
文摘   2024-12-18 14:01   福建  





May you walk all over the mountains and seas and feel that the world is worth it.

愿你踏遍山海 觉得人间值得。

I like old song, old friend and constant lover.


 If you are still single, it is the luckiest thing. Please look up. God is watching you. He said, I want to arrange a special person for this child.一个小和尚慌慌张张地跑到老和尚面前,无比悔恨地说:“师傅,今天,我sha生了,绝对不是故意的。”师傅说:“出家人,戒sha生。”小和尚说:“我在野外小便,没想到把一蚂蚁淹S了。师傅说:“蚂蚁是被你的小便烫S的,以后,在外小便时用手掌装一下,等冷了再倒掉。”

有一哥们酒驾,被警察发现了,他机智的跑进了广场舞的人群里。由于喝多了跟不上脚步被警察发现了,然后带走了他。旁边两个老头吓坏了:“我的妈呀,跳不好还得被抓走! A buddy was drunk driving and was found by the police. He tittyly ran into the crowd of square dancing. He was found by the police because he drank too much and couldn't keep up with him, and then took him away. The two old men next to him were scared: "Oh, my God, if you can't dance well, you have to be arrested!"

乌龟受伤,让蜗牛去买药过了两个小时,蜗牛还没回来乌龟心急了骂到:他再不回来老子就死了!这时门外传来了蜗牛的声音:你再说老子不去了The turtle was injured and asked the snail to buy medicine. Two hours later, before the snail came back, the turtle was anxious and scolded: If he doesn't come back, I will die!" At this time, the voice of a snail came from outside the door: Let's say that I'm not going.
