比赛目标 Race Objective
致敬古德伍德传统项目,本次爬山赛车手们需要沿着金盏森林公园里一条1.37公里赛道飞驰,最短时间内跑至终点的车手就是胜利者。In tribute to the Goodwood tradition, racers will speed along a 1.37
km track within Jinzhan Forest Park. The driver who completes the course in the
shortest time will be the winner.
金港活动客服热线:136-8353-0448(同微信)Event hotline: 136-8353-0448 (WeChat)Hill climb registration deadline: October 18, 2024 23:59Other events registration deadline: none (you can register on-site)奖项设置 Prizes
全场冠军30,000元 Overall Champion ¥30,000
全场亚军20,000元 Overall Runner-up ¥20,000
全场季军10,000元 Overall Third place ¥10,000组别冠军2,500元 Group Champions ¥2,500
组别亚军1,500元 Group Runner-up ¥1,500
组别季军1,000元 Group Third place ¥1,000
车辆分类 Vehicle Group
前驱赛车组 FWD Race Cars(允许全热熔)后驱赛车组 RWD Race Cars(允许全热熔)四驱赛车组 4WD Race Cars(允许全热熔)
安全规定 Safety
车手评级:报名车手的驾驶水平需经过组委会根据金港赛道圈速成绩进行评估是否可以参与。Participants driving skills will be assessed based on their
lap times at the Goldenport Track to determine eligibility.驾驶员装备:驾驶员必须穿戴FIA认证头盔、赛车服、赛车手套和赛车鞋等保护装备。Driver gear: Drivers must wear FIA-approved helmets, race
suits, gloves, and shoes.
发车顺序 Starting Order
比赛采取单车发车。The race will follow a single-car start format.
比赛规则 Race Rules
起跑:车手需在发车点起跑,超越发车线前提前发车将被视为犯规。Start: Drivers must begin at the starting line, and any early
start before crossing the line will be considered a foul.赛道边界:赛车不得偏离赛道,违反者可能会被罚时或取消成绩。Track Boundaries: Vehicles must stay within the track.
Off-track driving may result in time penalties or disqualification.事故处理:若出现事故,赛车手需在保证安全的情况下等候救援,严禁继续驾驶损坏严重的车辆。Accidents: In the event of an accident, drivers must wait for
assistance in a safe manner and are prohibited from continuing with severely
damaged vehicles.
处罚与犯规 Penalties and Violations
出赛道:如果车辆偏离赛道或撞上赛道保护设施,可能会被罚时或取消成绩。Off-Track: If a vehicle leaves the track or hits protective
barriers, it may result in a time penalty or disqualification.技术违规:驾驶车辆与报名信息不符会被视为违规,可能导致取消比赛资格。Technical Violations: If the vehicle used does not match the
registered details, it will be considered a violation, potentially leading to
比赛天气 Weather Conditions
天气条件可能会对比赛产生极大影响,赛事组织者有权根据天气情况调整比赛日程或赛道条件。Weather may significantly impact the race, and the organizers
reserve the right to adjust the schedule or track conditions accordingly.
赛后检查 Post-Race Inspection
比赛结束后,主办方会对获胜车辆和随机抽取的其他参赛车辆进行技术检查,确保车辆符合报名分组。After the race, the winning vehicles and randomly selected
others will undergo technical inspections to ensure they comply with their
registered categories.