
文摘   2024-06-19 17:30   北京  

墨尔本冬季杰作展® 2024




Head of a royal statue wearing the white crown, probably Pharaoh Thutmose III 
Egypt, Thebes, Karnak 
18th Dynasty, reign of Thutmose III, about 1479–1457 BCE 
green siltstone 
H 46cm, W 19cm, D 32cm  
British Museum, London 
© The Trustees of the British Museum 





图一:Tomb painting representing King Amenhotep I
Egypt, Thebes, Sheikh Abd el-Qurna, tomb of Kynebu 
20th Dynasty, reign of Ramses VIII, about 1129–1126 BCE 
painted plaster 
H 43.5, W 21.6 cm  
British Museum, London 

图二:Girdle with amulets, beads and


findspot unknown, probably Egypt

12th Dynasty, about 1985–1795 BCE

electrum, silver, lapis lazuli, feldspar,

amethyst, cornelian, glass

British Museum, London

© The Trustees of the British Museum

Amulets in the shape of fish, probably worn in

the hair

Egypt, Thebes

12th Dynasty, about 1985–1795 BCE

gold, quartz

British Museum, London

© The Trustees of the British Museum

图三:Necklace with lizard amulets, symbols

of regeneration

findspot unknown, probably Egypt

18th Dynasty, about 1550–1295 BCE

gold, lapis lazuli, cornelian

British Museum, London

© The Trustees of the British Museum

Amulet with the head of Hathor on a

图四:Ornament depicting the throne name of

King Senusret II

Egypt, possibly Thebes

12th Dynasty, reign of Senusret II, about

1880–1874 BCE

electrum, lapis lazuli, cornelian, feldspar

British Museum, London

© The Trustees of the British Museum


图五:Finger ring in the shape of a snake

findspot unknown, probably Egypt

Ptolemaic Period, about 300–100 BCE


British Museum, London

© The Trustees of the British Museum

图六:Plaque showing King Amenemhat IV

offering ointment to the god Atum, Lord

of Heliopolis

Lebanon, Byblos

12th Dynasty, reign of Amenemhat IV,

about 1808–1799 BCE


British Museum, London

© The Trustees of the British Museum


右图:Installation view of Wall belonging

to the funerary chapel of Urirenptah

as part of the 2024 Melbourne

Winter Masterpieces® Pharaoh, a

collaboration between the British

Museum and the NGV, on display

from 14 June – 6 October 2024 at

NGV International, Melbourne.

Photo: Sean Fennessy

左图:Installation view of the 2024

Melbourne Winter Masterpieces®

Pharaoh, a collaboration between

the British Museum and the NGV,

on display from 14 June – 6

October 2024 at NGV International,


Photo: Sean Fennessy

NGV还为儿童和家庭策划了一个免费展览《Ancient Egypt for Kids》,通过互动活动介绍古埃及的艺术和文化,并在展览期间每周举办新的NGV周五之夜。

为了庆祝展览向公众开放,6月15日星期六,NGV将举办免费对话活动,邀请展览策展人和学者深入探讨展览制作的幕后故事和古埃及文化。展览策展人、大英博物馆尼罗河谷葬礼文化策展人Dr Marie Vandenbeusch也将发表演讲。

Installation view of Ancient Egypt

for Kids on display from 14 June –

6 October 2024 at NGV

International, Melbourne.

Photo: Tom Ross

展览时间:6月14日 至 10月6日

地址:NGV International,Ground Level



