推荐 | 开创可持续能源创新的新时代:科勒能源品牌焕新为 Rehlko

科技   2024-11-25 17:03   上海  


科勒, 威斯康星洲 — 2024 年 9 月 17 日, 科勒能源(Kohler Energy) 正式焕新品牌为 Rehlko(读作 REL-co),这标志着公司在其跨越世纪的辉煌旅程中的又一重要里程碑。


KOHLER, Wis. – September 17th, 2024 – Kohler Energy today officially rebranded under its new corporate name Rehlko (pronounced REL-co), marking a major milestone in the company’s 100-plus-year history delivering innovative, resilient energy solutions that provide independence, agility, and security to mission-critical infrastructure, facilities and residences.

Rehlko 将继续作为一家独立企业运营。该公司于 2024 年 5 月成为一家独立实体,同时 Platinum Equity 成功完成与 Kohler Company 的交易,正式成立了名为 科勒能源(Kohler Energy) 的独立运营公司。Platinum Equity 是 Rehlko 的主要股东,而 科勒公司 仍是其投资合作伙伴。

Rehlko will continue operating as an independent enterprise. The company became a stand-alone entity in May 2024 when Platinum Equity completed a transaction with Kohler Company to establish then Kohler Energy as a stand-alone business. Platinum Equity is the majority owner of Rehlko with Kohler Company remaining an investment partner.

Rehlko 首席执行官 Brian Melka 表示:“我们将以全新的 Rehlko 品牌迎接作为独立公司的崭新未来。我们不仅纪念深厚的历史传承,更重申应对复杂能源挑战的坚定承诺,以及始终指引我们前行的核心价值观。我们公司的新命名融合了 Kohler 中的六个字母,反映了我们在应对市场不断变化、纷繁复杂的分布式能源需求时所展现出的可靠性、决心、创新性和应变能力,这些特质历来是公司的鲜明标志,并将持续引领我们前行。”

“We are embracing our future as an independent company with the new Rehlko brand and celebrating our legacy and our commitment for tackling the most complex energy challenges, and the values that guide everything we do and stand for,” said Brian Melka, Rehlko chief executive officer. “Our company’s new name is derived from the six letters of Kohler and reflects the reliability, resolve, reinvention, and resilience that have been – and will remain – the hallmarks of this organization in addressing the ever evolving distributed energy needs of the marketplace.”

Rehlko 将持续为客户提供涵盖发电、储能和可再生能源技术的全面能源解决方案,带来卓越的控制力、韧性和创新动力。

Rehlko will continue to provide control, resilience and innovation through a comprehensive range of energy solutions, including power generation, energy storage, and renewable energy technologies among others.

Rehlko 旗下拥有广泛的领先企业阵容,包括 电力系统、发动机、不间断电源、家庭能源、克拉克能源、科蒂斯仪器、海拉技术。到 2024 年底,科勒电力系统 和科勒发动机将正式融入 Rehlko 品牌体系,引领整个企业所有业务组合的品牌转型。

Rehlko operates a broad portfolio of leading businesses including Power Systems, Engines, Uninterruptible Power, Home Energy, Clarke Energy, Curtis Instruments, and Heila Technologies. Kohler Power Systems and Kohler Engines will lead the enterprise portfolio brand transition by officially becoming Rehlko branded by the end of 2024.

Rehlko 首席品牌和可持续发展官 Francis Perrin 表示:“此次启用新品牌名不仅仅是巧妙地更改公司名称。Rehlko 这个名字的组成字母不仅承载着 科勒品牌逾百年积淀的深厚传统,也代表着我们在继续构筑和推动可持续能源未来的征程中迈出了果敢的一步。新品牌名称标志着公司业务的战略性重塑,将其定位于创新和能源韧性技术的前沿,彰显了满足客户对可靠、可控能源的需求的决心。Rehlko 品牌比以往任何时候都更加专注于以目标为导向。”

“This rebranding is more than just a clever name change. The letters that comprise the name Rehlko reflect our 100-plus years of rich heritage under the Kohler brand and represent a bold step forward in our journey to continue building and powering a sustainable energy future,” said Francis Perrin, chief brand and sustainability officer at Rehlko. “Our new brand repositions our business at the forefront of innovation and energy resilience technology and showcases our proven ability to deliver to our customers with the energy reliability and control that they demand and require. The Rehlko brand is more focused and purpose-driven than ever before.”

Melka 先生将于 9 月 17 日在《Fast Company》创新节上隆重揭晓新的企业 Rehlko 品牌,并预告即将上线的新版企业官网 — Rehlko.com。在接下来的几周和几个月里,公司将通过一系列多层次的营销策略实现新企业品牌重塑,包括在顶级商业和贸易行业媒体上开展主题为‘韧性,铸就重塑之基’的针对性广告宣传活动,以介绍 Rehlko。同时,公司很高兴能继续与 Interpublic Group(“IPG”)旗下的两家全球传播和品牌推广机构万博宣伟( Weber Shandwick Collective) 和 FutureBrand 保持紧密的合作关系,这两家公司分别为本次品牌发布和品牌设计工作提供了强有力的支持。

Mr. Melka will officially unveil the new enterprise Rehlko brand at the Fast Company Innovation Festival on September 17th and will soon launch its new corporate website – Rehlko.com. Over the coming weeks and months, the company will support its new enterprise rebranding through a multi-faceted marketing effort including a targeted advertising campaign to introduce Rehlko across top- tier business and trade industry media publications, with the theme “Resilience is Reinvention”. The company is also thrilled to continue its partnership with two of the Interpublic Group’s ("IPG") global communications and branding agencies, The Weber Shandwick Collective and FutureBrand, who have been supporting brand launch and brand design efforts, respectively.

Rehlko 总部位于威斯康星州,将在美洲、亚洲、欧洲、中东和非洲的 100 多个地区开展业务。

Headquartered in Wisconsin, Rehlko will maintain operations in more than 100 locations across the Americas, Asia, Europe, the Middle East and Africa.


Rehlko 是全球能源韧性领域的领军企业,凭借其在控制、韧性及创新方面的卓越实力,为家庭能源、工业能源系统和动力总成技术领域提供对维持和提升生活品质至关重要的创新能源解决方案。依托强大的公司业务组合(电力系统、家庭能源、不间断电源、克拉克能源、海拉技术、科蒂斯仪器、发动机),以及一个多世纪以来的行业领导地位,Rehlko 在电网无法正常运作的情况下,不仅仅提供功能性的电力恢复支持,更展现出强大韧性,为人类构建更美好的生活和社区,创造更持久、更可靠的能源未来。欲了解更多详情,请访问 Rehlko.com。

关于Platinum Equity

Platinum Equity 由 Tom Gores 于 1995 年创立,已发展成为一家享誉全球的投资公司,其资产管理规模超过 480 亿美元,投资组合涵盖了约 50 家运营公司,这些公司遍布全球,为全球客户提供优质服务。Platinum Equity 专门从事兼并、收购和运营业务,以其 M&A&O® 的标志性商标战略为核心,在广泛的商界中收购和运营各类公司,涵盖制造、分销、运输和物流、设备租赁、金属服务、媒体和娱乐、技术、电信和其他行业。在过去的 28 年中,Platinum Equity 成功完成了 450 多项收购。




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