的安全风险,因此发生的安全意外事故将由参赛者及参赛者家属自行承担全部责任。The result of those who force to continue competition is invalid. And the player may face greater safety risks. Therefore, the safety accidents will be borne by the player and their families.中国马拉松国家队运动员吴向东会长推荐迈胜能量补给PB礼包,买续航能量胶1盒(10支,原味/柠香红茶味/咖啡味三种口味可选),送:明星片*1张+硬粒盐丸*40粒+黑胶*2支+电解质pro*2支,总价值143元,活动价仅需99元,性价比爆棚,速速扫码抢购👇🏻